Especially when he said those four words"Have a good time" with gritted teeth, Su Cheng couldn't help but smile after hearing it.

Inexplicably, I think this old man is quite funny!

But it was at this time that after the old man finished speaking, he felt as if something had been cut off!

Su Cheng could no longer hear the old man's voice, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically!

I saw that the cave that was originally dark, gloomy and damp turned into a completely different scenery in an instant!

When Su Cheng looked up, he found that the dead end of the cave in front of him had completely changed its color, and the scenery in front of him had suddenly broadened!

——I saw a vast prairie in front of me. The scent of fragrant grass blew gently with the breeze, and every blade of grass swayed in the wind. When Su Cheng took a step toward the sky, he felt that the grass was so soft that Su Cheng It’s a little hard to believe!

And I don't know when there was a breeze blowing towards Su City, and there was even the fragrance of some wild flowers in the breeze!

Such a beautiful scene made Su Cheng feel so helpless and so unbelievable!

But the problem is that everything in front of him is so real. When Su Cheng feels it again, he can't help but feel a little surprised and stunned!

"I never thought that your cave really has two brushes!"

I have to say that when he saw such a scenery, such an instant change, but it was so natural and so clever, Su Cheng couldn't help but raise a smile on his lips, and murmured to himself, praising the old man..

But the old man didn’t expect that he hadn’t left at this time! After hearing Su Cheng’s compliment, he snorted very arrogantly, not to mention how proud and proud he was!

"Ha, you don’t even look at who I am. I’m telling you my identity. If I really tell you, it will scare you to death. I don’t want to go through so many tests anymore. I just want to bear my pain as soon as possible. It’s inheritance!"

I heard the old man say so arrogantly.

Su Cheng felt that he could even imagine that when the old man said these words, it was as if his eyes were looking towards him involuntarily!

It was as if he was deliberately tricking himself into pleading not to go through the test again and to complete the task.

But after Su Cheng heard Lao She's words, he understood what the old man meant in an instant, but did not follow his instructions. He implemented what he was thinking in his mind.

After all, the old man's positive and enthusiastic look before had already made Su Cheng feel that this old man seemed a little unreliable!

——How can a truly strong person devote himself to promoting his own inheritance? It seems that he is interested in his own strength, so he wants to get his voice out quickly, right?

Although Su Cheng was silently thinking in his heart, it was probably because he was too powerful that he attracted the old man's attention, making the old man eager to send the fax to him.

But so what?

Su Cheng still wanted to see how the old man had arranged and perfected the mission for so many years.

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