After listening to the words of the Wang family's old man, the Wang family's eldest son nodded slightly, and then said:"We are quite safe for the time being!"

After thinking about it, the Wang family's old man said:"But there is one more thing we must do. Be careful, you can't leave Iron Sword Gate during this period. You have to wait until Su Cheng leaves Lianzhou City!"

The eldest son of the Wang family hesitated for a while, then looked at the head of the Wang family, the old man, and said,"Old man, then we don't need to be on guard. What about the Liu family?

After all, the Liu family wants to deal with us. They were almost ambushed by us this time. I guess the head of the Liu family hates us!" The old man, the head of the Wang family, shook his head slightly, and then said:" We don’t have to worry about the Liu family. Even if the Liu family wants to attack our Wang family, they cannot act arbitrarily. They must also abide by the rules of Lianzhou City.

Outside of Lianzhou City, they can use all means against our Wang family. But in Lianzhou City, if the Liu family dares to do anything to our Wang family, it will break the rules.

At that time, I will have a way to use other families in Lianzhou City to check and balance the Liu family.

So, for the Liu family, we will not There is no need to worry too much.

What we need to worry about most is Su City. That Su City came out of nowhere. Not only is its own strength very powerful, but we can’t figure out its cultivation level.

And this This guy acts ruthlessly and doesn't follow the rules at all. It's the hardest to deal with such a guy!

After all, this guy dares to flip the table with us if we disagree with him. He doesn't care about Lianzhou City's rules at all!"

Wang Family The eldest son nodded, and then said thoughtfully:

"It seems that the Liu family chose to join forces with Su City because of this consideration!

What a great move to kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

The old man, the head of the Wang family, sneered, and then said,"The Liu family has always been very low-key, but how could I not know about their wolfish ambitions? After thinking for a while, the eldest son of the Wang family suddenly asked:"So, old man , didn't we find people from Dafan City to help us deal with Su City?"

After all, keeping this Su City is a hidden danger. Maybe we have avoided it for a while and this Su City has left Lianzhou City, but there is no guarantee when this guy will return to our Lianzhou City.

At that time, wouldn't it catch us by surprise?

Moreover, the Liu family has already established contact with Su Cheng. After Su Cheng leaves in the future, the Liu family can still provide him with a steady stream of information, which is not good for us.

How can you guard against thieves for a thousand days?"

What the eldest son of the Wang family is worried about now is that even if they hide here to avoid Su City, if Su City is not dead, they will definitely come back to their Lianzhou City in the future.

Or in other words, when they are in After Lianzhou City showed up, the Liu family got the news. Although in the end, due to the rules of Lianzhou City, the Liu family could not take action against the Wang family.

But what if the Liu family told Su City the news?

Then Su City Will Cheng directly return to Lianzhou City and take action against the Wang family?

These are extremely likely to happen, so the eldest son of the Wang family is very worried. After all, this is related to their lives, and he has to be more careful.

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