A purple laser beam with a finger-thick diameter penetrated the forest like morning light, spanning the entire battlefield, and was extremely dazzling.

The laser sweeps across the land, leaving a focal line tens of thousands of meters long.

This purple laser beam swept across the horizon, directly killing several spectators watching the excitement on the horizon.

The bodies of several people were all cut off.

The most tragic one, whose body was severed from the abdomen, did not die immediately.

Blood sprayed in the air, and the two body parts fell down, struggling painfully on one side, and finally fell to the ground, losing all movement.

He was wearing a battle armor and watching the excitement from a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

Before he had time to react, he didn't understand what happened until severe pain hit his whole body.

Wherever the purple laser swept, the sharp screams were heartbreaking.

No one sympathizes with the onlookers, and the combatants have no time for sympathy.

The onlookers were mostly fearful, some knowledgeable onlookers.

I started to escape from this place of right and wrong, not daring to watch onlookers.

When swept by a laser, the energy shield automatically blocks it.

The Contractor felt that the armor's speed had dropped significantly, and he did not dare to hesitate. He changed directions several times and rushed forward to avoid the consumption of laser irradiation.

Contractor was also troubled. During the battle, he discovered that the close combat effectiveness of the Three-Eyed Civilization was beyond his imagination.

He had a round with Sanya just now, and that round almost killed him.

Chang said that the brains and neural structures of life in higher civilizations are different from theirs.

In terms of reaction ability, they have an innate advantage that they cannot make up for through hard work.

In close combat, advanced civilized life has a huge advantage in terms of speed and reaction.

He didn't believe it at first, thinking that they were not inferior to the humanoids of the Three-Eyed Civilization.

He is also not weak in close combat, but now I realize that my thoughts were naive.

Now the soldiers of the Three-Eyed Civilization have stabilized.

As long as you deal with their long-range attacks, the little advantage they have will slowly disappear.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

Sanya from behind has already caught up, and the opponent seems to want to use laser to activate his energy shield.

The energy of the armor can be reduced through energy channels, and the speed of the armor can be reduced to hold him back.

Blocking Sanya's laser again, Qishang made an L-shaped dive, detonated a thumb-sized smoke bomb, and quickly escaped.

The L-shaped dive is a technique commonly used in aerial combat.

It can quickly escape from the parallel field of view of the armor, and can be used with weapons that block the field of view or interfere with radar. It is simple and practical.

"Long, you can start."

Pull the distance from Sanya, and the contract merchant quickly contacts the leader.

The leader is currently the leader of the Freemen organization, and he is also the most prestigious and longest-standing among the Freemen.


An old voice came from the armor's communication device.

Lin Feng kept beating in the ruins of Qingshui City, constantly changing positions, avoiding attacks from the sky.

Some attacks from the sky have a small range, but are powerful.

The direction of some explosions covers several square kilometers.

So sometimes he has to fly close to the ground to avoid attacks.

He doesn't want to expose his position. At this stage, joining the melee is not what he wants.

The direction he wants to go is Below the spaceship.

It was the closest to the spacecraft. If necessary, he could rush to the spacecraft immediately.

Boom boom boom!!

Several explosions exploded around him. Lin Feng made several sudden turns and barely managed to avoid it, standing in the ruins. Beside a corner of the wall.

The sky above is the battlefield.

The battlefield is very large, with the three-eyed civilization's spaceship as the center, covering thousands of square kilometers above Qingshui City.

For a hypersonic flight armor, this place is not too big.

The area close to the spacecraft is the most intense.

The strike surface of the armor's weapons is measured in square kilometers.

On the ground, there are only deep pits, scorched earth, and countless collapsed buildings.

Standing in a hidden corner, Lin Feng quietly observed The battlefield.

Now the Free Ones are obviously a little weak, with poor close-range capabilities and limited means of long-range strikes.

As long as the Three-Eyed Civilization's armor masters dodge, the Free Ones are helpless.

In Lin Feng's view, the Free Ones must have a back-up plan. Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a small number of people to accomplish anything.

Now, there are two armored masters fighting in the sky above him.

The armored masters of the Three-Eyed Civilization are getting farther and farther away, and the battlefield is slowly approaching the outskirts of Qingshui City.

Shen is a little embarrassed. , and felt angry.

He was a warrior of the Three-Eyed Civilization, and he had never seen such a wretched fighting method. He would run away as soon as he missed a hit, but he couldn't catch the opponent.

Although the opponent's armor was strange, he didn't I've seen them before, and they don't look like those from blue-blood civilization, but their speed is pretty good.

And the most disgusting thing is that the opponent's weapons are all disgusting smoke bombs, corrosive agents or smoke.

Use various means to deal with them, but now The situation has changed somewhat.

After becoming familiar with the other party's methods, they have become the attacking party.

Shen, who has taken the initiative, sneaks forward, shoots a missile at will, and explodes the corrosive smoke, blocking the opponent's escape route.


The long thorn in his hand pierced the opponent's neck, and he pulled it casually.

A ball of red blood mist spurted out from the armor, hitting Shen's armor without even a scream.

Following closely behind, he swept with a kick , the armor with its body and head separated exploded towards the ground, opening a hole three meters in diameter.

"The opponent's blood is red, not a blue-blood civilization."

Shen looked at the blood stains on the thorns in his hands, and his face turned dark instantly:"They are the lower beings of Qingshui Star."

Shen's words immediately aroused the anger of Pingdao from the team.

Qing Shuixing's low-level beings attacked them and killed several team members. They felt as if they were killed by an insect attack, which was very aggrieved. It was not just the three of them.

The armor masters of the Three-Eyed Civilization were angry, and the Freemen were also angry because their companions were killed.

The battle became more fierce, and the Freemen were fighting desperately. For the Three-Eyed Civilization, this was just an ordinary battle.

But for the Freemen For the reader, this is a battle of life and death.

Shen shook off the blood from the thorns in his hands and looked elsewhere.

Suddenly, Shen's sight froze. In the corner of the ruins below him, he saw a special person. Something.

The battle armor's field of vision was enlarged, and a camouflaged battle armor appeared in his eyes. A suit of armor carrying an 'egg' on its back, which looked like a hunchback.

Lin Feng had already noticed Shen's gaze, and the armor removed its camouflage color. Looking up, the two people's eyes met.

Lin Feng didn't expect to be discovered by the other party. This was an accident.

But he was not afraid and did not run away. It would come sooner or later.

It just came faster.

When the two people's eyes met, The battle is doomed.

The automatic energy shield of the armor is opened. Lin Feng does not want to get entangled. Now is not the time to waste time.

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