After the young master, he quickly withdrew his gaze

——After all, how could he openly say that Xu Ranran was a demon saint in front of these two people?!

If he really said it, what if Xu Yanran went berserk and hurt a few of them right now!

The young master doesn't think he can stop him!

Especially even if Su Cheng can resist Xu Yanran at this time, they have been together for such a long time. Whether they believe it or not is another question!

So when faced with such a sharp question from Su Cheng, the young master could only curl his lips and pass by after a perfunctory moment.

"Her physique did not meet the requirements."

After hearing what the young master said, Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Maybe he noticed something. After all, the so-called physique... seems to be more consistent with what Su Cheng noticed about Xu Yanran's identity. ?!

If Xu Yanran is really a female from the demon clan, and has some relationship with the demon clan anyway, then what this young master and the village chief of Wu Village need is the blood of ordinary people, then all things It makes sense!

After all, in this case, it seems that only Qiao Nuan and himself can meet this requirement.

So Qiao Nuan's internal strength is not that deep, but at least it is a little bit... if he has his own With the bonus of blood, they should be able to survive whatever they have to do...

So at this time, although Su Cheng had some faint belief in his heart, if he wanted to give the young master an answer, it would be better to wait a little longer. Wait.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly. Seeing that the young master was unwilling to leave, he quickly thought of another idea.

"Since you are villagers in a witch village, you must know witchcraft. Is there any witchcraft that can cause lightning to strike if you panic?"

The purpose of Su Cheng's words is actually very obvious!

But when Su Cheng, Xu Yanran and Qiao Nuan looked at me towards the young master, they found that this man was very angry after hearing Su Cheng's words. He was calm and not panicked at all?!

Even after hearing Su Cheng's question, he nodded swornly, even raised three fingers to swear on the spot, and explained the situation!

"There is such witchcraft. I can say it directly now. If what I just said is even remotely suspected, and if I want to seek wealth or kill you or do anything detrimental to you, I will strike like lightning from heaven. Died!"

"I swear, all we need from you is two drops of blood between your fingers to awaken the power of the Holy Fire! If your blood cannot arouse the power of the Holy Fire, we will never do anything to you! And I will definitely tell you the information I just told you."

But I heard the young master say so confidently in the next second!

Their eyes were very firm, and their bodies were very upright. After saying this, Su Cheng and Xu Yanran didn't wait for them to say something. , he had started to clasp his hands and closed his eyes again, as if he was silently reciting something!

Maybe it was something similar to witchcraft?!

Anyway, it was so mysterious that I didn’t understand it...

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