"What if you find some good treasure by chance?!"

When the old man said this again, his eyes seemed to light up!

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes even more confused and confused. Anyway... this place can be considered a so-called Main road, in this case, what kind of coincidence can happen in the processing next to it?

So after listening to what the old man said, Su Cheng also sighed silently, and then smiled quietly, opened his mouth

"Are you really drunk? If you're drunk, let the waiter help you find a room so you can have a good rest. Or should you go back to the carriage and take a nap? Or you can eat something first before we talk, right?"

Su Cheng looked at the old man with a smile. When he said these words, the old man suddenly became sullen and looked at Su Cheng angrily!

But facing Su Cheng's sincere expression, it seemed that he was really I thought I was drunk, but in the end the old man didn’t seem to know what to say, so I could only sigh.

"I said, why can't you understand the code words of some words? ?! Then I’ll just say it! I think your talent is very good!"

I heard the old man say this.

This sudden compliment really made Su Cheng even more confused!

He blinked when he looked at the old man in front of him. After a long time, he realized that it was still... That meant, so I nodded silently and accepted the old man's praise.

"Thank you very much. You are indeed very discerning. I also think I have good talents."

Even these words seemed to be inexplicably coaxing a drunkard. After hearing this, the old man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists! Why did n't this young man understand that he wanted to teach him? What's the matter??!

But just when the old man wanted to speak, there was a sudden knock on the door, causing everyone's eyes to look towards the door for an instant! The person who came this time was the waiter delivering food, but the people who had been talking about the villagers of Wu Village in the hall!

One of them was bold and came to the door of the room and knocked gently. The knockers seemed to be preparing to talk to the villagers of Wu Village.……

"Would you like to see the Wucun envoy?!"

The voice coming from the door seemed to have a bit of excitement.

After Su Cheng heard these words, he couldn't help but look towards the villagers of Wu Village.

Although Su Cheng was very sure of this in his heart. People will definitely not agree, but looking at them now, they seem to be a bit angry...

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh and offer a moment of silence for the brothers at the door.

But not yet. When Su Cheng continued to want to do something, the old man next to him patted Su Cheng on the shoulder again.

"If you think this time is not good, then you must stay outside tonight. How about you come to my room tonight?"

The old man spoke again with a smile, saying this, it was clear that he was going to invite again.

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