Su Cheng said with a smile:"Don't worry, what are you afraid of if I take action?

Although there is a certain risk of failure, I promise that I will be careful and careful again."

Long Yan Aotian suddenly felt helpless. He knew that Su Cheng was so Saying this means that Su Cheng has already decided. Since Su Cheng has already decided, he has no way to continue to question it.

Otherwise, Su City will be dissatisfied.

"Well, Brother Su Cheng, since you have made your decision, I will follow your orders and go to the secret realm to guard those monsters to prevent them from attacking the exit. Su

Cheng laughed, walked to Long Yan Aotian, patted his shoulder, and then said:"I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, I rarely fail when I take action!""

Long Yan Aotian gave a bitter smile. He rarely fails, but it doesn't mean he never fails. If he really fails, then his little life will be left in the secret realm.

But in this case, he will definitely not Dare to say it in front of Su Cheng. At this time, the head of the Jiuli tribe walked into the main hall. He had gone to deal with the internal affairs of the Jiuli tribe. After all, the people of the Jiuli tribe were preparing to leave Dafan City before. This time Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian came out of the secret realm safe and sound, which made everyone in the Jiuli tribe feel at ease. The head of the Jiuli tribe walked to Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian with a smile, bowed and saluted, and said to Su Cheng:"Su Brother Cheng, what are your plans? Are you really planning to use the secret technique of Hu Tian?"

Hearing the secret method of Hutian from the mouths of Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe was horrified. He had never heard of such a secret method. But now that

Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian have spoken. , then this kind of secret method must exist. He has never heard of it, which can only show that he is ignorant.

Su Cheng said with a smile:"Yes, I am going to use the Hutian secret method to refine the entire secret realm, and then the secret realm will be transformed from Dafan City has disappeared, so you don’t have to worry about anything!"

Then Su Cheng turned his head and glanced at Long Yan Aotian, and then said to the leader of the Jiuli tribe:"Long Yan Aotian has sacrificed a lot in this plan. If the secret realm is really refined by then, you Jiuli tribe will Be very grateful to him!"

The patriarch of the Jiuli tribe didn't understand what Su Cheng meant, but now that Su Cheng said that he wanted to thank Long Yan Aotian properly, then he would naturally not neglect Long Yan Aotian. Besides, even if Su Cheng didn't say this, The Jiuli Clan did not dare to show any slight towards Long Yan Aotian.

After all, although Long Yan Aotian was no match for Su Cheng, he could absolutely crush them against the Jiuli Clan.

At this time, Su Cheng looked around him. He thought about it for a while, and then said:"Let's not delay it any longer. It's better to do this sooner rather than later. Let's do it tomorrow!""

Now the most important step in using the Hutian Secret Technique, mobile phone treasure materials are no longer a problem, then the rest is very simple and does not need to waste any time, so Su Cheng plans to start using the Hutian Secret Technique tomorrow.

And he was there before As seen above on the Hutian Secret Technique, although the Hutian Secret Technique is not too difficult to perform, it does take a lot of time.

By then, they will probably spend half a month in the secret realm.

And Su Cheng is in Dafan City has spent a lot of time dealing with the secret realm. Now he wants to investigate the Taotie Secret Treasure as soon as possible. He really doesn't want to spend more time on the secret realm.

Long Yan Aotian heard Su Cheng said that he would take action the next day , his face suddenly became extremely bitter, but there was no way, this was something decided by Su Cheng, and he had no right to resist.

He shook his head, and then said:"In this case, then follow what you said, brother Su Cheng Let's do it, anyway, I think this secret realm is quite uncomfortable to put there!"

The leader of the Jiuli tribe here was naturally very angry. He wished that Su Cheng would go and refine this secret realm right now. So when he heard Su Cheng say that he would take action early in the morning, he was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth. He looked at Su Cheng, He said:

"Brother Su Cheng, if you need anything from our Jiuli Clan, please don’t be polite. We, the Jiuli Clan, don’t have anything to do right now. If you need help, just give us your orders! Su

Cheng nodded slightly. Naturally, he would not be polite to the Jiuli tribe. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then Su Cheng said to the Jiuli tribe leader:

"Let's do this, tomorrow morning you ask the tribe to clear the outside of the secret realm, and then purchase some materials according to my instructions!"

After that, Su Cheng told the Jiuli tribe chief about all the materials he needed and asked him to buy them.

The Jiuli tribe chief immediately left in a hurry. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect what Su Cheng had ordered him to do..

After thinking about it, Su Cheng said:"Now that everything has been taken care of, let's get ready now!"

For Su Cheng and Long Yan Aotian, sleep is no longer important. It can even be said that the usual rest and sleep are just a matter of habit, not what the body really needs.

Soon Su Cheng gave him the previous The Dragon Clan's treasure house was taken out. This Dragon Clan's treasure house was stored in the system space by Su Cheng. Because he was not familiar with the contents of this treasure house, at this moment, Su Cheng directly took out all the treasure materials and let Long Yan Aotian went to pick out the treasure materials needed to refine the secret realm.

Long Yan Aotian naturally did not dare to neglect, and soon slowly picked out the needed treasure materials among the mountains of treasure materials.

Su Cheng sat aside and started Thinking about the secret method of Hutian. Although this secret method of Hutian is simple, it is the first time for Su Cheng to come into contact with it. In order to ensure that there will be no mistakes when using it tomorrow, he naturally has to study it thoroughly.

Early the next morning, Su Cheng took the Jiuli tribe The patriarch, Long Yan Aotian and others from the Jiuli tribe arrived at the exit of the secret realm. A large open space had been cleared at the exit by the Jiuli tribe. The chief of the

Jiuli tribe heard that it would take half a day for Su Cheng to perform the Hutian secret technique. In a matter of months, he actually arranged for the tribesmen to build a simple house at the exit of the secret realm overnight. There was nothing complicated in the house, just some food and water, and beds for rest.

Su Chengsao After a quick glance, he was very satisfied. The patriarch of the Jiuli tribe had thought things through quite well.

"You Jiuli people are watching from the periphery, don’t come near here, no matter what happens, don’t come close, so as not to affect my ability to use the secret technique of Hutian! The patriarch of the Jiuli tribe nodded quickly and said:"

Brother Su Cheng, don't worry, we will never come close to this place. You can rest assured on this, and I will personally guard here to prevent some unsighted people from influencing Su." Brother Cheng, use your secret method!"

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