[Congratulations to player Luo Heng ......]

[Congratulations to player Luo Heng ......]

[Thirty-five consecutive wins——]

[Thirty-six consecutive wins——]

[Thirty-seven consecutive wins-]

won all the way, Luo Heng was like a bamboo.

There was nothing that could stop him.

And the players who watched the game were stunned.

At this time, the gladiatorial arena was gone.

After all, all of its templates come from players, and at the end of the day, it's still an arena.

The ceiling of his combat power is actually the player himself.

The ultimate enhancement is nothing more than the Fallen.

There is no breakthrough in quality, it can only win in quantity.

But quantity is not an advantage at all in the face of poison gas.

If you come to one Luo Heng, you will kill one, and if you come to two Luo Heng, you will kill a pair, if there are thousands, then solve it by dealing with thousands of poisonous gases.

There is no difference between killing one and killing 10, killing 1,000, and killing 10,000.

As a result, the ensuing battles were almost unhindered.

Then Luo Heng's level was also increasing rapidly.

Originally, in the Constant World, the highest level player was level 35.

But now Luo Heng's appearance has directly pulled this level to forty.

There are 5 levels of fault space.

Originally, Luo Heng could have been upgraded to level 40 at one time.

But because of the delay of various things, he is only now starting to continue to escalate.

But even so, the gap in rank was made up in an instant.

Level 40 unlocks core key skills.

【Natal Poison Binding】

There are no remarkable practical skills in the whole level of 40, and more bells and whistles are yet to come.

And after entering the 6th floor.

The level cap was suddenly lowered from 40 to 60.

At that time, there will be more skills to be needed.

Every class will usher in a reshuffle of skills.

Most importantly, the popularity of parchment roll skills.

Although Luo Heng has accumulated a lot of skill points, these skill points are likely to be squandered in the moment of the future level explosion.

Luo Heng looked at the points in his hand, level 40, level by level.

【Poison Mist Armor +2】

【Emerald Poison +5】

【Poison Cloud Storm +1】


Most of the skills Luo Heng only added a little.

In fact, there's only one really great skill.

Emerald Poison.

All other abilities exist to trigger the passive of Emerald Venom.

But after that, there are all kinds of devastating skills that can really be used.

On the sixth floor, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea is the normal state for players.

After Luo Heng's thirty-seventh consecutive victory, he left the gladiatorial arena.

The XP is full.

There is no point in continuing to fight like this.

Although to a certain extent, the number cannot suppress Luo Heng.

But there is a saying that quantitative change causes qualitative change, a straw can't crush a camel, but 10,000 straws, 100 million straws, it's very simple to crush a camel.

Now every battle Luo Heng has to face the fallen form of tens of thousands of epic and legendary-level talent holders.

For the average player, a few hundred people together may not be able to beat one of these degrads.

Not to mention the bustling army of tens of thousands.

Luo Heng estimated that if this continued, the army that appeared in the gladiatorial arena would be a disaster like locusts.

【Natal Poison Binding】

Sign a contract with a summon to make it your special pet.] 】

[Special Pets: Second pet slots opened up through skills, scrolls, inheritance, etc.]

The second pet slot means that you have the same rights as your pet.

It is possible to resurrect indefinitely.

Luo Heng summoned his own clone.

The clones that had been contained in the backpack until now were released without any change.

【Natal Poison Binding】

A magic circle lit up, and in front of Luo Heng, a line of words popped up.

[Do you choose - Luo Heng clone (berserk zombie) as the target of the natal poison binding?]

[Note that this skill can only be used once, and once used, it cannot be undone or returned.] 】

It is different from the first pet that can be replaced.

The second pet, as a special pet, also has its special features.

That is, he is very evolutionary.

The first pet is generally hatched from pet eggs.

These pets have a certain degree of initial offensive and defensive ability, but their growth is very weak.

Generally speaking, pet players have to change pets every three to five times.

First, pets can be replaced.

But the second pet is different, at least the skill of the poison witch is different.

Once bound, it's for life.

It cannot be terminated in any way.

But there will be a very good compensation for the relative, and this compensation is that the growth ability is particularly strong.

Luo Heng did not hesitate.

There is no need to hesitate either.

Self-replicas are the best way to grow them.

As long as the growth of the clone is supplemented, and combined with the pet growth plan, it can directly make the clone become the same combat power as Qingzhu, and may even surpass Qingzhu.

You must know that Qingzhu's auxiliary ability is first-class, and Luo Heng has not lost Qingzhu's help along the way.

【Congratulations on binding the natal poison】

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