Ye Suyi is not a lucky person, and there is nothing special about her.

Of course, it is not difficult for Gu Changge to explore the fate of an ordinary person. It is just a matter of thought.

However, in Gu Changge's view, this kind of thing that is unnecessary and has no benefit to him does not seem like something he would do.

"That’s all……"

Looking at the pleading and timid eyes of the girl in white, Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and then looked at her past and future.

But soon, Gu Changge also frowned, and the expression on his face became slightly surprised.

There are very few beings in this world who can make him have such emotional fluctuations.

But in front of him in the future timeline of the girl in white, he saw some unexpected entanglements with him.

"It turned out to be a person who changed her fate from mortal to immortal, and who was she reincarnated? Or is it someone’s handwriting?"

After thinking for a moment, Gu Changge's eyes fell on Ye Suyi, as if he wanted to see through all her past lives.

However, when he deduced and peeked into Ye Suyi's past lives, there were vast fogs one after another. It floated in from nowhere, covering the entire river of time and the marks of reincarnation.

This scene was somewhat similar, as if I had seen it before.

"This is somewhat similar to the general outline of detachment that appeared in the Biyoutian territory of the fairy civilization at that time, and in the notes left by the Eternal Prime God. It can isolate me from prying eyes and deductions.……"

Gu Changge's eyes suddenly became a little dark.

He really didn't expect that Ye Suyi would have the destiny-changing personality of transforming from mortal to immortal.

This person is somewhat similar to the odd person, and may be innate or man-made.

Based on Gu Changge's deduction just now, he suspected that it was related to man-made factors. Otherwise, why would there be heavy fog that obscured his deduction?

From this point of view, it is a bit similar to the strange identity of a time traveler he created for himself.

If this is the case, then Ye Suyi's origin may not be simple.

"I happened to encounter him, and he has many entanglements with me in the future timeline."

"However, if he hadn’t been encountered by me, he probably wouldn’t have interacted with me in the future timeline. The future I see now is already the future after I made my choice.……"

"Regardless of whether I let her follow me or not, future entanglements will remain the same."

"But if you think so, that's not right. Her appearance is probably not a coincidence, but someone secretly planning it."

"That person has been scheming since a long time ago, and what he scheming is my identity as I walk in the vast world."

At this moment, Gu Changge suddenly understood a lot of things.

No wonder after he left the Daochang True World, he felt that someone had tampered with the current vast world.

God's will cut itself off, and many true worlds and civilizations were cut off. The creatures among them have the concept of"defying the sky".

It is precisely because of the lack of the concept of"defying the sky" that the birth of the Defying Tian Alliance will have fewer obstacles and difficulties.

The other party seems to have figured out some of Gu Changge's plans. and plan, so the way has been paved for him in advance. This can be called a"meeting gift"?

The other party has calculated that he will come back again, and he will act as before, in the name of Daitian, and act on behalf of Tian. He has also calculated. Now, he will reappear as the"Demon Lord".

Thinking of this, Gu Changge suddenly couldn't help but laugh, but in all calculations, the other party missed the most important thing.

Whether it was the Daitian organization in the past, or The current Fatian Alliance or the"Demon Lord" vest are just part of his plan. The opponent calculated to the third floor, but in fact Gu Changge was standing on the tenth floor.

In front of Ye Su Perhaps Ye Suyi's appearance was part of that person's plan, or was Ye Suyi himself"him"?

"If this is how you approach me, then I want to see what kind of tricks you are going to use."

Many thoughts passed by, and Gu Changge's expression returned to his natural state. Ye Suyi didn't know what Gu Changge was thinking, and lowered her head again. She tightly held half of her sleeves with her jade hands, feeling very nervous. It seemed that she was very nervous.

It was as if she was waiting for the final judgment and her final destination.

When she was in Zixiao Mountain, she followed Zi Susu.

Although the two were nominally sisters, Zi Susu always regarded her as The maid served her like a slave, beating and scolding her at every turn. Zi Susu didn't like her face and thought she looked very attractive. As long as she was by her side, other men would look at her immediately.

This made Zi Su Su was very uncomfortable, so she ordered Ye Suyi not to raise her head in front of outsiders.

If she dared to raise her head casually, she would have her face scratched.

Her father was in Zixiao Mountain, and he was not allowed to raise his head in front of outsiders. Without any right to speak, even for her, his biological daughter, he often had a bad look, thinking that it was her arrival that made him less and less popular with his wife.

In her father's home in Zixiao Mountain, Ye Suyi never looked back on her from beginning to end. In the end, she did not get a title.

Her father did not recognize her, but Zi Susu's mother was"kind-hearted" and was willing to keep her and gave her the lowest status of a servant.

But the"kind-hearted" mother"The wife, but she couldn't even see her mother's tablet. Later, she found someone to chop it into several pieces and burn it as firewood.

Her father looked on indifferently, indifferently.

Zi Susu, mother and daughter, With a condescending sneer, he sat at the head of the table and drank tea leisurely, ignoring her pleas and tears.

She smashed her head and her knees were bleeding, but the other party ignored her, her attitude was like She looked at the insect kneeling at her feet jokingly.

Ye Suyi still remembers that scene to this day and will never forget it.

It is impossible for her to go back to Zixiao Mountain like that.

If she wants to go back, it will be somewhere One day, I went to seek justice for my mother.

"Do you have some cultivation skills?"

Suddenly, Gu Changge's words brought Ye Suyi back to her senses from her past thoughts.

She was stunned for a moment, then her face became very nervous when she realized what she was doing, and then she stumbled and replied,"Yes.……"

This is actually a deeply hidden secret of hers. Even the people in Zixiao Mountain don't know that she has cultivation level.

She is not a disciple of Zixiao Mountain and has never practiced Zixiao Mountain's techniques.

Before going to Zixiao Mountain, she had never practiced systematically.

Of course, this cultivation level is not what is seen on the surface. After all, in the huge world of cultivation, everyone knows some cultivation techniques, and even mortals in the secular world have some weak cultivation levels.

Ye Suyi knew that the cultivation Gu Changge asked about must be referring to her hidden cultivation.

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