
Dongfang Ren's voice changed, and he looked at the old man behind the camera. He was dealing with matters just now, and suddenly he was urgently invited here.

A most secret underground base, he was still asleep and blindfolded when he came.

He even He didn't know where this was or how he got here.

When he woke up and saw the old man sitting in the house, he knew something big had happened.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have looked for him in such a hurry and in such a serious way.

Now, there are only two people in the small house. Two pictures.

One is the video call with Lin Feng; the other is the unidentified spacecraft that the space station and telescope are paying attention to.

After hearing Lin Feng’s answer, everyone on the scene looked puzzled, except for the old man who looked calm.

Among them In everyone's impression, only Lin Feng has the ability to build such a huge spaceship.

It is impossible for others to build a spacecraft of that level.

Now Lin Feng denies

"Ask him if he knows who it is?"The old man spoke with a thick voice.

"The earth's current technology cannot build a spacecraft of this size, and I can't build it now. There is a high probability that it belongs to aliens."

Lin Feng answered while watching the video from outer space.

Without thinking, he knew that there were people on the other end of the phone who were concerned about this matter.

If such a huge spaceship appears, if the visitor is evil, it will be a matter of life and death for mankind.


Hearing Lin Feng's answer, the old man's serious face finally showed emotion.

His pupils shrank slightly, but he quickly calmed down and let Dongfang Ren retreat, and the camera of the video call turned to him

"If it's an alien, do you have any way to deal with it?"The old man took the phone and asked

"I don't know the other party's technological strength, and I'm paying attention to it now, so it's best to find out first whether this extraterrestrial visitor is an enemy or a friend."

Lin Feng didn't have any surprise when the old man appeared on camera.

"If the person who comes here is not good, I hope you can take action when the time comes."The old man said seriously

"If the person who comes is not good, then it is a matter of life and death for mankind, and it is impossible for me to stay out of it."

Lin Feng's voice was serious.

"The chief executive, the president of the North American Group came to the video call."

Just after hanging up the call with Lin Feng, the secretary next to him came to the old man and said

"Take it." said the old man


Eva is sitting in a seat in the secret hut, an emergency safe house used in times of war.

To guard against the opponent's special weapon attack.

Their space station also discovered the huge spacecraft in space, so they hid in the safe house as soon as possible.

Hiding in with her, besides Big Mushroom Button, was also her think tank Rosen.

No one knows what that spaceship is, and now that the world is at war, this kind of danger must be guarded against.

The first idea that came to mind was the Longteng Group, and then the big Eastern country.

After hearing the assistant talking about the video call, the baby calmed down a little and walked to the camera.



Seeing the old man appearing in the video, Eva smiled and said hello.

Cutting directly to the topic:"Is that spaceship in space yours?"

"No, I asked Lin Feng, and it’s not his, maybe it’s from an alien."The old man said calmly


Eva's face changed drastically. Rosen and other assistants next to her were all moved and looked at each other.

At this time, I believe no one thought it was a joke.

And aliens really do exist, and the whole world knows about it.

"Now we have reached a critical moment, which may be a matter of life and death for mankind."

"I hope both sides can unite at this time." said the old man

"how do you want to do it?"Eva said hesitantly after her eyes flickered.

"Team up with several other companies to send a message to ask the visitor’s intention and confirm the other party’s intention."

"Explore the opponent’s strength, communicate with the outside world in a consistent manner, and be prepared to respond"

"Promise him first."Rosen hurriedly turned to the prompt earphone and said extremely seriously.

"good."Eva agreed.

After a brief exchange, the topic between the two ended.

Eva looked at Rosen and frowned:"Why did you agree to them?"

"If they have such technology against us, we will have no room to resist"

"At this time, there is no need for him to lie to us. If it is really an alien, it is a matter of life and death for mankind."

Rosen drank the red wine in his glass with a serious tone.


"Professor Blue Master, Professor Torell, the country of this planet sent an electromagnetic message."

The lizard head stuck out its tongue and handed the electron in his hand to Master Lan and Torell, a greeting from the earth.

"It seems they have discovered us. Please translate it."

"The compiler program of our optical brain is different from their program"

"Different languages, different symbols, different cryptography systems"

"And they use quantum encrypted communication, so important networks cannot be cracked!"

"Then the only option is to catch it."Torel said. There is a language barrier.

This is the most troublesome way to communicate in the universe, but for them, this is a necessary skill.

"Grab a few humanoids and come over."The lizard head pointed to the space station in the distance.

He said to the team members next to him:"There are a few over there, so don't bother running down there."

"good."The team member who was called next to him nodded, turned around and left.


Kong Cheng looked nervously at the spaceship in the distance. Next to him were other personnel on the space station.

After discovering this shape of the spacecraft, they couldn't wait to leave the space station immediately.

This place is not far from them, and aliens may discover their existence at any time.

Now everyone in the entire space station is on tenterhooks.

The carrot spaceship suddenly opened a hole, and a small spacecraft appeared and flew towards them.

The spacecraft slowly grew larger in their eyes, and finally stopped in front of the space station.

Stretch out the robot hand and grab the entire space, dragging the space station towards the carrot spaceship.

At this moment, the entire space station was filled with despair.

"Enter the safety cabin immediately and escape."The robot said to several space station personnel, urging them to take the safety cabin to leave the space station.

The words woke up the dreamers.

As soon as the robot said this, several personnel immediately had an idea, and they all headed towards the space station's escape cabin. Buzzing...

Several escape capsules had just been launched, and Kong Cheng felt a huge vibration.

When he looked up, he saw that the escape capsules were tightly grasped by the mechanical arms and could not move at all.

"The one who comes is not good."_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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