Su Cheng took Xu Yanran out of the room and looked down.

At this moment, the first floor of the hall was filled with sergeants of the Yulin Guards, while the guests of Chunyue Tower and the oiran were all controlled by the sergeants and stood aside.

As the boss of Chunyue Tower, Zhan Hu stood in front of the Yulin Guard sergeants and kept questioning them.

Su Cheng stood on the fourth floor of Chunyue Tower, so naturally he couldn't hear what they were saying, but he didn't need to listen, Su Cheng knew that Zhan Hu was probably questioning why these Yulin guards surrounded Chunyue Tower.

Although the strength of the Demon Sect branch where Zhan Hu is stationed is not very good, he still has a certain background in Yu Fan's country. If not for this, those Yulin guards would have captured Zhan Hu long ago.

The heavy footsteps of sergeants could be heard on the wooden stairs downstairs. At the same time, these Yulin Guard sergeants were still scolding the guests who came out to check.

Xu Yanran was a little anxious. These Yulin guards arrived too quickly, which was not what they expected at all.

"Brother Su Cheng, what should we do now?

These Yulin Guards have arrived, we don't have much time! Otherwise, should I take action and kill them?"

They have already experienced the strength of these Yulin Guards before. They look very powerful, but are actually vulnerable.

It is really not difficult to kill these Yulin Guards.

So at this moment, Xu Yanran wants to take action to kill these Yulin Guards. He killed all the Yulin Guards.

Su Cheng shook his head slightly, Xu Yanran's temper was too bad, and he wanted to kill people when they encountered any trouble.

Looking at the Yulin Guards below, Zhan Hu was still fighting with the Yulin Guards. Arguing, it seems that the Yulin Guards did not recognize that Zhan Hu was also one of the murderers who killed the Yulin Guards sergeants before.

But it is not surprising that when they killed those Yulin Guards before, the first batch of Yulin Guards, Su Cheng left some survivors alive, but Zhan Hu hadn't come yet at that time.

When the second batch of Yulin Guards came, Zhan Hu took action, but none of the second batch of Yulin Guards survived, and they were all dead. Naturally, no one would recognize Zhan Hu.

However, Su Cheng also knew very well that these Yulin guards did not know Zhan Hu, but they did not necessarily know him. He had led Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian to kill those few at the gate of the city. When they were soldiers, they were not masked. Many people saw them at that time, and the first batch of Yulin Guards also knew their appearance.

Now there must be someone among these Yulin Guards who specializes in identifying them.

Below The movement became quieter. After the sergeants controlled all the guests in Chunyue Building, they walked towards the stairs on the fourth floor.

The thumping footsteps coincided with Su Cheng's heartbeat.

Su Cheng pulled Xu Yanran. He returned to the room with his hand and carefully closed the door,"When they come, let's plot against them, remember not to make a sound!"

Xu Yanran was being held by Su Cheng at this moment. His pretty face was red and he was in a state of ecstasy. This was the first time Su Cheng held his hand! So much so that Xu Yanran didn't listen carefully to what Su Cheng said. She just listened to Su Cheng's words. He said not to make a sound.

Looking at Xu Yanran's naive look, Su Cheng shook his head helplessly. How could he expect Xu Yanran to do something?

Forget it, it's better not to let Xu Yanran do it. It's the same as doing it yourself.

"Don't move for a while, just stand here and I'll take care of them all!"

Su Cheng said in a low voice.

At this moment, those Yulin guards had arrived on the fourth floor.

On the entire fourth floor, only the room opposite Su Cheng was occupied. Su Cheng saw these Yulin guards through the gap in the window of the room. After they reached the fourth floor, they became cautious.

Presumably these Habayashi Guards all know that those who can be happy on the fourth floor of Chunyue Tower are not ordinary people. If they offend others, it will inevitably lead to disaster.

Habayashi Guards be careful After exploring the room opposite, they respectfully closed the door. A dozen soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the Yage in Su City.

There is another Yage next door to this Yage in Su City, but today There were no guests in that Accord.

These Yulin guards obviously did not give up the search just because the Accord next to it was empty.

Soon these Yulin guards finished searching the Accord, and then the group of people walked towards Su City. Come.

Su Cheng retreated slightly and hid behind the door.

The Yulin Guards walked to the door of the room, and the leader of the Yulin Guards knocked on the door carefully,"Excuse me, the Yulin Guards are doing a routine inspection!"

Su Cheng frowned slightly, quite politely. If he didn't respond, he might make these guys suspicious, which would be difficult to deal with.

So Su Cheng gently pulled the door handle and opened the door. At this moment, Su Cheng Standing behind the door with Xu Yanran, their bodies were blocked by the open door.

The Yulin guards were relieved when they saw the door opened. What they were afraid of was that the people in the fourth floor of the Accord would not open the door. If They didn't dare to force their way in without opening the door. They would have to ask the leader of the Yulin Guards for instructions, and they would inevitably be scolded afterwards. Seeing the door open, the several Yulin Guards just breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment they were heartbroken. When I mentioned it, the room was brightly lit and the table was filled with dishes. The red sandalwood incense next to it was filled with mist, and I felt relaxed and happy after just one whiff...

But, where were the people? There was no one in the room, and there was no movement at all...

But If there was no one, who opened the door for them?

The current situation made these Yulin Guards extremely surprised. They were a little confused about what was going on here.

Just when several Yulin Guards were about to go in and check. Suddenly, a stream of light flashed in front of each of them, and then everyone felt a chill on their necks. The next second, all the strength in their bodies seemed to have been taken away.

All the Yulin guards were soft. He fell down.

He breathed a sigh of relief after Su Cheng got rid of these feather forest guards. He moved very quickly and made almost no sound. The feather forest guards below did not notice that something was going on above.

But Su Cheng was also very It was clear that these Yulin Guards would soon discover the anomaly on the fourth floor.

Xu Yanran came back to his senses. He walked out of the room and saw the Yulin Guards here. He was not too surprised, but it was solved now. Should these Yulin Guards escape?

Xu Yanran is unwilling to escape. The saint of his majestic demon sect can only let others flee. He has never said that someone would let him flee, but Xu Yanran He will not be willful. He will listen to Su Cheng now and do whatever Su Cheng tells him to do.……

"Brother Su Cheng, are we leaving here now?"

Su Cheng shook his head slightly, tilted his head slightly and leaned against the pillar to glance at the Yulin Guards below. If they left, Zhan Hu and the others would be in big trouble. There were quite a few Yulin Guards coming this time, and Zhan Hu Even if Hu and the others were able to leave, they would suffer some losses, which Su Cheng did not want to see.

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