After all, he knew very well that even if he was alone here, as long as he wanted to leave, the guards would not want to keep him.

What he wanted to make sure was whether he killed the lost guy in Taipingfang.

Since some people now say that they saw that guy once when they left Taipingfang, it can be confirmed that he did not kill the person and has nothing to do with him.

Su Cheng frowned slightly. Either the person was lost in Taipingfang, or they disappeared when they left Taipingfang and entered Kanglefang.

There was no danger at all along the way, so why did the disciple of the Demon Cult disappear?

Could it be that the other party fell behind and got lost?

This is too nonsense. The other party obviously knows this Demon Cult stronghold. Even if the other party is really lost, he should run back by himself.

So the question becomes, why did Li Erniu lose it?

Xu Yanran frowned and said:"There was no danger at all on the way back from Taipingfang, but this Li Erniu seemed to have disappeared from the world. This is very unusual."

Long Yan Aotian caught him He scratched his forehead and said in confusion,"That's strange. This big living person can't disappear for no reason, right?"

Su Cheng shook his head slightly, looked at Zhan Hu, and said,"The people in your Demon Sect branch are all from Did the main hall bring him?

What is the background of Li Erniu?"

Zhan Hu was slightly startled, he was a little confused as to why Su Cheng would ask this at this time.

But this is not a secret, and everyone here is our own people, so there is no problem in saying it. He looked at Su Cheng, thought for a while, and then said:"Brother Su Cheng, when the main hall asked me to come to Yu Fan Kingdom to establish When we branched out, we didn’t have many people. Half of the brothers in our branch were brought by me from the main hall, the other half were my close relatives who I brought with me, and some of them were people I had lived in Yufan City. Developing believers!"

The Demon Sect itself is a major religion that is constantly attracting followers, so it is not surprising that the branch is attracting new blood in Yufan City.

Xu Yanran frowned slightly and said,"So what is the situation with this Li Erniu? Did you bring him from the main hall, is he your confidant, or is he a believer you attracted in Yufan City?"

Zhan Hu was stunned. He trembled and said:"Li Erniu...he is a believer I developed in Yufan City.……"

After saying that, Zhan Hu seemed to understand something.

Zhan Hu said in a low voice:"These believers who have developed in Yufan City have passed the test of our demon sect. Logically speaking, he should not have any problems, right?"

Zhan Hu Qinghu, now Su Cheng and Xu Yanran suspected that Li Erniu had something wrong with him.

If Li Erniu himself had problems and was a spy planted by outsiders in the Demon Sect branch, then what happened today would make sense.

However, Zhan Hu still didn't quite believe that the followers he had recruited by himself were actually the traps planted by others.

This is really shocking, and the saint is on the side now. If this is really the case, then he, the leader of the branch, is too useless.

If this matter reaches the main hall, the main hall will definitely punish him severely.

Thinking of this, Zhan Hu knelt down in front of Xu Yanran and said:"Sage, I really don't know that Li Erniu is a trap planted by others. If I knew, I would have killed him with one knife." I will definitely not accept him into the branch hall!"

Long Yan Aotian on the side was a little stunned. His mind was not as flexible as Su Cheng and Xu Yanran. At this time, he was still a little unresponsive. What happened to this Li Erniu? Has he become a secret agent placed in the Demon Sect?

Long Yan Aotian said doubtfully:"How do you conclude that Li Erniu is a trap planted by others? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Su Cheng looked at Long Yan Aotian with a caring look, and then said:" This time we evacuated from Taipingfang without encountering any danger along the way, and the disciples of the Demon Cult followed closely behind us.

We did not use spiritual power to rush, so there was no chance that the disciples of the Demon Cult could not keep up. situation.

In this case, Li Erniu disappeared unexpectedly, why do you think it was because of it?"

Su Cheng was kind-hearted. Seeing that Long Yan Aotian had always been by his side and loyal, he I'm still willing to explain it to him.

Long Yan Aotian was stunned. He looked at Su Cheng and was silent for a moment. His mind finally smoothed everything over.

This may be what happened. If Li Erniu hadn't been a spy planted by others, he would never have disappeared inexplicably.

And if Li Erniu was a spy planted by others, then in the process of leaving Taipingfang, he might leave the demon sect at any time.

After all, everyone was extremely nervous at that time, thinking about how to escape Taipingfang safely. Who would pay attention to the companions around them leaving quietly?

Long Yan Aotian patted his forehead, and then said:"Brother Su Cheng, according to what you said, we are going to be in trouble. If this Li Erniu is someone else's spy, then our current position will be exposed to others. Right under their noses.

I'm afraid someone will come to our door soon, so we'd better be careful!"

Xu Yanran nodded slightly and said,"We can't stay here any longer, so we have to leave quickly!"

Zhan Hu said angrily:"That Li Erniu, what? If I knew he was a spy, I would kill him with one knife!"

Su Cheng said helplessly:"Now is not the time to say these words, let's find a way to leave here as soon as possible That's right!"

Xu Yanran nodded and said,"Yes, let's leave as soon as possible, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

"Zhan Hu, does your branch have other strongholds in Yufan City?"

Zhan Hu suddenly showed bitterness on his face. There are not so many strongholds in Yufan City. When the demon sect stronghold in Yufan City was established, the mission given by the main hall was only to spread the teachings of the demon sect and develop more believers. It's not used to cause trouble.

If you don't want to cause trouble, then why do you need so many strongholds?

The stronghold they are staying in now was not originally planned to be built. Zhan Hu set it up because of his years of working in the Demon Sect.

This stronghold was exposed, where else to build a stronghold?

Everyone saw Zhan Hu's bitter face and immediately understood what Zhan Hu was thinking.

Su Cheng shook his head, but he didn't worry too much about this, besides, there are already people in Yufan City. With martial law in place, even if the demon sect's branch still has a stronghold, they have no way to move.

After all, going out at this time is equivalent to telling the patrolling guards that they are the people the guards are looking for?

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