"Let’s go and rescue the hindered sons first."

"Kill all those scum!"

Two different opinions came from Joan of Arc's body.

"Shut up and listen to me, don't those guys die?"

"Those children are still suffering. Evil people can kill them at any time, but they should be rescued in advance."

Without adding names, you can tell the difference between Black Joan and White Joan just by looking at the dialogue. Fang Chen pointed his finger, and the two of them immediately separated. The spirit base differentiated into its original appearance, and even the core talisman was divided. two

"very good."

Black Joan moved her hands and feet for the first time in a long time.

"Now I don't have to put up with you anymore."

She summoned Favna and left on a dragon.

Lan Ran nodded to Fang Chen and left here too.

Fang Chen put his hand on Tina's head:

"My child, I bless you in my name."

The gentle holy light covered it. Suddenly, Tina felt that her whole body became relaxed. She no longer had the fear of turning into a gasterozoa, as if the gastroenterovirus had been eliminated from her body.

"I have eliminated the gastroenterovirus in your body, but the owl factor still exists in your body. Your strength will not fade, but it will not become stronger because of the increase in gastroenterovirus. If you want to continue to become stronger, you can Take a look at the enhancement of the group mall."

After Fang Chen cured her, Shirai Kuroko carefully opened the space and took out a chip.

That is the chip implanted in Tina's body. It can not only improve her strength, but also control her.

With Bai Jingde here Taking care of her, Fang Chen was not worried. He looked towards the center of the Tokyo area, where the city's powerful people gathered.

Fang Chen took a step and came to the conference room.

Seeing Fang Chen suddenly appear, the people in the conference room It was all done, and then a burst of murderous intent broke out. On the ceiling, a blocked son came to kill him. At first glance, he had experienced hundreds of battles and was much stronger than Tina.

"The blocked son with an IP of less than 100, sure enough."

Fang Chen raised his hand and easily defused her attack. He blocked her mobility, opened up space, and threw her to Bai Jade's side.

"Space technology?"

Tendou Kikunoshi's eyes shrank,"The mechanical soldiers under my command can't do it. The latest technology? Which of the Four Wise Men sent you? Do you want to start a war?"

"I know you are stalling for time, Tendo Kikunojo."

With Fang Chen's five senses, he could easily feel the soldiers coming quickly outside. Unlike the group of gold-plated useless aristocratic children in the memory copy, they all had metal transformations in their bodies.

Mechanized soldiers.

He lightly snapped his fingers. , gravity pinches their flesh and mechanical limbs into a ball

"Everything is moving towards the result of our inference, which is really boring."

Fang Chen looked up to the skyKikuchi Cheng stretched out his hand, and the tyrannical soul easily looked through his memories, revealing everything as it was.

It’s similar to what everyone in the group has reasoned. At most, it just contains some inside information, which is of little value.

After flipping through the pages, Fang Chen threw him aside in disgust. Tendo Kikunochei was not dead, but his soul was damaged and his brain seemed very unclear. He had to think for a long time before saying anything.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Fang Chen patted his head,"But if your soul is damaged, you will gradually become demented, forget who you are, forget your past ambitions and glory, and become a demented old man who poops all over himself in the shower."


Tendo Kikunojo made a muddy sound in his throat.

"kill me……"

Fang Chen smiled, ignored him, turned around and looked at everyone in the conference room:

"As for you, some sidekicks who don’t even have names, just feel free to serve as sacrifices for the new era."

"Wait a minute, if you want to build a new era, you will definitely need human management, we can help!"

The people in the conference room hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I don't think so. Fang

Chen shook his head,"If you have incorrect ideas, the greater your ability, the greater the harm. You should die.""

He snapped his fingers lightly, and everyone turned into a mass of blood mist.

Then, he looked at Shengtianzi, the nominal ruler of this area, but in fact he was ignored by Tendo Kikunochori, and he could not even implement the bill.

"Are you going to kill me next?"

Sheng Tianzi said calmly, her hands trembled slightly, obviously she was not as calm as she looked.

"No, I know that yours, the Son of Heaven, has been working hard to push for a bill to protect the Sons of Obstacle."

Fang Chen's expression softened,

"You have obviously been sidelined by Tendo Kikunojo. Your actions will make the people reject you even more, and will also allow Tendo Kikunojo to seize power more smoothly, but you still do it. I admire you very much.

After all, you should be able to guess what will happen in this dark and troubled world after a beautiful woman like you loses her power and protection."

The Holy Emperor was silent, and after a while he spoke:

"But it's something that must be done, it's not right for them to do that"

"Politicians don't distinguish between right and wrong, they only care about interests. You are not a qualified leader.

Fang Chen said,"But because of this, you survived and they died."

He looked at Sheng Tianzi's expression and suddenly said,"Are you feeling guilty?""

The Holy Emperor was startled and looked at Fang Chen:

"It seems you also know the truth"

"It's just speculation based on intelligence, but I just verified it.

Fang Chen said,"Do you want to be a real person in power?" Become a true leader"

"why me?"

"Because I'm not interested in this seat and I don't care."

"However, I'm afraid my ability is not enough."

Sheng Tianzi shook his head,"Although Tendo and the others are full of ambition and cold personality, it is undeniable that he has the ability to rule. When the news of his death is announced, I am afraid that other regions will be watching us with eager eyes, right?

Those mechanized soldiers haven't come yet, so they must have been solved by you. Our strength is not enough to fight other areas."

"Don't worry about this, they will be like you soon."

Fang Chen said,"You should think about how to maintain the operation of society when the population has dropped sharply, and most of them only have children under ten years old."

It took three seconds for the Holy Emperor to realize the meaning of Fang Chen's words. She looked at Fang Chen in disbelief:

"Are you going to kill everyone who has laid a hand on the Blocked Son? Society will collapse!"

"What does it have to do with me? Of course you have to taste the consequences of what you sow."

Fang Chen laughed,

"I have not come to bring peace on earth, but to bring war on earth! At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison and they will be gathered together for battle.

Their numbers are as numerous as the sand of the sea. When they came up and filled the whole earth, fire came down from heaven and consumed them. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever."

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