After hearing what Su Cheng said, Jianfeng couldn't help but smile, and immediately nodded in agreement with Su Cheng's words.

However, seeing the auction venue slowly becoming lively, although there was nothing in the Colosseum, the box surrounded by a circle was obviously restless and began to agitate!

Jianfeng finally started to worry about what would happen next.

He was about to complain about Su Cheng and looked over. He didn't know what kind of method Su Cheng had to make him so confident. Is it really a wheel battle? ?!

Even if Su Cheng's strength is indeed very powerful, wheel fighting is not something that anyone can afford. No matter how powerful it is, it shouldn't be... right?!

Jianfeng felt a little uncertain in his heart. All in all, he still didn't quite understand where the highest limit of Su Cheng's ability was.

After all, Su Cheng seemed to be able to bring him unexpected surprises every time. Every time Su Cheng showed off his awesome clothes, it was higher than what he had originally expected!

And every time Su Cheng performed in a situation that he admired, he showed a calm and calm look, which further proves that Su Cheng's limit is definitely not here!

So at this time, Jianfeng didn't know whether he should be worried or not.

It's just that after Su Cheng heard Jianfeng's words, he just nodded slightly and seemed very relaxed.

"Don't worry, abolition of this system is just a part of helping these slaves. There is a more important thing to do."

Hearing what Su Cheng said, there was still a sense of mystery, Feng's heart felt even more itchy!

In fact, the depressive and crazy atmosphere of this auction hall seemed to be a little more bearable.!

"what? What? ? What are you thinking about? Tell me quickly, maybe I can help you!!"

Jianfeng looked towards Su Cheng with salivation, but Su Cheng just gave him a faint look.

"You'll find out later." He spoke so calmly.

And before Jianfeng could ask anything, a man suddenly appeared in the Colosseum!

The man was dressed similarly to the strong man at the door, except that The colors are just different, probably for the convenience of distinguishing their positions, so at this time, people can see that his standing on the stage may have heralded the beginning of the auction.

And as soon as he stood on the Colosseum At that moment, the surrounding onlookers were obviously in a commotion.

"It’s finally starting, and I don’t know what kind of good stuff I’ll have today!"

"Ha ha ha ha! I must get at least one treasure today, do you hear me?! If you don't give me a good fight with all your heart, just wait! I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

"I won’t say those words to you if you hear them, but you should know in your heart what you want to do, right?!"

"That is to say, don’t be like the person who failed last time and was thrown into the dog pen to feed the dogs!"

But what they said when they were preparing to start the game made Su Cheng and Jianfeng frown.

——What kind of words of encouragement are these? ?! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! (140411404_20184)·

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