On the day the second layer was opened, Luo Heng's deeds swept through the world like a storm.

Whether it is a player or an NPC, all of them know Luo Heng.

And the scene where Luo Heng used [Love to Eat Sauerkraut Fish] as an experiment was also recorded by the players present at the time from their own perspectives.

"One against a hundred, the unparalleled lawn mower: Luo Heng God of War!"

"The Eternal Guild Adds New Members"

"Erwuzai Yechen rebelled, he left the Chiba Guild angrily, where did he go?"

A Man Who Can Do Anything

"Zombies, Flames, Fireworks, Count Luo Heng's Thousand Methods. 》

"On how strong Luo Heng's talent is"

After the events of that day, Luo Heng's reputation rose again, whether it was a player who has been playing since the opening of the server, or a new player who has just entered the game recently, or a real social animal who has not yet entered the game.

As long as you know about this game, no one knows Luo Heng's name.

And another piece of news is also spreading in the mouths of players.

That's the news of the evil camp.

"Do you know? That day the giant went to the sky, it was Luo Heng who did it. "

"You said that the giant who spiraled into the sky, then we already knew that your news was outdated. "

"Damn, how did you know so fast?"

"The world is all over the world, brother, you're from Mars, right?"

"Operation Martian is officially launched. "

The player who was laughed at Mars felt a little embarrassed, so he touched his head, sold another pass, and said, "Then do you know the evil camp?"

"This ...... Let's take a closer look. "

"The latest information, the latest information!"

There was a bang, and before the man could sell out, on the streets of the city, a player with the talent of [Big Horn] began to howl at the top of his throat.

"The latest information! The major guilds confirm the existence of the evil camp! At the same time, joining the evil camp is to be the enemy of Luo Heng and the major guilds, and all the players of the evil camp are the targets of the major guilds!"

"If you find a player from the evil camp, you will directly start the chase mode until you kill that player to level 1 and kill it back to the Novice City!"

"I hope everyone keeps their minds, don't fall into evil, be a good player who keeps to themselves, and fights the evil camp, everyone is responsible!"

The same thing is happening on the first and second floors.

The ordinary talent of [Big Trumpet] is not uncommon among players.

Ordinary and excellent talents will be duplicated, so with a huge population base, it is not too difficult to find a few players with the talent of Big Trumpet.

The major guilds employ such players to spread the word quickly.

At the same time, it also made a statement at the forum.

"Yanlong Guild, never forgive the evil camp!"

Chiba Guild: To fall into evil is to be the enemy of Chiba. 》

"Proud Blood Guild: Death is not terrible, what is terrible is to die repeatedly. 》

"Emerald Tree Guild: Do you want to be a firework exploding in the sky? If you want to, then join the Evil Guild. 》

"Firmament Guild: If you fall into evil, no matter who you are, you will be attacked by our Firmament Guild!"


The major news has been sent, and all the big guilds, even medium-sized guilds, have issued their statements.

And a bright red must-kill list also appeared in the guild announcements of the major guilds.

Wanted Guild: [New Order]

Not only the name of the guild, but even the name of each [New Order] player.

In this way, players will not dare to have the idea of falling into evil, so as to reduce the possibility of enemies appearing.

Once you join the evil camp, you may be able to get dozens of attribute points, but the price you have to pay is to be the enemy of the whole world.

No matter how you think about such a thing, it is not cost-effective.


Things are fermenting day by day.

And the center of the incident, Luo Heng, disappeared.

Since that day in front of the Sunset Tower, Luo Heng disappeared from everyone's sight through the portal, there has been no news.

And the words that Luo Heng passed down before leaving still inspired the players.

"Upgrade first. "

Even Luo Heng attaches so much importance to level, what else do they have to say that they don't upgrade?

And the three berserk zombies left by Luo Heng were temporarily lent to the three bodies.

By imitating the actions of zombies, let the ontology improve its own skills, and to put it mildly, these three ontologies need to learn the actions of corpses.

Since that day, it has been five days since Luo Heng disappeared.

Many players are wondering where Luo Heng is going.

There are also a few players who claim to have seen zombies on the north side of the second floor, as well as monsters on fire.

When the fiery monster sees the player, it will run towards the player.

And then - boom!

No player will be able to penetrate that mountain range.

The zombies of various races walking, as well as the burning fire people, and the elite-level monsters that explode in the sky from time to time, as if Luo Heng was in that place.

But none of the players had witnessed Luo Heng, and there was no conclusive evidence at all.

At this moment—

Among the Strongholds - Adventurers' Guild.

Luo Heng put on a concealed cloak and repeatedly accepted tasks in front of the counter.

Beside Luo Heng, sitting was Yu Feifei.

In the Tempering Mountain Range in the north, after a full five days, Luo Heng put zombies and let the zombies kill monsters on their own, and the entire mountain range has become Luo Heng's zombie farm.

At this time, if you go to the mountains, you can only see zombies and burning monsters, and you will never see anything else.

Luo Heng himself repeatedly received the task in the adventurer's association, and in the next second, the zombie automatically killed the monster, the task was completed, and the task was completed again.

Gold +1431, EXP +134374

Gold +18743, EXP +31514

Gold +1377, EXP +34411

Each player sees a limited number of tasks on the board each day, and the upper limit will be unlocked gradually as the number of quests completed by the adventurer increases.

In the past five days, Luo Heng has been repeatedly brushing the tasks of the Adventurer Association.

His adventurer level also allowed him to brush all the way to platinum from bronze at the beginning.

Within five days, in addition to brushing tasks, it was to take Yu Feifei to open the map.

The zombie dragon has disappeared, and Luo Heng hatched the [Giant Dragon-Bangosel].

It is used as a means of transportation.

【Congratulations on your level increase】

[Your level has reached 20, and your level has reached the upper limit of that tier.] 】

On the other side, Yu Feifei, who shared tasks and experience with Luo Heng, also had a happy look on his face.

Her level has also risen to 20 like Luo Heng.

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