So the next moment, Jia Renyi's iron fist hit Su Cheng hard on the face.

At this moment, a loud"boom" can be clearly heard. The sound of this huge noise is so loud that it can be clearly heard even from a distance of dozens of meters. There was that huge"bang" sound.

So from this we can see how huge the noise is.

After all, this is just the sound made when a fist hits the face, so theoretically, the sound should not be very loud, so normally, it should not be heard at all from a distance of tens of meters. That's right.

But the problem is that the sound of the fist hitting the face is so loud that people dozens of meters away can hear this huge"booming" sound, because normally it shouldn't There was such a loud sound that people dozens of meters away could hear it.

But now the reality is that people dozens of meters away can hear the huge"rumbling sound" caused by the fist hitting the face hard, so analyzing this sound alone is enough to tell The power of this fist is so powerful.

So much so that even the sound interference from the noisy scene where so many people were talking to each other could not block out this huge"booming" sound.

Therefore, it can be said that the power of this punch is indeed very great.

So the moment Jia Renyi's fist hit Su Cheng's face.

Immediately, a shock wave of air burst out from Su Cheng's face, and a wave of air swept away in all directions.

At this moment, a very spectacular scene suddenly broke out, so that after seeing this scene, everyone present was very shocked, extremely surprised, as if they had seen a ghost, and all of them suddenly let out waves of surprise. voice.

So at this moment, I saw the air wave sweeping away in all directions like the shock wave of an explosion. The power of the air wave was also very violent, so that it was like a typhoon wind blowing by. , blowing up Su Cheng's hair in an instant, and that's not all.

When he saw Jia Renyi, who was face to face with Su Cheng, his hair was instantly blown up by the strong wind generated by the air waves. So for a moment, Jia Renyi felt as if he was traveling on a high speed. While racing, I stuck my head out of the car window and felt the feeling like a strong wind blowing in my face.

Therefore, it can be seen that when Jia Renyi hit Su Cheng's face with his fist, the powerful air shock wave generated immediately, and the power of the powerful wind was indeed very great.

Otherwise, why would Jia Renyi feel as if he had stuck his brain out of the window of a high-speed car.

Therefore, the power of this punch is indeed amazing.

So I saw Jia Renyi suddenly yelling:"Fuck me!"

Then I saw Jia Renyi's fist hit Su Cheng's face desperately, and then the air shock wave was extremely Violent, but it only occurs in an instant. It comes quickly and disappears quickly.

So soon the air shock wave disappeared without a trace, but the problem was that not long after the air shock wave disappeared, a layer of golden light suddenly appeared on the face of the output person.

This golden light appeared on Su Cheng's face like a mask or mask. It was probably less than one centimeter away from the surface of Su Cheng's face, and Jia Renyi's fist happened to be right at this moment. It hit this layer of golden light.

Or it can be said that Jia Renyi's fist hit the protective shield formed by the golden light on Su Cheng's face at this time.

Therefore, it can be said that the protective shield formed by this layer of golden light blocked Jia Renyi's powerful and heavy fist. Therefore, it can be seen that this is actually the ability of Su Cheng's King Kong God and Demon Skill.

Therefore, we can know that although Jia Renyi's punch seems to be powerful and powerful, in fact it only hit Su Cheng's Vajra God and Demon Kung Fu, and did not hit Su Cheng's real self at all. on the body.

So this explains why Su Cheng looked completely unscathed, because Su Cheng was not really hit in the body by Jia Renyi's fist.

So this is the fundamental reason why Su Cheng was able to take Jia Renyi's punch without any trouble, because this is the powerful defensive power generated by the Vajra God and Demon Skill.

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