Long Zhan, who had absorbed the essence and blood of his companions, looked very crazy at the moment, and the spiritual energy around him was also violent to an unprecedented degree.

Su Cheng looked over there and said with a smile:"Very good, this guy really didn't disappoint me!"

Long Yan Aotian on the other side was a little confused. He didn't understand what Su Cheng meant by that. Could it be What other plans does Su Cheng have that he doesn't know about?

He glanced at Su Cheng and then whispered:"Brother Su Cheng, what is going on?

This guy has absorbed Long Bai's blood essence and his strength has greatly increased. Are we just going to watch it like this?

" Long Yan Aotian was already anxious. After all, Long Zhan's strength had increased again, which was not a good thing for them. But now Su Cheng was very calm, which made him anxious.

It’s time now, why should we at least respect our opponents? Long Yan Aotian complained helplessly in his heart.

At the same time, there is also a hint of loneliness. After all, Long Zhan is the great elder of the Dragon Clan, and Long Yan Aotian is also a member of the Dragon Clan. Now the great elder of the Dragon Clan, even blood sacrifices to his companions, cannot move Su Cheng. What does this mean?

It shows that the dragon clan no longer even has basic dignity in front of the human race.

Although Long Yan Aotian had such thoughts, it was fleeting. After spending so long with Su Cheng, he even regarded himself as a member of the human race.

When he was born, he was alone. The Yanlong clan was destroyed long ago, so it can be said that although he is a member of the Dragon clan, he has never lived with anyone from the Dragon clan.

Therefore, Long Yan Aotian's sense of identification with the Dragon Clan is not that strong.

Su Cheng glanced at Long Yan Aotian with a smile and said,"Don't worry, this guy is just weak. Let's let him perform now, and I will make him pay a heavy price later!"

Long Yan Aotian nodded slightly, and then Said:"Brother Su Cheng, just don't be careless. This guy is not weak, and we can't underestimate him too much!"

Su Cheng nodded with a smile and said,"Don't worry, we are all under control!"

Over there Long Zhan's eyes were red, and his long hair was flying wildly driven by the rioting spiritual power. He cursed loudly:

"Su Cheng, today I will let you see the true power of my dragon clan’s secret technique!"

Although Long Zhan has already used the Dragon Clan's secret technique, he discovered a problem, that is, this Dragon Clan's secret technique cannot cause any harm to Su City.

Although this made Long Zhan feel very angry, he There is no despair, after all, the secret technique of the dragon clan has not yet reached its most powerful point!

This secret technique has three stages in total, and the strength will double with each stage it ascends!

It can be said that each stage is different from the previous one. The power that bursts out in the first stage is completely different!

If Long Zhan only relies on his own strength to perform this dragon secret technique, he can only perform the first stage of this secret technique.

Before, he absorbed the strength of three dragon elders, He unleashed the second stage of this dragon secret technique with some reservation!

Originally he thought that the second stage of this secret technique could defeat Su Cheng, but the facts told him that it could not! He underestimated Su Cheng. Now!

So, now that he has absorbed Long Bai's blood essence, now he is going to burst out the third stage of this secret technique!

To be honest, he has never used the third stage of this dragon secret technique.

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