In the pavilion, except for Gu Changge who was drinking tea contentedly, Hunyuanjun and Zhuofengxie both looked very uncomfortable.

Especially Hunyuanjun, who had suffered a secret loss after fighting against the White Bone Ancestor King, felt a little uneasy at this moment.

He estimated that he was not sure of Gu Changge's strength and cultivation, but standing in front of Gu Changge, he could clearly feel the vast and unfathomable aura.

It was clear that the person was right in front of them, but it seemed that there was endless time, space and years between them, and they did not exist in any part of the world or time and space.

"My guess is correct. The mysterious Mr. Gu in front of me has strength beyond imagination.……"

Hunyuanjun sighed secretly in his heart.

Zhuofengxie had met Gu Changge a long time ago, so he was not surprised by this.

The two came to visit Gu Changge and apologized for yesterday's incident without informing any clan members.

From the perspective of people of their status, this matter is a bit embarrassing and unjustifiable.

Gu Changge didn't care about this.

After the Emperor Ling heard the order, Yingying came over, poured tea for the two of them, and brought two chairs by the way.

However, neither Zhuofengxie nor Hunyuanjun sat down, they were still standing there.

"What happened yesterday was caused by me being rude, and I hope Mr. Gu won't be offended."

Zhuofengxie's personality is not as strong as Hunyuanjun's, so he was the first and most active to speak.

Seeing him speaking like this, Hunyuanjun also had to bite the bullet, cupped his hands and said,"What happened yesterday? , Thank you Mr. Gu for showing mercy and not pursuing further."

While speaking, both of them took out two boxes made of purple gold mother copper and placed them on the table beside them as compensation for their apology.

Purple gold mother copper is a very special metal that can be used to cast Taoist realms. The weapon of the cultivator and the treasure of civilization.

This object is specially used to make a box. It is obvious that the things contained in these two boxes are not simple.

Moreover, when they took out this object, both of them had a look on their faces. It was obvious that he was in pain.

Gu Changge just glanced at the two boxes without paying much attention to them.

"I am not an unforgiving person. What happened yesterday was not a big deal in the first place. You two are worrying too much."

He still smiled faintly, looking calm.

Hearing this, Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun also breathed a sigh of relief.

What they were most worried about was that Gu Changge would continue to pursue him. After all, they also It's unreasonable.

If this matter gets bigger, they will be the only ones to be embarrassed.

Of course, after the two of them discussed it, they decided to come together to see Gu Changge, and it wasn't just to apologize for yesterday's incident. Apologize.

The two of them mainly wanted to test Gu Changge's tone.

Now it seems that Gu Changge at least does not have much malice. It seems that they are a little too worried and unreasonable.

"Actually, besides apologizing for yesterday's incident, we came here this time to ask Mr. Gu about something else.……"

"This is also my confusion all the time."

Thinking of this, Zhuofengxie no longer hesitated and directly asked all the doubts and doubts he had during this period.

Since Gu Changge didn't have much malice, he didn't need to worry like before. Gu Changge will take action against him.

Moreover, Hunyuanjun is also by his side.

If Gu Changge suddenly attacks, with the strength of the two of them, they are fully capable of escaping.

The ancient city of Gufeng is very close to the ancestral land of the Zhuo people. Once something happens A big battle.

The strong men of the Zhuo clan will definitely be able to sense it at the first time.

"You want to ask, the purpose of my coming to the fairy civilization, right?"

Gu Changge seemed not surprised at all by Zhuofengxie's question. He smiled faintly, and then suddenly stood up.

When Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun saw this, their expressions changed slightly, and they stepped back a few times in unison. Step by step, become extremely vigilant

"That's the problem we all face"

"Mr. Gu’s strength is unfathomable, but he suddenly came to our fairy civilization"

"If we never know your purpose and thoughts, it will only cause unnecessary panic and worry among all races."

"I hope Mr. Gu can forgive me."Zhuofengxie said in a deep voice.

This is actually easy to understand. It's like a forest inhabited by various beasts, each with its own territory.

However, one day, a beast far more powerful than them suddenly came. Their territory and patrolling the four directions at will.

How can they feel at ease before they understand the intentions and purposes of this more powerful beast?

This is also the worry of Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun.

They can be regarded as immortals Currently one of the most powerful beings in civilization, standing at the pinnacle.

Practitioners and creatures at other levels still don’t know that Gu Changge is not actually a distinguished guest invited by the Zhuo clan.

If they knew the truth, they would only Even more worried and panicked than Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun.

Hearing this, Gu Changge couldn't help but chuckle.

He said with interest,"I said I traveled here by accident, but you guys If you don’t believe it, then let me ask you, what if I came here with the intention of conquering the fairy civilization?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun both changed drastically, and they were shocked and unbelievable.

If it weren't for the presence of Gu Changge here, no breath could be leaked.

Otherwise, at this moment, the entire The star field and the universe will both be eclipsed and undergo drastic changes.

"Gu... Mr. Gu... what do you mean by this?"

"Are you kidding?"

Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun are indeed one of the most powerful beings of the two clans, and their minds are far superior to many practitioners at the same level.

Although they were shocked and shocked in their hearts, they recovered quickly and couldn't help but sink. He asked rhetorically.

Conquer the entire fairy civilization?

How bold is it to say these words?

You must know that the entire civilization is not more than a family.

It is the evolution of many forces and ethnic groups across countless epochs and years. and accumulation.

Although the Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan are the superpowers of the fairy civilization, they dare not say that they have invincible foundation and strength.

Many mysterious ethnic groups and forces are deeply hidden. Until the most critical moment, who will We don’t know what its underlying strength is.

In addition, a civilization has gone through many disasters and spread across many time and space universes.

The worlds involved are countless. No matter how powerful Gu Changge is, he is only one person after all.

With his own strength, Just wanting to conquer a civilization is simply unrealistic.

Conquering and destroying are two different things. In their view, it would not be difficult for Gu Changge to be ruthless and want to destroy a civilization.

But what he said was conquering, and It’s not destruction, it also involves many, many troubles

"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Gu Changge glanced at the two of them and smiled lightly.

Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun looked at each other, not sure to answer this question, but their expressions became cautious.

They have both lived for countless years. The old guy has a very thorough view of many things.

If Gu Changge said it in front of them so directly, he must be very confident and cannot be untargeted.

Moreover, the most important point is that they are not They know the origin of Gu Changge.

They don’t know what kind of power and means he has behind him.

"During this time, I also took a closer look at the Fairy Civilization. Although I didn’t travel through time to trace the history of this civilization, I still had a thorough understanding of it."

"The composition of fairy civilization seems complicated, but in fact it is simple"

"Although the Hun and Zhuo tribes have been competing fiercely over the years, and they are eager to replace each other, at critical moments, they can reach a consensus and work together to advance and retreat."

"On the contrary, the Wu tribe and the Gu tribe are relatively low-key and rarely have conflicts on weekdays, but they have an essential problem that has been inherited from their ancestors. This problem will break out sooner or later, and only one of these two tribes can survive.……"

Gu Changge walked slowly to the window and looked at the entire Gufeng Ancient City, smiling casually.

He knew why Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun thought this matter was a fantasy.

The fairy civilization and the true world of Lingxu are not different.

The Lingxu True World is ruled by the Lingxu Royal Family. It can only be regarded as having just entered the threshold of the ancient True World. The composition of the forces within it is very simple.

The other ethnic groups and sects all obey the rule of the Lingxu royal family.

Therefore, as long as Gu Changge makes the Lingxu royal family obey his orders, he will naturally control the Lingxu Real World easily.

As for the fairy civilization, its power is also relatively complex, and its foundation has been accumulated for too long.

The Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan alone, as well as the other two families, the Gong Clan and the Wu Clan, have been fighting against each other for many epochs, standing on all four sides.

In addition, there are many powerful sects overtly and covertly, and the underlying strength of a single family may not be as good as the Zhuo Clan or the Hun Clan.

But the advantage of these powerful sects is that they are huge in number and countless.

Hunyuanjun was shocked. Only existences at the level of ancestors and ancestors like them would know about these things.

Gu Changge has only been in the fairy civilization for how long, and he already knows all this?

"He must have had insight into the phenomena of living beings in the fairy civilization and discerned the crux of each race."

He was secretly shocked.

The phenomena of all living beings are complex, but they are actually the changes in the heaven and earth, all spirits, and the changes in time and space in the universe. From this, a general trend of events can be deduced.

Zhuofeng Xie's mind was spinning, and at this moment, there were flashes in his mind. After passing countless thoughts, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice,"Since Mr. Gu said that, he must have made a plan in advance."

He and Hunyuanjun are both smart people, and they know that since Gu Changge said this so straightforwardly, this is obviously sending a signal.

Next, Gu Changge will really take action against the fairy civilization.

This paragraph Time, Gu Changge was really as they guessed. He said he was traveling here, but he was actually looking at the entire fairy civilization and waiting for a suitable opportunity.

"Haha, you two must be smart people too. You have lived for such a long time. I am afraid that Gu can understand many things without saying much."

"I want to conquer the fairy civilization. Anyone who stands in my way, I will erase him from this world at any cost."

Gu Changge still smiled in an understatement.

However, these words made Zhuofengxie and Hunyuanjun sweat on their foreheads.

Their backs felt cold and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

This was obviously asking them to express their stance.

"Of course, Gu would not want to use unnecessary means unless it was absolutely necessary. The Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan are intertwined and have a strong foundation. It would be a pity to destroy them like this.……"

Gu Changge smiled faintly and said,"I know that you have many connections with the Xiyuan civilization, but the Xiyuan civilization is hundreds of millions of light years away and infinite time and space. No matter what happens to the fairy civilization, it is beyond its reach."

He said that he had already mentioned this. Gu Changge didn't bother to cover up.

Of course, in the eyes of Hunyuanjun and Zhuofengxie, he was out of luck.

The moment Gu Changge finished speaking, Hunyuanjun and Zhuofengxie clearly felt that the surrounding space was changing.

They seemed to have moved an infinite distance at this moment and appeared in a boundless void that did not know the ten directions of heaven and earth.

There seems to be no rules or concept of time here, and naturally there is no Taoism or magical power.

The pale and thin gray mist spread from nowhere, covering every inch of space and every corner.

In this place, they can't sense any atmosphere of the avenue, nor can they sense any fluctuations in power.

"Real lawless land?"

Zhuofengxie's expression changed dramatically in an instant, and he was a little horrified. He turned around and looked.

He saw the endless gray fog sweeping towards them, wrapping everything.


Hunyuanjun's face was ugly, and his cheekbones were glowing. , between the eyebrows, the mental power is like a turbulent universe, rushing out of the body surface and tearing up this space.

But the more terrifying force suppresses and falls, directly forcing all their mental power back.

At the same time, his The body is cracking, with terrible cracks appearing, as if it will collapse at any time.

"This place is not a real place, but a space of thoughts created by him. Mental power is useless.……"

"The more you resist, the greater the counterattack will be."

Zhuofengxie saw that Hunyuanjun was unwilling to give up and would continue to try, so he couldn't help but remind him loudly. The strength of the mental space that can easily trap the two of them is simply unimaginable.

This is comparable to opening up a big world between the palms of your hands. It is countless times more difficult.

When the Tao realm exists, it has reached a certain level. The size is the same, the gathering and dispersion are unpredictable, and a single thought can change the state of matter. This is no longer a level that can be restrained by creating a world. At this point, creating living beings and changing matter will It is also easy.

The fog of fate has been cleared, and it has long been known and controlled by him.

Now, they are still far away from this realm.

Hunyuanjun also understands at this moment, the relationship between them and Gu Changge The gap was really too big, so I gave up resistance.

"What does Mr. Gu mean?"

Zhuofengxie sighed in his heart, knowing that the two of them still underestimated Gu Changge's methods.

In one thought, he took them away from the real world and came to this unspeakable land of lawlessness and restraint.

This I am afraid that it is something that can only be accomplished by beings at the pinnacle of the ancestral realm.

In other words, Gu Changge's strength may not be far from the pinnacle of the ancestral realm. It is more likely that he is actually standing in that realm.

In this way A terrible person actually came to the Fairy Civilization...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel bitterness in the corners of his mouth.

In the vast world, once such a being comes close to the territory, even the most powerful civilization will be as if it is facing a formidable enemy and is ready to prepare. ah

"At your level, I want to really kill you. Although it is troublesome, it is not difficult either."

"But Gu has always cherished talents, so now I want to give you two choices.……"

Gu Changge's figure appeared not far away, still looking unhurried and calm.

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