So Jia Renyi immediately continued to strengthen his fist, and then saw that when Jia Renyi's fist passed through the air, it even pulled the surrounding air. At this time, because of the impact of Jia Renyi's fist, The speed and strength are both too strong.

Because the speed and power of Jia Renyi's fist is so strong that it generates strong inertia when it cuts through the air, and this strong inertia generates strong air pressure. Such strong air pressure , and pulled the surrounding air, so that at this moment, Jia Renyi's fist could be seen.

Suddenly an air shield appeared.

This layer of air cover is due to the strong air pressure that pulls the surrounding air when the fist passes by, so the air that was pulled over was immediately hit on the surface of Jia Renyi's fist. On.

As a result, a protective shield made of air was formed to protect the surface of Jia Renyi's fist, like a translucent air glove, which was very awesome.

This is the effect of Jia Renyi's fist. From this point alone, you can see how powerful this fist is.

Therefore, after seeing the effect of Jia Renyi's punch, the surrounding people all let out a cry of surprise, and some people's faces were very shocked, extremely horrified, and couldn't believe it. The expressions on their faces were two eyes that stared out fiercely, as if they were surprised to see aliens, which was very exaggerated.

Then I heard someone suddenly say with a shocked face:

"This Jia Renyi is really not simple. He can actually punch such a punch. He is really powerful and indeed somewhat capable."

So after this person finished speaking, the person next to the person who spoke immediately nodded and echoed:

"You are right. This Jia Renyi is indeed quite capable. He can actually deliver such a powerful punch. He is really powerful. Even I may not be able to catch such a punch head-on."

So after this person finished speaking, the person next to the person who spoke immediately said to this person with a dirty look on his face after hearing what the person who spoke said:

"Haha, you’re really going to make me laugh to death. What do you mean, it’s hard even for you to take the next step? You just can’t take it. What else can you do? Who do you think you are? You can’t take this step at all. Punch!"

After hearing what that person said, this person immediately nodded and said:

"It's true as you said, and I really couldn't take it because this fist was so powerful. I doubted that his fist could blow up a car head-on, so I His body is not that strong yet, so naturally he cannot withstand such a fist that destroys the world!"

"You are right to say so, and in fact, few people present dare to say that they can take this punch head-on. After all, this punch is indeed particularly powerful, because this punch has exceeded the limit. It's a force, so it's naturally very powerful, but then again, if you can't welcome it, it doesn't mean you really can't accept it!"

"At this time, someone nodded and continued:

"Yes, although you may not be able to fight head-on, you can use other methods to continue. After all, there are many ways to fight. There is no need to compare your own shortcomings with the strengths of others. This is something only a fool would do. Only a Henglian master would consider taking a punch from another Henglian master."

"That's right, in fact, you can use spells to block Jia Renyi. You can even say that I directly cast a spell. Before Jia Renyi's fist reached me, he was already attacked by my spell, and then he directly hit me in the middle. He was attacked by my spell on the way. In this way, no matter how powerful his fist is, it will be in vain if he can't hit me."

"So although this Jia Renyi is very strong, he is just like that. He is not invincible. Even many people present can directly kill him instantly, but few people can take a punch from him."

"So this is also the shortcoming of Master Henglian. Although the attack power is very strong, you must be able to hit others when you are fighting, otherwise it will be in vain. Therefore, Master Henglian actually has a big shortcoming."

At this time, Su Cheng also watched helplessly as Jia Renyi's fist hit him. The fist was very oppressive. Even before the fist hit his face, he had already felt the pressure from that fist. The powerful oppressive force generated was so powerful that even Su Cheng could feel it.

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