Just as Su Cheng was about to take action to hold Xu Yanran back, he heard a pleasant female voice coming out of the house.

"what's going on? Who is making a noise outside?"

I heard a series of footsteps walking from the inside of the house to the door.

Then a beautiful woman with a smooth waist and two servants walked to the door. The beautiful woman looked at Su Cheng and Xu Yanran, and then said:

"what happened? Why are you making so much noise here?"

The first man at the door said quickly:"Du Tong, these two people have no invitation to enter our place!

The man next to him also said:"They also wanted to pay bribes, but we were rejected!" Xu

Yanran immediately jumped up and said,"You have obviously taken our money, but you still don't want us to go in!""

The beautiful woman glared at the two strong men. The two strong men immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the woman again.

Then the beautiful woman walked up to Su Cheng with a pair of beautiful eyes. He looked Su Cheng up and down and then said:

"The servants were unruly and frightened you two. Come on, please come in with me!"

After saying that, this beautiful woman stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Su Cheng smiled slightly, and then pulled Xu Yanran into the house.

The woman walked beside Su Cheng and asked Su Cheng led the way and said as he walked:"Is this your first time coming to our place?

Do you know what we do here? Su

Cheng smiled slightly, and then said:"Yes, it is indeed our first time here. During the day today, I saw that this small town on the edge of the black market was unusually calm."

Moreover, both inns in this small town were full of people, which was very unusual.

That's why I came out to see what was going on in this small town, and then I discovered that the people in this small town seemed to rest very early.

It seems to be dark, there is not even a sound, only your place is brightly lit, and people keep coming in!

That’s why I came back to investigate! The woman nodded slightly, and then said:"There are no ordinary people in this small town. People here come here to do business!""

Su Cheng nodded slightly. The black market is a place where transactions are done. It doesn't seem strange that this small town on the edge of the black market also does transactions.

The woman did not show any surprise when she saw Su Cheng. She was a little surprised. He said in surprise:"Aren't you surprised why the black market is the center of trading, and we also do trading here?"

Seeing that Su Cheng didn't speak, this beautiful woman continued:

"This is an auction house owned by our Gu family. The auction items here are all rare treasures collected by our Gu family from all over the world, as well as secret books on martial arts.

We have many good things that are not available on the black market!"

Xu Yanran next to me said in surprise:"Then why don't you open this auction house on the black market?

There are so many people in the black market. Wouldn't it be better for you to open an auction house in the black market?

The beautiful woman smiled and said:"Many people know about the black market, but many people who go to the black market may not really know it."

And people who really know the business and can afford the price will not go to the black market!"

Su Cheng nodded slightly, this woman was right.

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