Di Qing looked at the list in his hand, asked someone to write another one, then sealed it and sent it to the royal capital.

A large part of these materials will be left in Baigu County as development funds for Baigu County.

Even if it is not enough, the central government will allocate some money for infrastructure construction, building city walls, dredging rivers, improving people's livelihood, etc.

The treasury of Yun State was supported by two large caravans, and it was very wealthy.

Every year a large amount of money is transferred into the national treasury.

It makes people greedy.

Coupled with the income from state-owned enterprises such as Baiyunju, Yanyulou, Baise Dyeing Workshop, and Equipment Bureau, Yunguo's income now exceeds its expenses.

The catering industry, entertainment industry, wine industry, boat painting industry, etc. are some of the most profitable industries.

The"loom" that Di Qing valued the least was a priceless treasure in Lu Yan's eyes.

There are also looms in Yun State now.

But that was the simplest loom.

The pattern weaved is not beautiful to look at, and it is also very time-consuming.

The quality is also a bit poor.

Lu Yan once asked Lu Ban's Tiangong Pavilion to improve the loom, but Lu Ban never had time.

Luban spent all his time on"Feiyuan".

He wants to make a flying kite that can carry people.

There is no time to put it on the loom.

Only give it to someone else.

The earliest loom was a squat loom (called a waist loom) that sat on the floor.

The method of use is to step on the warp stick of the loom with your feet, hold the beating wooden knife in your right hand to tighten the weft thread, and use your left hand to make the posture of inserting the weft thread. This kind of pedal-type waist machine has no frame. One end of the cloth rolling shaft is tied to the waist. Both feet pedal the warp beam at the other end and tension the fabric. Use the warp dividing roller to divide the warp yarns into two layers according to odd and even numbers. The heald rod lifts the warp yarns to form a shed, and the weft is inserted with bone needles and beaten with the beating knife.

The most important achievement of waist machine weaving is the use of three types of heddle lifting rods, warp dividing rods and beating knives.

Although this loom seems very simple, it already has three directions of movement: opening the cloth fell up and down, inserting weft left and right, and tightening front and back. It is the ancestor of modern looms.

Lu Yan has been developing some ancient skills.

These things may not be of much use in real society, but in ancient life, these things were treasures


Lu Yan did not stay in the palace after going to court. After having breakfast, he went to Zilanxuan.

I happened to have nothing to do and went to see Zixuan.

There is still a lot of traffic in front of Zilanxuan.

As the most powerful person in the Yun Kingdom, second only to Yanyu Tower, Zilanxuan is also a golden weapon.

There are very few people during the day, but when you arrive, it is truly prosperous.

The lights are bright and people come and go.

Horse-drawn carriages gathered, and people were either rich or noble.

Everyone's hobbies are different. Many people don't like to go to Yanyu Tower, but they like to come to Zilanxuan.

The quality of girls from Zilanxuan is no worse than that from Yanyulou.

However, there is a Master Li in Yanyu Tower.

That is the king's woman.

Many people want to curry favor.

When the wind blows by the pillow, it will not be the same as before.

They didn't know that girl Zixuan from Zilanxuan actually knew Lu Yan.

""Hey, this young master is here again." There were relatively few guests during the day, so after Lu Yan arrived, someone came to entertain him.

""Is Miss Zixuan here?" Lu Yan didn't want to waste time with these people.

"Oops, Zixuan is on the second floor. Young Master wants to see Zixuan?"The madam knows that Zixuan and Lu Yan know each other.

Because Zixuan invited him to the second floor last time.

Although he doesn't know their relationship, they must know each other.

"Well, please let me know." Lu Yan took out a piece of silver and stuffed it into the old bustard's hand.

""Oh, you're so polite, please wait a moment." When the old man saw the silver in his hand, he immediately beamed.

This young man was so generous.

After announcing the news, there were actually ten taels of silver.

The old man came to the second floor and rang the bell. door

"Boss, the young man you invited last time is here, and he said he wants to see you." The old bustard was very respectful.

After all, this Zilanxuan belongs to Zixuan.

Zixuan is the real leader.

Only However, Zixuan rarely shows up in public at ordinary times.

Everything is left to the old bustard to take care of it.

"Last time?"Zixuan thought about it for a moment, and the figure of Lu Yan appeared in his mind.

Zixuan smiled softly.

"Do you know that Wei Zhuang is gone?"Zixuan thought Lu Yan didn't want to see Wei Zhuang.

"Let him come up." Zixuan didn't dare to refuse.

How could he say that he was also on someone else's territory?

""Yes." The old bustard walked away.

Zixuan stood up and went to prepare.

Since that person is coming, why should he entertain him?


Lu Yan followed the madam and went directly to the second floor.

The second floor is a special place.

Some places are not allowed to enter

"This young man, Miss Zixuan is inside, you guys can chat, I'll leave first." The madam walked away very discerningly.

"Yes." Lu Yan nodded and knocked on the door.

""Please come in," a pleasant voice sounded, and Lu Yan opened the door and went in.

The faint fragrance of sandalwood filled the room, and tiny bits of sunlight shot into the hollow carved windows. There was a square tea table with exquisite porcelain placed on it. The tea set, a soft wooden bed, the exquisite carvings are extraordinary, the guqin stands in the corner, and the bronze mirror is placed on the wooden dressing table. The whole room is so fresh and leisurely._Please download the novel without underlining Feilu novels

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