Rich kids are even in the first row!

At this time, in the cabin, Su Cheng saw that the young master had already followed him in, so he naturally asked the question in his mind without hesitation.

"Now that we have reached the top of this mountain with you, shouldn't you be able to tell us what will happen next? Just take the blood from your finger?"

As soon as Su Cheng said these words, everyone could clearly feel that the young master in front of them seemed to be helpless!

After hearing Su Cheng's words, he all smiled tiredly, no. It’s as if he knew how to answer!

But no matter what, you still have to answer what should be answered, so after hearing Su Cheng’s questions, the young master took a deep breath and continued to speak.

"Indeed, you don't have to worry about what will happen, just throw the blood of the two of you into the holy fire and see if the blood of the two of you can cause a fierce reaction in life."

It's just that even the young master has said this. Looking at Su Cheng, Qiao Nuan and Xu Yanran, they still have such cold expressions on their faces, as if they don't believe it! The young master is also feeling aggrieved. In fact, It was so bitter!

It was so hard to find such good seedlings. It turned out that it was precisely because of such good seedlings that they were very vigilant!

In desperation, he could only continue to talk about something about today. ritual things done

"If the sacred fire is ignited by you and the bigger it burns, the better, that would be the best thing! If nothing wrong happened, it doesn't matter.……"

"Anyway, I will definitely tell you what I promised you before, so you don’t have to worry about this."

After saying these words, the young master saw Su Cheng nodding his head gently as if he was thoughtful. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

This made the young master couldn't help but feel. A bit curious.

Normally, people who hear what they say will either agree or not agree.

No one has ever shown how much emotion they have after hearing what they said. It looks like a thoughtful and thoughtful expression!

So the young master really wants to hear what Su Cheng is thinking about right now.

And Su Cheng naturally has nothing to hide from the young master.

After thinking about it carefully in his mind, he spoke out his doubts.

"So in that case, for what reason does your holy fire need the blood of others to fuel it? Isn't there anything else that can fuel the fire? Isn’t this kind of life too weird if you have to use human blood?"

I was caught off guard by Su Cheng's words. He even had doubts about life?!

The young master was stunned at this time, and some didn't know how to answer!

There is naturally no problem with their holy fire. , but if you want to talk about why human blood is used to fuel the combustion... the young master couldn't help but slightly pursed his lips at this time, although there were some things he didn't want to say...

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