The second elder looked at Su Cheng and immediately said:"Brother Su Cheng, it has been three months since the last time this cursed dragon appeared. It seems that the cursed dragon may come out from under the valley in the next few days!"

Su Cheng frowned slightly. , such a coincidence?

However, there was no need for the second elder of the Jiuli tribe to deceive him about this matter, and Su Cheng could also infer from the surrounding Jiuli tribe members that the second elder of the Jiuli tribe was not deceiving him.

Because the people of the Jiuli tribe who were guarding the valley were indeed on alert. They seemed to be wary of something. It was self-evident what they were wary of. Naturally, they were guarding against the Cursed Dragon below the valley.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng said with a smile:"That's good, otherwise I would have to wait here for a long time?

I will be watching here these days. If the curse dragon comes up, I will kill him , allowing you Jiuli Clan to leave the secret realm can be regarded as a reward for helping me!"

The second elder of the Jiuli Clan immediately said respectfully:"Thank you Brother Su Cheng for your help. If it weren't for you, Brother Su Cheng, we Jiuli Clan would really not know. When can we leave this secret realm safely!" At this moment, except for the second elder of the Jiuli tribe, the other Jiuli tribe members were extremely excited. They had been wasting time in this secret realm for so many years.

And now they finally have a chance to leave the secret realm.

As long as Su Cheng eradicates the cursed dragon, the shackles that imprison the Jiuli clan will no longer exist, and then they can leave the secret realm safely!

After thinking about it, Su Cheng said:"We must be careful. The situation in this secret realm is actually very dangerous for us. Although I can help you deal with the cursed dragon.

But besides the cursed dragon, there are also I don't know what's going on!"

Su Cheng said abruptly, and the Jiuli tribe members were stunned. They didn't understand what Su Cheng meant.

Looking at everyone, Su Cheng smiled, and then said:"Have you ever thought that the cursed dragon you saw is just an illusory body, and it is most likely not his real body.

So where is the real body of the cursed dragon ? ?"

When the second elder of the Jiuli tribe told Su Cheng, Su Cheng noticed a detail, that is, these Jiuli tribe members did not know where the real body of the cursed dragon was.

Even though they have been in the secret realm for so many years, they have never seen the true form of the Cursed Dragon!

Su Cheng felt that since the cursed dragon was a kind of creature, it must need to eat, and a creature like the cursed dragon must be extremely huge and must eat a large number of creatures to maintain its own consumption.

But the Jiuli clan has been in the secret realm for so many years and has never encountered the true form of the cursed dragon. That is very strange. Does this mean that the true form of the cursed dragon may be hidden in an unknown field?

Su Cheng looked at the bottom of the valley. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

But somewhere, Su Cheng could feel the dangerous aura coming from down the valley.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng said to the people around him:"This cursed dragon may be far beyond our knowledge. We must be fully prepared." What

Su Cheng is most worried about now is whether there is still something below the valley. What a terrifying existence, if you are not careful, you will probably pay a heavy price!

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