"In this way, they could go to Wu Village, and their expenses were naturally paid at that time."

After Jianfeng said these words, Su Cheng thought about it carefully, but felt that there seemed to be a better way.

"In this case, why doesn't Wutong Village directly establish diplomatic relations with Wu Village? If we have to deal with so many things, wouldn't it be better for each other if the two villages established diplomatic relations?"

"Wu Cun not only has all the medicinal materials that can purify his body, but Wutong Village also has a source of income."

But when Su Cheng said these words, Jianfeng curled his lips slightly and sighed helplessly.

"The problem lies here. Wutong Village and Wucun Village have always been at odds with each other since ancient times. They have no intention of meeting each other at all. You can see that the exchange is so hidden that you can already find it, right?"

When Jianfeng said these words, Su Cheng felt that he was even more puzzled. If the two villages were at odds in the future, why would the head of Wutong Village go to Wu Village?

Su Cheng only felt that he There is really no way to find an answer in his heart, and at this time, Jianfeng does not want to continue talking about Wu Village.

After all, there are rumors that if he keeps spreading things about Wu Village to others, he will definitely be criticized. Wucun's revenge!

Even though this rumor actually came out of nowhere and suddenly, there is no need to believe it, but after Jianfeng thought about it carefully, he still gave in in front of the so-called magical witchcraft of Wucun people!

So Jianfeng When Fengzi looked at Su Cheng, he quickly waved his hand and resolved the anxious atmosphere with a bright smile.

"Okay, okay, let’s not talk about Wu Village for now! I heard that you are leaving tomorrow, so this holy water was just a gift given to you at that time. Although I don’t know why you are going to Wu Village to find those villagers, but... I wish you success!"

Jianfeng said while pointing to the small porcelain bottle in Su Cheng's hand.

Su Cheng was also awakened by Jianfeng's words at this time and silently looked at the porcelain bottle in his hand.

Although he actually didn't That plan, after all, this trip to Wu Village was just to casually observe the situation, and if he could really get some information about the head of Wutong Village, he would try to find out as much as possible.

But it might come in handy. So although there was still no question, Jianfeng was kind enough to put the porcelain bottle in his storage bag with a smile.

And after all this was done, Jianfeng suddenly opened the door. He talked about the news he really wanted to convey when he came to Su City this time.

"By the way, do you know where the group of people from the martial arts world who came to Wutong Village earlier to find you and thought you were the Su City on the notice are now?"

After hearing what Jianfeng said, Su Cheng thought that Jianfeng wanted to find someone from the martial arts community to do something, but he really didn't know, so he could only shake his head in confusion.

But Jianfeng was there. What he saw was Su Cheng's face, but after that, he smiled at the puppy body, folded his arms in embarrassment and pride, and spoke.

"If you don’t know, you just know that you don’t know anything about it! Now they can eat and drink well in the young master's house!!"

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