"Are you still adapting to Mars when you arrive? Lin Feng asked.

"Report that all members are currently in good condition."Pei Jie replied loudly.


Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"The specific mission is already known when you go to Mars"

"I am here to remind you that if you feel any physical discomfort during the execution of your mission, you must stop immediately."

"The base is equipped with a medical room with the most advanced medical equipment, with safety first and mission second."


Everyone agreed in unison and were extremely moved.

The instructions and greetings from Lin Feng himself were much more important than the greetings from others.

"I look forward to your triumphant return and I will personally greet you at the airport."

Lin Feng's call was not long, and was followed by various mission guidance and instructions from aerospace experts.

The atmosphere of Mars has been almost transformed, and the proportion of oxygen content is slightly higher than that of the Earth. The only difference is the atmospheric pressure.

It feels a bit like being in Plateau, each of them has received professional training.

So there is no problem in this regard. The only thing to worry about is mutated viruses and bacteria.

After the instructions, the connection was hung up.

"It is unimaginable that Mars was transformed into a planet with life so quickly."

Kasteelin looked at the Taohuayuan No. 1 biosphere through the glass window of the base.

In front of her eyes was a world full of life, similar to the mountainous wilderness of the Earth.

"This is the power of technology."

Pei Jie looked at the rabbit looking east and west on the grass in the distance with great emotion.

Only Lin Feng has the ability to transform a desolate world into the vibrant one it is now.

Every inch of land here is the result of Lin Feng's highest wisdom. crystallization

"If we complete our mission and go back, we will become the first people on Earth to survive in the natural environment of Mars."

"It should be recorded in the history of human development."

Kastelin smiled and said:"This can be regarded as a kind of luck, a kind of reward for taking risks."

"Looking forward to tomorrow."

Pei Jie lowered his head and looked at the time displayed on his watch.

"It's almost time, Yinghuo, inform everyone to go to the medical room for a physical examination."

I just arrived today. After the adjustment, I need to go to the medical room to check my body first.

I need to rest for a day to adapt to the gravity environment of Mars before starting the mission.

Taohuayuan 1 Biosphere Research Base.

Today is the second day after arriving on Mars, the morning of Mars. They have just gotten up. It is now five o'clock in the afternoon on Earth. In the central command room, eight people are sitting around the conference table. This is the first meeting to be held on Mars.

As a representative, who takes off his protective clothing and enters Taohuayuan No. 1 Biosphere?

This is a question being discussed now.

The experiment has certain unknowns and they have to be cautious

"Let me lead the team out."Hua Yan said.

She is the only Chinese girl among the eight people. She looks like her name, a sonorous rose, and is also the vice-captain of the team.

As an ordinary astronomy student, astronomical research is her hobby. She wanted to travel to space.

She just wanted to travel to space, and the cost was beyond the reach of any ordinary person.

When Longteng Group began to recruit Mars volunteers, she signed up and stood out.

She became one of the first eight lucky ones. The girl's unique carefulness and resilience complement Pei Jie, as well as her leadership skills, making her the vice-captain. Her prestige in the team is second only to that of the captain Pei Jie.


Pei Jie flatly rejected Hua Yan's proposal.

"As the captain, I should take the lead. Next, I will select two team members from you to go to Taohuayuan No. 1 Biosphere"

"As the captain and the commander of the base, you cannot take risks."Hua Yan said

"I agree."

A team member next to him raised his hand in approval.

Muhan Kede, an Arab, with brown skin and bright glasses.

At this time, Mu Han Kede had a smile on his lips and raised his hand.

"As the captain, you should be responsible for commanding at the base, rather than taking risks, I can lead the team out."

Pei Jie smiled directly when he saw that Mu Hankede also spoke.

"There's no point in agreeing. Now is not the time to vote."

"I am the captain, you must follow my arrangements here"

"Hua Yan stayed, and Tang Yuntao and Kastelin went out with me. While I was out, the others followed Hua Yan's instructions."

Pei Jie came to a conclusion directly.

The first batch of people to go out were exposed to the Martian atmosphere for the first time, and the risk factor was higher.

Because the outside is a completely unknown environment, no one knows what will happen.

"Captain, can I go out instead of Yuntao?" said Muhanqed.

"Want to steal my spot? no way."

The team member who looked a bit honest next to him heard that Muhan Kede wanted to replace him and immediately refused.

He looked the thinnest, but his training data was second only to Pei Jie among the eight of them.

Just as a person I'm a bit introverted and can't be the vice-captain.

"Don't argue, just decide, start preparing for going out now."Pei Jie made a decision.

After the meeting, the three of them went to the exit passage of the base to prepare.

Huayan could only take Pei Jie's place, sitting at the central command post, paying attention to their preparations to go out.

At the Longteng Space Center far away on the earth, all Experts are paying attention to their outings.

For the first time in human history, humans have been exposed to the environment of an alien planet without protection and survived in it.

This is a landmark event.

If successful, it proves that planetary transformation is feasible, and in the future, It will provide endless help to human interstellar exploration.

Lin Feng is also paying attention to the situation of Taohuayuan 1.

This test is related to whether his Mars transformation project is completed.

Even if he has nothing to do, he still has to watch.

Pei Jie, Tang Yuntao and Kastelin was already waiting.

The three of them did not wear protective clothing, only their daily training uniforms.

However, just in case, they all carried a simple oxygen tank as thick as an arm on their backs.

There was also a car outside the gate. The emergency rover and three robots are waiting, ready to carry out rescue operations.

The test must do its best to ensure the safety of the Mars volunteers.

"The atmospheric pressure of the exit cabin is being adjusted. The cabin door will open in one minute. Please prepare.……"Mars' artificial intelligence 'Yinghuo' sounded a reminder.

As soon as they finished speaking, Pei Jie and the other three slowly felt the difference in the cabin.

The atmospheric pressure in the cabin they were in was changing, and the atmospheric pressure was getting lower, making them feel a little tight in the chest, like people standing on a plateau.

They have been trained on the plateau and have experience in plateau survival, and they quickly adapt to changes in atmospheric pressure.

One minute, it felt like it was going a little slow in this moment.

Finally, when the atmospheric pressure inside the cabin is the same as that outside, Didi beeps and the artificial intelligence once again confirms that it is okay to open the cabin and go out. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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