When the elders of various sects saw that the Ghost Emperor had devoured countless ghosts and its strength surged, their hearts trembled, and they felt a faint feeling of uneasiness.

However, for them to be able to become elder-level figures, they naturally have their own trump cards.

What's more, if they join forces, they can definitely kill the Ghost King.

It's just that there will be some price to pay.

Of course, they can afford this price.

After all, this is a nine-story demon tower with great opportunities inside.

Countless ghosts appeared on the first floor alone, allowing them to harvest countless spirit beads. There must be unimaginable opportunities on the second, third and higher floors.

They have decided: join forces to kill the Ghost Emperor! Climb to the second level!

Just when they were preparing to join forces to surround and kill the Ghost King.

They saw the strange appearance of the Ghost King.

I saw the Ghost King moving his gaze to a corner.

There was doubt in their expressions

"What is the Ghost King looking at?"

"How dare the Ghost Emperor be distracted at such a critical moment?"

They followed the Ghost King's gaze and saw a man and a beast appearing in their sight.

After seeing this man and beast, the elders and disciples of each sect had doubts and puzzlements on their expressions..

Because they discovered that they didn’t recognize this person or beast at all.

He didn’t belong to any super sect.

"Who is this guy? Why did he suddenly appear on the first floor of the nine-story demon tower?"

Everyone's hearts were full of doubts, and many question marks appeared on their heads.

Suddenly, an elder seemed to have thought of something, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"this...Could this guy be the mysterious warrior who suddenly left us behind when we entered the nine-story demon tower just now? Is he the first mysterious warrior to enter the nine-story demon tower?"

The elder said.

After hearing what the elder said, all the warriors present looked stunned, and then they reacted.

"right! It must be him!"

"We spent a lot of energy and finally opened the formation outside the nine-story demon tower, but this guy took advantage of the loophole and was the first to enter the nine-story demon tower."

Some elders said.

Their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Su Cheng.

Because when they entered the nine-story demon tower, they were directly left behind by Su Cheng.

This shows that Su Cheng is very fast. Fast, even they would have a hard time catching up.

Maybe Su Cheng is also very powerful!

There was a hint of disbelief in their expressions.

In their opinion, Su Cheng was only in his early twenties. How could it be possible to cultivate speed to such an extent?

Moreover, they could clearly observe that when Su Cheng faced the gaze of all their warriors, he behaved calmly and calmly, without any nervousness.

Obviously, The other party didn't show any nervousness or embarrassment at all.

Even when facing thousands of warriors and ghost emperors, he acted neither humble nor arrogant.

"Huh? There's something weird about this mount!"

The eyes of some elders moved to Xiao Lin, who was under Su Cheng's crotch.

"Although this mount looks like a Tibetan mastiff, it exudes an extraordinary temperament, a bit like an ancient mythical beast."

Some elders murmured in their hearts.

They felt more and more mysterious that Su City was becoming more and more mysterious.

The other party had previously burst out with extreme speed, leaving them behind. He was the first to enter the nine-story demon tower, and then lurked in They couldn't even discover the first level of the nine-story demon tower.

Moreover, they also had a mysterious and unknown mount.

Such methods were simply astonishing!

"Boy, I don't care if you're just pretending or if you're really capable"

"Take my bone spear first!"

The Ghost King shouted loudly.

There was a buzz.

He waved the bone spear in his hand fiercely, and the bone spear directly erupted with a harsh sound.

A violent and cruel aura suddenly erupted from the Ghost King's body.

Look. He went up with murderous intent.

At this time, Su Cheng raised his eyelids and glanced at the warriors and Ghost Emperor around him.

He did not expect that the Ghost Emperor and the elders of the sect who were about to fight would stop and turn their attention. On him.

Originally, he was planning to let the elders of various sects fight the Ghost King, and when both sides were hurt, he would then take advantage of the situation.

But now it seems that this plan will obviously not be realized.

Because no matter it is The Ghost Emperor and the elders of various sects have all turned their attention to him.

"Come and die!"

The Ghost King shouted again, and his eyes turned red.

I saw the bone spear in his hand suddenly stabbing towards Su Cheng.

The bone spear was extending infinitely, as if there was no end.

The bone spear's The spearhead exuded a cold light, and the spear body was wrapped with black energy. Just looking at it made people feel their scalp numb.

In the blink of an eye, the bone spear in the Ghost Emperor's hand had already reached Su Cheng's side.

Seeing After this scene, the elders and disciples of various sects had meaningful expressions on their faces.

In their opinion, Su Cheng's strength was somewhat unclear, and after the Ghost Emperor devoured countless ghosts, his strength was also unclear. Becoming extremely tyrannical.

It just so happens that they can wait and see what happens and observe how strong the Ghost Emperor is.

At the same time, they can also observe the strength of Su Cheng.

In their opinion, whether it is the Ghost Emperor or Su Cheng, the two The strength of the two is somewhat unpredictable.

Therefore, the battle between the two will definitely allow them to find out the true strength of the Ghost Emperor and Su Cheng.

They all focused their attention on the Ghost Emperor and Su Cheng. Quietly observing the battle that was about to break out.

At this moment, the spear in the Ghost Emperor's hand had reached Su Cheng's chest.

It seemed that the next moment, it would pierce Su Cheng's chest into a big hole..

At this time, the Ghost Emperor had a cold expression on his face. He seemed to have seen the tragic end of Su Cheng being directly penetrated into the chest by him and then being devoured by him.

On the other hand, Su Cheng was motionless while riding Xiaolin. , did not make any counterattack, as if he was frightened.

"Boy, you're dead!"

The Ghost King shouted softly.

Suddenly, the Ghost King's eyes inadvertently noticed Su Cheng's expression.

I saw a trace of ridicule and calmness on Su Cheng's face.

It seemed that he did not take the dangerous situation in front of him at all.

I don't know. Why, the Ghost King's heart suddenly trembled, and an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness arose.

"Doesn't this guy have a trump card?"

The Ghost King thought uneasily in his heart, and a trace of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

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