Be careful with everything!

After all, this must be the first time for this young man to collect holy water with them, right?!

In this case, it’s better to be careful! All instructions must be fulfilled!

"You should have seen what they are doing now, don't worry, as long as you follow the steps carefully and take safety measures, there should be no problems!"

I heard Lao Yan say with a smile.

But after Su Cheng heard what Lao Yan said, he didn't know how to answer!

To be honest, since he has Qing Gong, everything will naturally be convenient. A lot, so Su Cheng didn’t want to feel this way in this way.

After all, it’s not like he doesn’t have Qinggong...

It’s really too slow to go down in this way!

And if he goes down, he might be able to find them first. In some locations, you can also help them detect caves with stalactites first. There is no need to follow them at this time!

But no matter what, they are experienced people after all... not to mention if they can give them their Qinggong skills. If he said it, wouldn't it mean that he was exposed in front of them as an outsider?

This made Su Cheng couldn't help but feel entangled in his heart at this time. After thinking about it for a while, he still He sighed in confusion and decided to wait for the opportunity to change!

So when Su Cheng heard Lao Yan's undecided words at this time, he didn't know how to answer.

He could only Reluctantly and awkwardly, she smiled like Lao Yan, and then slowly listened to his words.

"Unless this cliff suffered some major mass destruction... But this is definitely impossible!"

When Lao Yan saw this young man listening to what he said so obediently and seemed to be very serious, he felt even happier!

So he spoke more and more, and even started talking. A little joke to relax your mood!

"There are very few people coming to the back mountain of Wu Village. Except for those of us who collect holy water, others may be reluctant to come, unless they are here for fun, so there is no need to worry, this will definitely not happen. Something happened!"

As Lao Yan said this, he took Su Cheng to the side of the cliff and asked Su Cheng to take a good look at how these people got down.

"You just need to watch them learn. Anyway, if you hold on to the rope in a crisis, nothing will happen. If the rope is loose, go down faster. If it doesn't work, just go down a few steps by yourself, and then slowly go down. Hold your head and squat down!"

After listening clearly to what Lao Yan said, Su Cheng also nodded gently. Naturally, he had mastered these skills very quickly. The most important thing is... how long do they need to do it ? Everyone arrived at the bottom of the cliff and went to look for the stalactite cave?

But at this time, Su Cheng did not have any chance to interrupt, because Lao Yan was still chattering about the current situation.

"Because you are the new guy……"

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