"Who knows, what is the purpose of these two coming to us? Will it have any impact on us?"

These Jiuli tribe members are very puzzled by the arrival of Su Cheng and Xu Yanran. They don't know why Su Cheng and Xu Yanran came to their Jiuli tribe.

Xu Yanran looked at Su Cheng beside him, he smiled said:

"Brother Su Cheng, why do these Jiuli people look at us so strangely?"

They look at us just like we look at gorillas, Su Cheng complained in his heart, but he didn't have any other ideas. These Jiuli tribe people in this deep mountain and old forest have probably forgotten the situation in the outside world.

Now these people Just like primitive people, Su Cheng didn't bother to worry about anything.

Soon, the five people in front led Su Cheng and Xu Yanran into the tallest building in the village.

After entering the building, there was a man sitting on it. Old man, the old man looked at Su Cheng and said,"Are you from Dafan City?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised. I am afraid that this old man is the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe.

At this time, the man who brought them here said in a deep voice:"This is the patriarch of our Jiuli tribe! The old man sitting at the top nodded slightly, and then said:"Yes, I am Jiuli Muyi, the leader of the Jiuli tribe!""

Su Cheng nodded slightly. Jiuli Muyi, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, was probably the one who led the Jiuli tribe into the secret realm.

This old guy has lived for so many years and seems to be quite tough. But for his own affairs, I'm afraid he needs to This guy helped.

Looking at the old man, Su Cheng smiled and said:

"Old man, I have admired your name for a long time. Jiuli

Muyi, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, nodded slightly, and then said,"Tell me, why did you come to me?" Su

Cheng thought for a while and then said:"Clan Chief, I have a scroll and I need the Clan Chief to help me figure it out.""

Although Su Cheng is full of curiosity about this Jiuli tribe, he knows very well that it is best not to meddle in other people's business, so as not to cause these Jiuli tribe members to be dissatisfied with him. After all, he is not here to confront these people. What he wants is for these people to answer the questions on the scroll for him.

The leader of the Jiuli tribe, Jiuli Muyi, looked at Su Cheng. He hesitated slightly, then asked his subordinates to take the scroll over and hold it. Looking at the scroll, the pupils of Jiuli Muyi, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, suddenly widened. Of course he was familiar with this scroll. The totem of their Jiuli tribe was embroidered on this scroll, and there was also a seal dedicated to the chief of the tribe.

But this seal was not his. What was left behind.

Su Cheng saw the reaction of Jiuli Muyi, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind. This time, he probably didn’t come in vain. This old guy might really know about this scroll.

I thought. After thinking for a moment, Su Cheng looked at the scroll and said:

"Old gentleman, can you tell me what is going on with this scroll?"

Jiuli Muyi, the patriarch of the Jiuli Clan, stared slightly. He raised his eyes and looked at Su Cheng, and said in a deep voice:"This scroll does belong to my Jiuli Clan, but this thing is not left by me.

This is a scroll left behind three hundred years ago!"

Su Cheng nodded slightly. It was different from what he expected. He had previously deduced from the traces on this scroll that this scroll was probably from hundreds of years ago.

It is not difficult to deduce. After all, it has been a long time. Scrolls naturally age.

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