Su Cheng just took Qiao Nuan up the mountain while walking towards the mountain and looking around.

Su Cheng wanted to see if there were any treasures around, or if there were any caves where treasures could easily be hidden.

But what is disappointing is that this back mountain seems to be just an ordinary back mountain, with no treasures at all.

Even Qiao Nuan had a very good spiritual sense about what she was talking about before...

When Su Cheng carefully searched the grass next to where he was passing and some deeper forests, he still not found!

Even after running nearly half of the mountain, Su Cheng had some doubts about whether Qiao Nuan had made a mistake?

Maybe this back mountain is nothing at all. The back mountain where the Qiao family's treasure is hidden is not the back mountain where spiritual plants are planted!

But when Qiao Nuan saw Su Cheng's eyes that looked suspicious and wanted to leave, Qian Ren suddenly became nervous and quickly came to Su Cheng, frowning worriedly, wanting to Su Cheng believes in himself

"Let's keep going. I heard from my father before that there are spiritual plants and very good herbal medicines in this back mountain. In the past, our Qiao family's herbal collectors have always taken out the rare spiritual plants and very good herbs from this back mountain. Baby!"

Qiao Nuan looked at Su Cheng firmly. She really had a posture of not hitting the wall and never looking back. This made Su Cheng feel powerless, but she also had some hope faintly.

"As long as we go further up, we will definitely find it. Maybe those Ganoderma lucidum are planted on the top of the mountain!"

After listening to what Qiao Nuan said, Su Cheng finally nodded slowly. Although he sighed in his heart, he still didn't have any complaints on the surface.

"Forget it, after all, I said I wanted to come, and now I left halfway. How could this be okay? I should at least go to the top of the mountain to see if there is anything there!"

Su Cheng thought silently in his heart, looking at Qiao Nuan's face, he finally showed a smile when he nodded, and Su Cheng also smiled softly.

"If Qiao Nuan really wanted this spiritual plant, of course she should step on it and give it to him as an apology gift!"

After thinking about it in his mind, Su Cheng slowly lowered his head and continued to move towards the mountain with Qiao Nuan. On the way.

Qiao Nuan may be afraid that something will happen to Su Cheng. I wanted to leave, so I rambled on about all the stories I knew about this back mountain.

"Our Qiao family has a special pharmacy. It is precisely because there are many rare medicines in this pharmacy that the martial arts of our Qiao family improve so quickly!"

Qiao Nuan said with a smile as she walked.

She glanced towards Su Cheng from time to time, nervously watching the expression on Su Cheng's face at this time, for fear that he would be unhappy and want to turn around and leave.

"Because no matter what kind of injury you suffer, you can get the medicinal materials from the pharmacy, and then you can recover from your injuries in a very short time, and you can quickly start practicing again."

Having said this, even Qiao Nuan couldn't help but be proud of the pharmacy set up by their Qiao family.

"It is precisely because of this that the spiritual plants in the back mountain are very precious and cannot be easily picked. Therefore, our pharmacy supervisors are sent to pick the products every month."

Su Cheng noticed at this time that when Qiao Nuan mentioned the pharmacy manager, some sparkling lights appeared in his eyes.

Inexplicably, he felt that this manager was a very powerful person?

But wasn't he just picking a medicine ? Plant?

Su Cheng gently scratched his head. He really didn’t understand. It was just a simple picking of a medicinal plant. Is this a big deal? It was just that the picking speed was a little faster. Since There are so many spiritual plants planted on this mountain, and they are rare spiritual plants, so picking them shouldn’t be too difficult for the supervisor, right?

Although Su Cheng thought so, Qiao Nuan still kept going He was praising the manager of the pharmacy. He was almost praising the manager to the sky!

"Every time, in just one afternoon, I can take out a large basket of rare and useful medicinal plants, and each one is a very commonly used medicinal plant that everyone needs!"

After Qiao Nuan finished talking about this matter, her eyes seemed to be wandering. She probably thought of the supervisor, so she couldn't help but be distracted, right? After

Su Cheng noticed it, he sighed silently in his heart, He didn't want to worry about her.

Su Cheng just wanted to continue going up the mountain to look for the so-called powerful spiritual plant. What did it look like? How could Qiao Nuan admire a person who picked the spiritual plant so much?

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