"The spatial fluctuation signal disappeared. Zeqi stared at the flashing signal instrument and said regretfully.

The chance of space fluctuations occurring is rare.

Especially the entrance to the small universe is extremely unstable and will last for a short time.

"The location where the fluctuation occurred this time is around here"


After Ziyun accepted the data, she nodded slightly and looked around the space around the spacecraft with a cold expression.

"See what planets are around here"

"good. Zeqi nodded immediately and turned on the detection instrument.

After a while, he got the data he needed:"There are 3,405 planets nearby, 2,750 of which have life.""

"They are all places where the civilization of Origin City keeps them captive. Ziyun nodded lightly, glanced at the information, and pointed at the location of Qingshui:"Whose planet does this belong to?""

"The Three-Eyed Civilization is a planet used for evolutionary experiments."

"The people living above are all red-level intelligent creatures. Those lower life forms are kept in captivity by the Three-Eyed Civilization."

"A method used to study the evolution of life."

Zeqi handed a sensor that transmitted information to Ziyun.

Ziyun just touched the sensor on her temple, then nodded clearly:"Let's go to Qingshui Star and have a look."


"They didn't call you?"

The three-eyed king is sitting on a crystal blue throne, his eyes are filled with doubts, and he is thinking about the problem.

"There was no notice, they acted suddenly and very quickly"

"It seems like it's an emergency. Do you want me to come with you now?"Sanwen asked

"No, if they act suddenly, they definitely don’t want to take you. Don’t check them out."

"So as not to offend them, just pretend you don't know."The Three-Eyed King immediately rejected it.

"You go back to your place. I will send someone to inquire about any other information."

The three-eyed king stroked his eyes on the armrest of the throne with a serious voice.

"Wang, the envoy of Ziwei civilization appears in the asteroid belt"

"They landed on Qingshui Planet and shut down all satellite systems above Qingshui Planet."

As soon as San Wen stepped back, San Ya's projection suddenly appeared.

The planet monitoring system he was responsible for just now suddenly appeared at the location of Qing Mercury, and the Ziwei civilization's spaceship suddenly appeared.

Then all monitoring satellites and space-based weapon systems were shut down.

They were completely lost. Monitoring signals and control of Qingshui.

The envoy of Ziwei civilization has the highest control authority granted by the Three-Eyed King, and Sanya does not dare to act rashly.

"What were they going there for?"The Three-Eyed King asked.

Qingshui is one of the relatively important planets for the Three-Eyed Civilization's evolutionary research.

It is inhabited by carbon-based red-level humanoids captured by the Three-Eyed Civilization from all over the universe. The

Three-Eyed Civilization It is a humanoid race, so there is relatively more research on humanoid races.

"Not sure."San Ya shook his head.

"Before they arrived, was there any special movement around or on Qingshui Planet?"The three-eyed king asked without hesitation.

"not found"

"Well, let's do this for now. Don't disturb them. You should always pay attention to any special movements around Qingshui Star."


San Ya didn't say anything more, and the holographic projection disappeared into the hall.

"What are you looking for?"The three-eyed king on the throne narrowed his eyes and looked hesitant.

The envoy of Ziwei Civilization suddenly left the station.

The forces who were secretly paying attention to Ziwei Civilization's actions received this news.

This is great news.

Ziwei Civilization The actions without warning made people have to think deeply about the purpose.

But no one dared to check the movements of Ziwei Civilization immediately, otherwise if they were discovered and angered Ziwei Civilization, the consequences would be serious.

Ziyun was flying in the star in a battle armor The streets of the city looked cold, with Zeqi and the others following them.

The group of people flying in the air was very eye-catching.

Although they were humanoids, the fluorescent purple skin on their faces was particularly eye-catching.

I had never seen such humanoids before. , and Ziyun has a naturally unique and noble temperament.

Seeing Ziyun and others, pedestrians on the road consciously gave way, obviously knowing that the other party was not easy to mess with.

In addition, the spaceship was still suspended over the city, knowing that This is a foreigner

"Quite interesting."Zi Yun scanned the surrounding environment and said lightly.

"In this small corner, all low-level beings live, and they are still in the low-level stage of using the atmosphere and food to sustain life. Zeqi said indifferently, without a trace of emotion, without even looking at the humanoid on the street.

"These lives are the life and wisdom foundation of the universe. The difference between life and wisdom makes the universe appear magical."

Zi Yun didn't pay attention to Zeqi's indifference and just looked at the surrounding environment.

"Should we destroy this planet to find out?"

"it's useless."Zi Yun's voice was cold.

The natural small universe entrance space is very special, very unstable, and very fragile.

The impact of the destruction of the planet is enough to make the small universe entrance disappear, making it impossible to find it.

And they are not sure where the entrance is.

Even now, I’m not sure if that fluctuation is the fluctuation of the small universe, it’s just a rough guess.

"The more noise we make, the more important what we find will attract the attention of the other six companies, which will be detrimental to us."

"So are we just hanging out here now?"

"if not?"

Zi Yun gave him a cold look, a little unhappy.

"Do you know the specific location of the small universe?"

"Now it is determined that there are fluctuations in this space, deploy space detection instruments to detect it, and wait for the results."

"If you can find it, you can naturally find it. If you can’t find it, you can’t find it even if you destroy the Origin Galaxy."

"Don't be impetuous when doing things. Rational thinking is one of the differences between high civilization and low wisdom."

Zeqi noticed Ziyun's displeasure and immediately shut up.

Several other entourage members did not dare to say nonsense.

It was the first time they saw the cold Ziyun unhappy, and they looked at Zeqi pitifully.

This mission The leader is Ziyun, and Ziyun’s status in Ziwei Civilization is not low, and her identity has never been announced. Ziyun regained her coolness, ignored Zeqi and others, and landed in a crowded place below wearing a battle armor


Lin Feng carried a large box onto the hovercar and let out a breath.

Inside the box are materials.

The design optimization of the armor has been completed, and materials are now being purchased to prepare to build the first set of armor on Qingshui Planet.

Mainly engines, chips and some parts.

In Lin Feng's plan, he needed a set of armor for combat training, and then developed the most powerful armor at the same time.

Coming from the free market, there are more choices and they are relatively cheaper.

Just as Lin Feng was about to leave, he saw a group of people landing in front of him.

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