
Gabimon seemed to have just been woken up by Xiaozhi, and yawned loudly. The entire rock field was shaking, and cracks appeared on the stone pillars!

"Ash's Kirbymon is so amazing, just a yawn caused such a stir!"The commentator was shocked, and the audience was also shocked. Although they all knew how powerful Kirbymon was, the Kirbymon in front of them simply surpassed their understanding!

Dr. Ohki said with a faint smile,"From now on. Since going to the Johto area, Xiaozhi has been carrying Kirbymon with him. It wasn't until he teleported it back not long ago that it has become so huge!"

And Dr. Ohmu discovered that Xiaozhi seems to have the ability to wake up Kirby from his sleep at any time. How deep feelings and ties are required to do this.

Facing Kirby, Xiaomao's Nidoqueen He looked smaller,"Xiao Zhi, fight!"

"Nidoqueen, use Rock Smash!"

This is a fighting skill. It restrains the normal Kirbymon. Its body is very strong and its movement speed is much faster than Kirbymon. It rushed over very quickly and punched Kirbymon.!

This momentum is really extraordinary, but Ash’s Kirby is so simple!

"One hundred thousand horsepower!"

This is the skill that Xiaozhi once used to fight the Crystal Flame Emperor. It is a ground-based skill that can only be used by a few heavy Pokémon!

Kirby's narrowed eyes seemed to suddenly burst out with a fierce light, and its heavy body suddenly began to move. , rushed towards the running Nidoqueen!


The powerful and heavy Kirby turned its whole body weight into the force of a brutal collision, and actually knocked Nidoqueen away head-on!

This move also hit it. The effect is very good!

"Destroy the death ray!"

However, Xiaozhi did not miss any opportunity to attack. Facing Nidoqueen who was flying backwards, Kirby had just stood still when the destructive death light of the normal ultimate attack was already blasted out!

"Nidoqueen, hold on, destroy the death ray!"

Xiao Mao gritted his teeth. Now he must trust his Nidoqueen and must accept Xiaozhi's attack! Nidoqueen did not disappoint Xiao Mao. It slammed its feet on the ground and stopped abruptly. Then a destructive death light emitted.

Two special attack moves exploded at close range, and the blast knocked it back violently until it hit a stone pillar!

"Two destructive death rays exploded. Xiaomao's Nidoqueen was beaten back by Xiaozhi's Kirby, and it seemed that he had no power to fight back!"

The smoke cleared, and Xiaomao's Nidoqueen fell to the ground and struggled to stand up.

"Nidoqueen, come back!"Xiao Mao took Nidoqueen back!"

"Xiaozhi, I never knew Kirby could be so motivated, you are really awesome!"Xiao Mao admired sincerely,"But I won't admit defeat!

Seeing this scene, Dr. Ohmu in the audience nodded,"Ash's tactics are very effective!""

Hanako on the side was busy pressing the shutter to take pictures of her son's heroic posture during the battle,"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Mao spent the whole day yesterday to improve his fighting spirit and prepare for this stop with Xiao Zhi. But as soon as Xiaozhi came up, he sent out a Kirby beast that was very difficult to fight, which undoubtedly depleted Xiaomao's fighting spirit at the beginning!"Dr. Omu looked at Xiaozhi and kept nodding.

Yes, to defeat Kirby, which is like a wall of flesh, I believe Xiaomao will have to spend a lot of effort. As he sends out one Pokémon after another to defeat Kirby Beast, his fighting spirit is constantly being consumed.

And even if he finally defeats Kirby, he will have to use an exhausted team of Pokémon to deal with Ash's next five Pokémon!

"So that’s it, Xiaozhi is really awesome!"Hanako is extremely proud of her son!

"Go ahead, Windspeed Dog!"The second Pokmon Xiaomao sent was Wind Speed ​​Dog. Obviously he wanted to attack the weakness of Kirby's movement speed.

"Facing Xiaozhi's powerful Kirbymon, Xiaomao chose to use Wind Speed ​​Dog to challenge!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use slam attack!"Xiao Mao issued the attack order.

Of course Xiao Zhi was not to be outdone,"One hundred thousand horsepower!"

Once again, he clashed with all his strength, but now Xiao Mao obviously had a way to deal with it,"Avoid it and use the flame vortex!"

The dexterous Wind Speed ​​Dog avoided Kirbymon's attack in a flash, and then the pillar of fire swallowed Kirbymon completely, making it unable to move!

However, the fire-based skills of Kirbymon, which has thick fat characteristics, are not very effective! It His special defense is also very good.

Xiaozhi smiled slightly, not caring about the damage,"Destroy the death ray!"

Another blow of destructive death light burst out directly from the pillar of fire, hitting the Wind Speed ​​Dog that was maintaining the flame! The

Wind Speed ​​Dog was immediately knocked away and lost its ability to fight!

This was Xiaomao's first dog that lost its ability to fight. Pokémon! The previous Nidoking's combat power has been reduced to ten percent!

But obviously Xiaomao has other uses for keeping it!

"Windspeed Dog, you did a great job!"Xiao Mao took the Wind Speed ​​Dog back and said,"Go, giant pincer mantis!"

This time, Xiaomao sent out a giant pincer mantis that was also known for its speed, but it was obviously far worse than the one Xiaozhi left at the Ninja Academy.

But it was obvious that its speed and agility were the same. About to crush Kirby,"Giant Pincer Mantis, lightning flashed!"

Sure enough, the figure of the Giant Pincer Mantis disappeared in an instant, leaving only red shadows on the field, which kept attacking Kirby Beast. No matter how thick the health bar of Kirby Beast was, it could not withstand such continuous blows.!

"Kirbymon, come back!"Ash decisively replaced the Kirby Beast. In fact, he had a way to use the Kirby Beast to defeat the Giant Pincer Mantis in front of him, but since there is a simpler way, why bother so much?

"The decision is yours, Kuruga!"

The second Pokmon sent by Xiaozhi is the second dog king Heiluga who has completed the chain evolution. It is very excited to fight side by side with Xiaozhi again.

Recently, it was mistreated by Emperor Yan, but its strength But the progress was rapid!

Seeing Xiaozhi take out Heiluga, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang's eyes suddenly lit up. For no other reason, the Steel and Bug-type Giant Claw Mantis was defeated by the Fire type!

"Heiluga, howl!"


"Player Xiaozhi sent out the fire attribute Black Luga to deal with Xiaomao's Giant Claw Mantis. Player Xiaozhi had the upper hand in this battle!"

Seeing Heiluga's attitude, Hanako was also surprised,"It turns out that Heiluga is so fierce, but he usually looks very gentle!"

Dr. Omu smiled and said,"The terrifying long howl is the characteristic of Heiluga. In the past, people thought it was a messenger from hell and were afraid of it! This Black Luca turned out to be the dog king of a small group, and was later conquered by Xiaozhi. It is a very powerful Pokémon!

Ye Yue, who also had Heiluga with him, was even more shocked,"It turns out that Xiaozhi also has Heiluga, and he is so strong!"

He looked at Xiaozhi with burning eyes,"Xiaozhi, I am looking forward to the battle with you more and more!""


I have prepared a lot of highlights for the battle with Xiaomao, so stay tuned! Please support! Please give me flowers! Please give me a reward!

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