Because Su Cheng, as the first person to join this team, can still maintain a good condition in that state, and even breathe so evenly! Nothing seems wrong at all!

This can already prove that Su Cheng's ability is actually very powerful! At least he must have the ability to be noticed by the elder and accepted as his disciple!

In this case, although what he said was very credible in He Mingtian's eyes, it was precisely because of this that He Mingtian suddenly had an idea in his mind.

——Will we have to look up and never see this person again from now on? ?

After all, He Mingtian believed in his heart that he and Su Cheng definitely had the strength to find the holy water!

And if the two of them act together, then the possibility of being selected as the apprentice of the Pavilion Master will be even higher, right? In this case... At this moment, when He Mingtian thought of this, he couldn't help but glance at Su Cheng's hand on his shoulder.

But alsoWith such a glance, he quickly took it back!

Su Cheng was smiling at this time and didn't pay much attention to He Mingtian's thoughts and emotions.

——Since we are all colleagues in the future, let's make some friends at this time, and maybe we can form a good and good relationship.

This is what He Mingtian thought in his heart.

Although I have always felt autistic since I was a child, as if I was taciturn and had no close friends or friends...

But if I happened to meet such a person at this time, and I already knew about it in advance, this person would most likely be Your future partner.

Especially since the talent is on par with mine, or even a bit higher than mine! Then it seems that he will be a good and powerful person...

Maybe only such a person is qualified to be friends with me, right?

So He Mingtian accepted such a setting very calmly in his heart. It was precisely because of his kindness to Su Cheng and himself that he didn't feel any resistance at the time!

This made Lao Yan and Lao Liu surprised to find that when they were watching from the sidelines, the awesome guy who had always been mysophobic and didn't like others coming near him didn't know why he endured it!

It was obviously the first time he met a stranger, but He Mingtian could endure Su Cheng's gentle patting!

Not to mention how surprised they were!

It is precisely because of this that Lao Yan and Lao Liu couldn't help but look towards Su Cheng in ecstasy at this time. There seemed to be something wrong in their eyes!

It's just that Su Cheng now just regards their looks as surprise and has no other meaning.

"Anyway, I’ll give it a try first and then talk about it. If it really doesn’t suit me then, it doesn’t matter if I escape again. Anyway, this is such a big place in the world that there is no place where I can be controlled!"

After listening to Su Cheng's careless words, Lao Yuan and Lao Liu finally looked at each other. Neither of them had any other thoughts or opinions.

So at this time, they could only sigh helplessly. He took a breath and nodded his head.

In fact, the more important reason is that if we don't head towards the cave we saw before...

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