But as He Mingtian continued to follow Su Cheng and ran forward, he saw that the surrounding scenery was constantly changing, but there were not that many traps, and it was even as if he didn't encounter anything at all!

Some of the feelings in He Mingtian's heart could not help but change quietly at this time. If it was really not so dangerous, maybe... No, no, no! Danger is constantly lurking around. How could it be reduced so much because of human factors?!

So don’t be careless!

It's just that for some reason, there was no mechanism during the period when he followed Su Cheng out, and sometimes He Mingtian himself could even feel something not quite right!

——It was as if he had an inexplicable intuition that felt a very passionate call from a certain place...

He Mingtian vaguely realized that he seemed to be able to understand Su Cheng at this time!

But...understanding is understanding, and rules are rules!

No matter how surprised all this was in He Mingtian's eyes, after thinking about what he should do, He Mingtian couldn't help but frown!

He looked in front of him, Su Cheng was moving further and further ahead, and he could clearly feel that Su Cheng was trying to control him at this time!

——Not letting himself be caught, but allowing himself to easily see Su Cheng's figure following closely!

He Mingtian finally couldn't help but wanted to stop right here! At least the homework that can be forced should be stopped at this time, right?

After all, he has been walking forward with Su Cheng for such a long time, so if he finds himself stopped at this time, then he and Su Cheng will be separated from the team!

And both of them bear the risk of encountering unexpected events!

In this case, will Su Cheng remain indifferent?

After all, even if they follow Su Cheng and walk forward, the two of them are still in a dangerous situation!

It’s no different from a person paying attention in a dangerous situation!

Especially since Su Cheng didn't know much about this place, he was still as good as a novice. How could he dare to come out of the blue and run out like this?!

He Mingtian finds it unbelievable even if he thinks about it now! I feel even more ridiculous!

It was precisely because of this that he felt inexplicably as if he had just become a teenager! You must stop the loss quickly!

But just when He Mingtian wanted to stop at this moment, Su Cheng seemed to not know why, as if he had eyes behind him or could already read He Mingtian's mind!

Just when He Mingtian was about to make a move, or even about to stop, Su Cheng suddenly said something!

"If you stop here, no one will take you back. It's better to follow closely. After all, there isn't much distance ahead."

But I heard Su Cheng say this!

Although Su Cheng's words were also so calm, but for some reason the melodious voice... brought a strange feeling to people, which made He Mingtian unable to bear it after hearing it. There was a nervous pause, and a momentary thumping feeling!

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