When several other people saw this situation, their eyes moved slightly. For a moment, they could no longer suppress their thoughts and desires, and they all raised their hands!

"I, I, I have admired Wucun for a long time. I didn’t do anything extraordinary just now, but they have been thinking about taking action against you, but I didn’t do anything!"

"Yes, yes, if you feel scared if you carry them with you, why not choose me! My strength won't be any worse!"

"Yes, if you want to protect yourself, then everyone can do it, and I think I can give it a try too!"

And at this time, since everyone has heard it, so many people who are obviously in the same group as themselves still have the opportunity to go to Wu Village!

Those people hiding outside the door naturally can't wait any longer!

They As soon as one person got up, he pushed open the door of the restaurant, and everyone swarmed in. Some even rolled and crawled towards the inside!

"Then I can do it. Although we just did something wrong, of course, since you have this quota, if you didn't say it earlier, you wouldn't have caused everyone to treat you like this!"

"Yes, now we are adults and don’t care about villains. I forgive you. Hurry up and choose a candidate as soon as possible!"

"Of course you have to choose me. If you don't choose me, your Wu Village will only have a mediocre reputation!"

And it was at this time, when they were all rushing towards the restaurant in a swarm! Su Cheng's lips raised a smile.

All he saw was that Su Cheng's footsteps were just lightly touching the ground. One step!

"boom!!"With a sound!

In an instant, it was as if a huge gust of wind was caused, sweeping to the door. At this time, the third party also followed Su Cheng's footsteps, and in an instant, step by step, he lined up towards the door. It went down!!

Accompanied by"click bang!"!"The sound!!

I saw people rushing towards the door excitedly with panic smiles on their faces. The moment the hurricane swept them, they were taken directly to the ground under the stall line!!!

"There were a few"bang bang bang" sounds!

When everyone crossed the threshold, they seemed to receive a force of gravity and a push from their backs!!

All the people were pressed directly on top of each other, and in an instant It was as if it was smashed into a human tower!

Even if they wanted to struggle at this time, Su Cheng's lips gently raised a smile.

How could he let them get out of their predicament so easily? ?!

So the villagers in my village reacted at this time. They came over and quickly looked towards the door!

Only to find that these people were lying on the floor tiles at the door, as if they had some weight on them. It was as if they were under control, clinging to the ground!!

Even if they tried their best, squirmed, struggled and even rolled crazily, they couldn't get up from the ground!

Let alone how to escape from the big place they were in. What a trap!

It is precisely because Su City added a layer of wind influence when it caused these floor tiles to collapse, so the huge air pressure is pressing down like this!

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