The person in front of him was just a young man. He had clearly been able to push it just now, so how could he do it now...

But when the slave was struggling, the strong man found that even if he used brute force, he could not push Su Cheng's body. At this time, I finally felt the panic and grandeur!!

But when Su Cheng heard the words of the onlookers, especially when he felt the strong man's struggle, he continued to hold on to the wrist with great ease!!

He stood there, a smile slowly showing on his face.

But that smile seemed to be a mockery and performance of the strong men around him! It makes people feel very uncomfortable after seeing it.

It's just that they are uncomfortable.

What Su Cheng did made Jianfeng next to him feel his heart surge with excitement when he saw such a scene!

Is the scene you are most looking forward to finally coming? ?! He really likes to watch Su Cheng teach people!!

The onlookers nearby also felt the strong man's efforts at this time. After all, they could already see the strong man's forehead and the veins on his neck. This shows how much of a slave this strong man is!

Even if he gritted his teeth and used all his strength, it seemed like he couldn't shake Su Cheng even a little bit!!

This made the onlookers, just when they saw such a scene, first slowly became acceptable, and finally turned into curiosity about this young man!

"No, could it be that this young man really has a great background, so the guards have no way of doing anything to him? It just doesn’t look like it at all!"

"This...what exactly is going on? ?! Who is this young man? I haven't heard of him before, and I haven't seen him in Wutong Village!"

"That is to say, have any of you seen it?!!"

Among the onlookers, some people were curious about Su Cheng's identity, so they looked around carefully.

And it was at this time that a young man looked at Su Cheng's appearance uncertainly and looked carefully. in retrospect

"I! I seem to have seen this young man before. I seemed to have seen him at the door of the young master's bedroom before. I don't know what happened, but this man's power is indeed very powerful!"

I seem to have seen this young man at the door of the young master's office a few days ago. This young man even taught the guards of the young master's office a lesson! The scene at that time seemed to be similar to this one... Anyway, it was the same. Su Cheng seemed to be invincible with his own strength. He beat the guards to pieces without much effort!

Especially when the two sons of the young master's family happened to be there at that time, this man felt that his memory was like It has become deeper

"By the way, I still remember that this person’s name is Su Cheng. Because he has the same name as Su Cheng on the notice, I can only remember his name!"

When the name Su Cheng was mentioned, the people at the auction hall were really shocked after hearing these words. Even the whole crowd seemed to be very excited!

"Sioux City? Is it the one from Su City on the notice who got the nine-story demon tower?"

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