This scene shocked the entire world, and many powerful creatures in the distant universe could not help but tremble.

In some of the star fields that were closer, there was an instant of deathly silence.

If a being in the Tao realm is cruel, he can completely kill all practitioners and living beings in a large world.

At this time, naturally no one dares to get into trouble

"Seal the surrounding universe and prevent any practitioners or living beings from leaving."

"I really want to know how the Son of God could fall into it."

"If someone attempts to harm the Son of God, we will definitely make them regret it."

The other elders of the Eternal God Clan looked extremely ugly and shouted.

Although they did not take action, they also ordered the rest of the clan to seal off this universe and not allow anyone to leave.

The entrance and exit of Biyou Tianjing are here. , they must find a way to investigate the truth about the fall of the Son of God.

For a time, the news that the Son of God of the Eternal God Clan fell in the territory of Biyoutian spread quickly like a hurricane, spreading from this universe, attracting a huge amount of attention. Sensational.

But now, all the tribes of the fairy civilization are like mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and they cannot protect themselves.

Even after hearing the news, they are not much moved. Many eyes are on the battle between the Zhuo tribe, the Hun tribe and the Wu tribe. Zhong Zai.

I am afraid that the Eternal God Clan will not be spared in the future and will be involved.

At this time, if a son of God dies, so what?

"Li Yang was killed by someone. He was connected by blood with me. I could clearly feel his fear and helplessness at the last moment."

"At the beginning, I gave him a ray of true blood just to guard against this moment."

"However, I never thought that I would be able to sense the fluctuations of the Eternal Divine Furnace and another eternal artifact."

At this moment, in the ancestral hall of the Eternal God Clan, a majestic middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, and the palms under his wide sleeves were squeezed tightly.

He was majestic, extremely tall, and his dark golden eyes were open and closed. Between them, like the sun and the moon, there are endless rules of the road circulating.

"I will never break this Biyoutian realm."

This man is the current patriarch of the Eternal God Clan, and also Li Yang's biological father, Li Motian.

"Clan leader, please think twice about this matter. The situation in the fairy civilization is now in chaos, and the situation of the Zhuo Clan and the Mist Clan has not yet been decided. It may not be good for us to rush into the situation.……"

Beside Li Motian, the other elders of the Eternal God Clan were present.

After all, it was the death of the Son of God, and many clan members rushed over.

Li Motian put a lot of effort into Li Yang, hoping to train him as the future successor of the Eternal God Clan.

But he never thought that during this trip, Li Yang would die tragically in Biyoutian.

Many of their tribesmen would find it difficult to accept this result for a while.

Li Yang's death basically means that the Eternal God Clan in this era has lost its mainstay in the future.

All the resources poured into it were wasted

"There is no need to talk more about this matter. I have made up my mind. I will call upon the Eternal Divine Sword to split the Biyou Heaven Realm."

"When the time comes, I will personally bring back the Eternal Divine Furnace and another eternal artifact."

"Elders, there is no need to persuade me. If there is an accident this time, I am willing to bear everything."

Li Motian's face is calm and intimidating. He has accumulated prestige in the Eternal God Clan for a long time. Now that he is talking like this, all the elders cannot persuade him.

Deep in the ancestral hall, the swords are clanking, and suddenly there seems to be billions of sword lights. It spurted out.

A rainbow-like divine sword, the sound of the sword's roar shook the world, flew out directly, and landed in Li Motian's hands.

He held the eternal divine sword in his hand, and tore apart time and space with his other hand, and his figure disappeared from this place instantly.

For For a being like him, distance is meaningless, and he spans several universes in an instant.

"Although the patriarch has always been harsh to the Son of God, he actually values ​​​​love and affection, but he never shows it."

"The patriarch had such a deep love for the saint of the previous generation. If that person hadn't suddenly intervened and took away the saint, how could there have been so many things that happened later?……"

The elders of the Eternal God Clan couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene.

The death of the Son of God of this generation will naturally not cause any serious damage to the Eternal God Clan.

The reason why Li Motian is so angry is because Li Yang is his child with the previous generation of saints.


A sword light tore through the sky, seeming to illuminate the eternal night, making the long river of time turbulent.

Time and space split open, a road was penetrated, and the patriarch of the Eternal God Clan came with the Eternal Divine Sword, the artifact of the clan.

His strength was terrifying. He slashed at the area where Biyou Tianjing was located from an infinite distance away.

Under the brilliant sword light, even the breath of the avenue was wiped out, and the stars trembled and were about to fall.

This sword shook countless universes around it. Countless practitioners and creatures trembled under this scene, trembling all over, and wanted to kneel down there.

"Crazy, are you going to kill everyone?"

Many practitioners in the nearby area were filled with dead souls. They were so frightened that they quickly tried to find a way to escape.

Many creatures were furious, but they had no choice but to use all means to escape.

Although Li Motian is a newcomer, he is far inferior to Zhuofeng. Xie Hunyuanjun is a ferocious existence from ancient times.

But he cannot be underestimated, and his strength has already reached unfathomable levels. Especially at this moment, the Eternal Divine Sword in his hand adds to the invincible power.

The sword light If it were truly immortal, endless sky thunder would explode, and endless sword light would tear apart the void and the universe, coming. The whole world would be filled with sword light, and along with the light of the avenue, it would destroy the Biyou Heaven Realm. the portal

"The patriarch has arrived……"

Several elders of the Eternal God Clan outside Biyoutian were also shocked in their hearts.

They have taken action to seal off the surrounding universe and time and space, and will not allow any practitioners or creatures to escape.

However, they did not expect that Li Motian would come here with the Eternal Divine Sword, intending to break through the Biyou Heaven Realm.

At this moment, many of the most powerful figures in the fairy civilization felt something, looking from a distance.

In the battlefield between the Zhuo Clan and the Mist Clan, there were also strong men who felt shocked and horrified.

"I thought that the war between the Zhuo clan and other forces would cause chaos everywhere, which would be an unspeakable event."

"Unexpectedly, the leader of the Eternal God Clan was born with the clan’s divine weapon to break through the Biyou Heaven Realm."

"Isn't he even exempt from the pain of losing a child?"

Countless practitioners and living beings find it incredible and a bit unbelievable.

Li Motian crossed many universes and time and space, and his true body came to the world where Biyou Tianjing is. Without saying a word, he destroyed everything with a sword. Rules and order will be distorted and broken

"From today onwards, there is no need to exist in the world anymore in the Biyou Heaven Realm."

He spoke indifferently. The Dharma Body was extremely tall, as if it was comparable to the universe, and the stars and rivers were far smaller than a strand of his hair.

This was a horrifying and horrifying scene. He stood there with the divine sword in his palm, and kept moving. It fell with a slash.

Just the dissipated aftermath can destroy the surrounding star field and burn it into dust.

If you are in it, it is unimaginable what a terrifying impact you will suffer.

"This is not like Li Motian's style. Although it is normal to be angry after his son is dead, he still does this at the risk of offending so many forces.……"

"You must know that in Biyoutian, there are still many forces and young people from big families.……"

"I'm afraid there is something in Biyoutian that deserves his attention, and this is just to deceive others."

However, some of the most powerful beings who have friendship with Li Motian have their eyes flickering, and they are all guessing that this is Li Motian's plan.

Outside the borders of Biyoutian, there are constant shocks, and there are hundreds of millions of sword rays, which are as terrifying as death. The thunder of the world.

Li Motian struck down with his sword, trying to rotate the entire universe. That kind of power is unparalleled and shocking.

"How do you feel? Biyou Tianjing is shaking.……"

"what happened?"

At this moment, all the practitioners and creatures in the Biyoutian Realm feel that the earth is shaking under their feet.

Even the sky above their heads is shaking.

However, they cannot see clearly the scene outside the Biyoutian Realm.

If they see If you do that, you will definitely be scared to death and be extremely horrified.

The existence of Biyou Tianjing is extremely special. It is said that it evolved from the treasure house of the Eternal Prime God. The internal rules were perfected by him, which is equivalent to the small world he created. World.

Here, any cultivator and living being will be suppressed.

Similarly, the power from the outside can never be destroyed within a short period of time.

But at this time, a mysterious resonance force is coming from within. , disintegrating the order and rules of this place.

Li Motian obviously knew this a long time ago, so he used the Eternal Divine Sword to try to break this place.

"Was there an earthquake just now, or was someone attacking here from the outside?"

Wang He, who was standing outside the quaint cave, raised his head and looked at the sky, frowning and thinking.

He was very cautious. After arriving here, he did not choose to approach the cave immediately.

The corpses scattered nearby were the best. Proof.

However, when he explored this place, the entire green mountain, including the cave, trembled.

Wang He even felt that a strong aura was awakening in the cave, communicating with the outside world. Echoed.

This power made him feel a little creepy and even more hesitant.

The saint of the Eternal God Clan must have no good intentions, otherwise she would not let him find the valuable treasure for her.

"No matter what, just follow the original plan and find a place to hide first."

"If that person named Gu is with Mu Yan, he will definitely find his way here in the end."

When Wang He was exploring this place, he was also arranging his own methods.

There were some broken ancient formation patterns buried in many places, which were real Dao realm formations.

Once these formations are activated, they can be called a sure blow. The formation was so powerful that it was unbelievable.

He was very cautious. Since he wanted to deal with Gu Changge, he had to use all his methods and could not underestimate or relax.

After all, Gu Changge had a mysterious origin, and he might have many means of protection.

In addition , , its strength is also unclear, Wang He has considered it to be a half-step realm existence comparable to his own, and the most powerful force allowed in Biyoutian realm. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

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