But it was just when Ying Guantian was leading the team in front, and Lao Yan, Lao Liu, He Mingtian and Su Cheng were following behind you Guan Tian!

At this time, Lao Yan and Lao Liu suddenly thought of Wu Sandao!

——Logically speaking, Wu Sandao should have come to look for them. Why is there no one there now? Could it be that he got lost?

However, such a person has ulterior motives and has wrong thoughts. If he disappears...

Lao Yan and Lao Liu looked at each other at this time, and after some hints, they finally decided not to mention this matter to Ying Guantian's ears. Inside, the Lord Pavilion is troubled.

But no matter what, the whereabouts of Wu Sandao must still be investigated clearly!

So at this time, Lao Yan just gently tugged on the sleeves of Su Cheng and He Mingtian, hoping to get some news from them.

"Didn't you see anyone coming to find you along the way? Or what did that person do to you after you met him?"

After hearing what Lao Yan said, the corner of Su Cheng's mouth slightly curled up into a smile.

He actually knew what the purpose of Lao Yan's question was, but since he had previously affected Guantian had already arranged for them what they should answer.

So at this time, Su Cheng pretended not to understand and shook his head, and continued according to what Ying Guantian had told him before.

"No, is it possible that you are afraid that someone will come to promote us? We originally thought that if you were to search, someone would definitely come with you, so we kept waiting where we were, but we didn't expect that we just met him.……"

After hearing Su Cheng say these words so innocently, there was even a hint of innocence in his eyes! At this time, Lao Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Looking at Su Cheng's expression, he had no way of confirming whether what Su Cheng said was true or false.

But Su Cheng is a newcomer after all, and there is no need to lie to them, especially now that Wu Sandao has not been found yet, maybe he is really lost?!

Furthermore, he had ulterior motives. If he really disappeared, then forget it! Why is it a good thing for them?!

So after hearing what Su Cheng said, Lao Yan could only nodded slowly with some other thoughts in mind.

Su Cheng only looked at Lao Yan in front of him and slowly smiled, then fell behind again and discussed the matter with Lao Liu.

After He Mingtian next to him saw the whole process again, seeing that Lao Yan and Lao Liu no longer paid attention to them, he looked at Su Cheng and shook his head with a smile.

Not long after, Ying Guantian finally led a few people to the cliff.

When they returned to the top of the cliff and looked back at the small forest, they found that the small forest looked exactly like the one they came from just now, filled with mist, just like a misty jungle!

But what can be confirmed now is that the miasma has probably begun to slowly spread in the fog.

If they were still in the jungle now...

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