In the middle, there are some people setting up tea tables or wine tables. Everyone looks very well-dressed. At least it can be seen that he must be a rich man. There are many people around him. In terms of beauty...maybe they are beautiful. Yes, the woman is drinking beside him.

A few people were just talking about something there, as if they were enjoying the scenery.

However, the exposed mountain and the debauched appearance still made Su Cheng couldn't help curling his lips at this moment, quickly averted his eyes, and followed the old man to continue walking towards the third floor.

"So you will see that there will be guards intercepting the stairs on each floor. This requires a token leading to the top to allow you to enter, or people who have been here before can also enter."

The old man's words continued.

After Su Cheng heard this, he slowly nodded his head and remembered everything the old man said about the mechanism of the black market spiral tower.

——Not only because Su Cheng felt that it was likely to be used in the future, but also because Su Cheng felt that this mechanism was really interesting. At least it was the first time he saw it and he was very surprised.

But it was at this time that the old man led Su Cheng towards Santun Supreme!

When he met the guards on the third floor, the guards seemed to recognize the old man. Anyway, Su Cheng didn't see the old man showing any tokens. He just nodded lightly, and the guards quickly moved out of the way!

They respectfully sent the old man and Su Cheng upstairs.

Such a situation made Su Cheng feel that something was not quite right at this time, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Even though he followed the old man up the stairs to the third floor, he still couldn't help but look back at the guards.

Didn't the old man clearly say just now that you need a token to pass?

Why is it that now he has no use for any tokens?

But if you think about it carefully, did the old man just say that it's okay if it's someone you know.

But what kind of talent can make so many minds in the black market spiral tower remember the old man's face?

Logically speaking, they have so many customers, so they must be very distinguished guests to remember them, right?

This made Su Cheng couldn't help but frown when he felt something was wrong. Could it be that this old man was actually a frequent visitor to the black market?

But it doesn't look like it...

Anyway, from Su Cheng's point of view, it is even less likely that he is someone like a distinguished guest. Although some people are indeed secretive and hide in the city... But the old man's words......

Forget it, let’s not think about it too much!

At this time, the old man may have noticed Su Cheng's sight.

He smiled softly and continued without explaining the situation.

"So if you go up layer by layer and look up layer by layer, you can slowly find what you want."

"I won’t introduce the next few floors too much. Anyway, they are just relatively low-priced and low-cost transactions, and they shouldn’t be of much use to you."

The old man was talking leisurely, and he led Su Cheng towards the stairs. At this time, Su Cheng began to carefully observe the old man's figure because of what happened just now.

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