Su Cheng looked at Long Zhan in front of him, who had been split into two halves. He was a little confused...

The look this guy showed before he died didn't mean that he had some back-ups?

However, Su Cheng's sword slashed down without any resistance at all, and Long Zhan didn't even make a move to resist. So what happened to Long Zhan's expression of success before his conspiracy?

Is it just to make yourself unhappy?

Isn't this too outrageous?

Su Cheng pinched his chin, his eyes full of confusion. He couldn't understand this way of using his own life to make himself unhappy...

Although Long Yan Aotian on the side was also a little confused, he was not here. There were too many entanglements in this matter. He rubbed his two thugs with his hands, his face was shy and full of anxiety,"Brother Su Cheng, can I do it?"

He had to seize the time to absorb the power of Long Zhan's bloodline. Take advantage of it while it's hot...

After all, Long Zhan has been killed by Su Cheng. The longer he dies, the more blood power in his body will drain away, so you have to take advantage of it while it's hot...

Su Cheng took a look at Long Yan Aotian's expression He looked helpless and waved his hands, took a few steps back, indicating that Long Yan Aotian could start. Anyway, he himself couldn't figure out what Long Zhan meant before he died, so he simply didn't think about it.

Maybe, this dragon battle is just to make yourself sick, and has no other meaning.

With Su Cheng's permission, Long Yan Aotian immediately walked forward, looked at Long Zhan who fell on the ground, rubbed his big hands, looked back at Su Cheng, and said:"Brother Su Cheng, I'm going to start!"

"You do whatever you want, I'll watch for you from behind!"

Long Yan Aotian smiled all over his face, and pressed down on Long Zhan with his two big hands. At the same time, he quickly searched for the method of absorbing the essence and blood of his fellow tribesmen in his bloodline memory.

Two words appeared in Long Yan Aotian's hands soon. A blood-red light ball, and then wisps of blood-colored silk threads extended from the blood-red light ball, sweeping towards Long Zhan on the ground.

It didn't take long for Long Zhan to be wrapped into a rice dumpling by the blood-colored silk threads, Then Long Zhan actually sat up.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes and glanced at Long Zhan. Long Zhan indeed had no breath at this moment. He suddenly sat up. It should be the secret magic of Long Yan Aotian.

Long Yan Aotian also sat down at this moment, and looked at each other with Long Zhan. The hands of one person and one corpse were raised at the same time, with four palms facing each other. Two balls of blood-colored light slowly rotated between the palms.

Long Yan Aotian said in his mouth As he muttered words, a blood-colored light film enveloped one person and one corpse. The blood-colored energy within it spread out like mist, slowly flowing into Long Yan Aotian's body.

Su Cheng could see clearly from behind, and at the same time, he thought in his mind, this sucking What is the principle of the method of sucking the essence and blood of the same kind? It’s not that Su Cheng has any idea about the Dragon Clan’s secret method, it’s just a simple curiosity. I don’t know what the

Dragon Clan thinks of this method of sucking the essence and blood of the same kind. Anyway, among the human race Among them, this method is definitely a taboo technique, and if you use it, you will be criticized by thousands of people.

However, Su Cheng is not that kind of rigid person. After all, Long Yan Aotian is a member of the Dragon Clan. He is not a human race, so naturally he cannot use it. Long Yan Aotian is bound by the rules of the human race, and he is also sucking the essence and blood of the dragon race, so Su Cheng has no control over him.

In the cocoon of blood light, Long Yan Aotian's body has swelled, and his face is rosy. , the whole person has gained weight.

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