Su Cheng slowly put his fan and the nine-story demon tower into his arms, stood up directly, and looked at the people in the audience with contemptuous eyes. past.

But at this moment, Jia Renyi finally couldn't help but speak again!

Su Cheng only watched as he climbed up in front of him, clenching his teeth. He looked very lethal indeed, but to Su Cheng, he was just a clown.

It’s not like Su Cheng didn’t know what Jia Renyi’s performance and situation were just now.

"Why does Brother Jia want to have a good comparison with me now? I haven't forgotten the way Brother Jia just managed to tie his own shoelaces and fell to the ground!"

After Su Cheng saw Jia Renyi stand up, the smile on his face did not shrink at all, and even smiled even happier.

Such words that picked up on others' shortcomings made Jia Renyi's face unbearable again. His face turned red, and it felt as if his face was about to be burned!

But in the current situation,……

"I am a hero that everyone holds in high esteem. Everyone has proven my strength. My strength is also obvious to everyone. How could I lose to you like this? I want to compare my moves with you again!"

Su Cheng heard Jia Renyi say such a sentence.

This ridiculous, funny and funny words made Su Cheng bite her teeth hard. After gritting her teeth, she suppressed her smile and barely stopped talking like this. Laughing out of control in front of many people!

"I said Jia Renyi, are you crazy now or what? Don't think that just because I provoked you with a sentence or two, your mental endurance is so poor that there is no way to recover!"

Su Cheng's interview eyes looked towards Jia Renyi, making him even more unconvinced!

"I'm not crazy! Take action quickly!"

Listening to Jia Renyi's words, Su Cheng finally became irritated by his ignorant persistence!

Su Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The next second, his palms stretched forward, only Seeing a giant constantly swimming in his palm, it looked like a bombardment wave with very powerful spiritual power!

Everyone could even see the sharp light in Su Cheng's palm, and the golden flashes surging up and down. , and the sound of those lightning-like bombings!

This made everyone on the side stare blankly after seeing it, looking in the direction of Su Cheng in disbelief.

They had no way of believing what they saw in front of them, in the hands of Su Cheng The thing he is grabbing is real!

You must know that the power of this shock wave will definitely be more powerful than the supersonic punch Su Cheng used just now!

"Haven't we seen this technique of releasing spiritual power and condensing it into a ball of light for a long time? The last record seems to have been in this Sioux City hundreds of years ago. How could such a trick be used?!"

"Yes, yes, I have never seen it either! Now this Sioux City is actually……"

"what's going on? Where did Su Cheng find the method to practice this craft? Now it seems that Jia Renyi is clearly in danger. It is better to persuade Jia Renyi to come back at this time!"

"Indeed, as soon as Su Cheng used this move, the dummy could be dispersed by such a powerful bombardment wave in less than half a second!"

"It's so powerful. I originally thought that his Jin Gaozhao was already a very powerful defensive weapon. It's precisely because such a conservative person doesn't have much power in attack. But now it seems……"

"We thought wrong!"

Su Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly. Although the shock wave caused by the spiritual light ball in his hand continued to condense and expand, his ears were not idle, and he kept listening to the crowd's shouts for him. It was precisely because of this that when Su Cheng heard the crowd's comments about him, a smile slowly appeared on his lips, and he looked disdainfully at Jia Renyi who gave him the last chance to escape.

"Now that I have seen this thing and heard the admonitions of bystanders, are you still prepared to let me continue to take action? I'll give you a choice."

Su Cheng said with a smile. To Jia Renyi, the smile on his face was like a demon from hell, scaring him even more than King Yama!

He looked at the shock wave in Su Cheng's hand , listening to the words of those who persuaded him to come down...

After Jia Renyi felt that the muscles all over his body were tense, he experienced symptoms of complete weakness, and even his thighs could no longer support his body. The two waves are fighting and hanging on the verge of falling!

"you you……"

Jia Renyi watched Su Cheng stutter out these two words, but couldn't say a single other word! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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