Xiaozhi was a little hesitant to conquer this Blizzard King, but he found that although this was the final BOSS, he was a complete fool, and it took a lot of effort to train him.

But after looking at its skill structure, Xiaozhi found that he really had conquered the treasure.

The parent of this silly Blizzard King must be a grass-type Pokémon, so it has excellent grass-type endurance.

As the name suggests, the rooting skill is to take root in the earth and continuously restore its physical strength. But because it has taken root, there is no way to replace it. Once this move is used, it means that Xiaozhi will let it fight until the end, until it loses its ability to fight.

There are also growth skills and parasitic seed skills, which should be skills inherited from the grass-type Pokémon's parents.

Growth can make the body grow larger all of a sudden and improve its double attack. This guy can grow so big, I'm afraid this growth skill is indispensable.

There is also the parasitic seed skill, which is very terrifying among grass skills. It not only has a restraining and control effect, but also continuously takes away the opponent's physical strength.

With all these methods of restoring stamina, Xiaozhi finally understood how this fool could persist under the siege of Team Flare, and how he could make up for his mallet skills.

Coupled with the Aurora Curtain that can provide defense in hail weather, combined with the Freeze Fist and Wooden Hammer, it can use the three-axe tactic. Under Xiaozhi's command, it should be able to bring out its true power.

The skill structure of this Blizzard King is already very good. Xiaozhi found that there is not much to worry about. He can keep it with him for a while to familiarize himself with it, connect these skills together, and then he can send it back for training.

Seeing that Xiaozhi once again conquered a general, Serena also felt a sense of urgency.

Returning to the Pokémon Center again, Serena threw out the Pokémon Ball,"Come out, Keyring!"

There were two keys hanging on the keyring now, one of which was the discarded keyring given by Pierre. The keys are also very beautiful. The other one is the first princess key that Serena finally got.

Serena gently touched the pink head of the key ring and said,"I just want to get two more princess keys.""

Gathering up her energy, Serena took the Pokémon to the battle arena at the Pokémon Center, where Ash was training Buzzbat.

"Come out, long-tailed fox, naughty panda, and little sea lion!"She plans to let these three Pokémon perform this time.

The long-tailed fire fox has become proficient in the telekinesis skills, and it's time for the little sea lion to join in.

"Okay, first let's do water polo." Serena knew exactly what to do."Little sea lion, use the water tail! Long-tailed fire fox, strong spirit!"

The little sea lion learned the elegant water ballet from the three sisters of Hua Lan. It raised its tail high and released water. It was controlled by the long-tailed fire fox using its mental strength, and gradually formed a water ball.

"Very good, come on little sea lion!"

Salina shouted excitedly, and the little sea lion jumped into the water balloon. It started with a beautiful ballet posture!

"Very good, Naughty Panda, it’s your turn!"Salina's performance was also deeply influenced by Xiaozhi and the Gorgeous Contest, and she wanted to show the dance postures of the three Pokémon.

So, how to coordinate the dance of the little sea lion is what she has to think about.


To show the naughty panda's agility, it is natural to let it keep flying, but the naughty panda jumped up. Just in time, the long-tailed fire fox opened the water polo into a ring, allowing the naughty panda to jump over.

And the little sea lion Also in the water ring, they swiveled and danced in a gorgeous dance.

Xiaozhi on the side couldn't help but nodded when he saw the cooperation of these three Pokémon. The little buzz bat next to him also shouted excitedly, for Serena and her three sisters cheered

"Very good, naughty panda, then the sharp stone attack!"Salina knew how to use sharp stone attacks to expand her momentum.

The naughty panda landed just in time, and punched the ground while standing upside down. The stone pillars immediately rose from the ground, but it couldn't control the direction as it just fell from the air.

This popped up The stone pillar actually went towards the long-tailed fire fox, but the long-tailed fire fox was distracted by controlling the water polo in mid-air, and it was impossible to avoid it!

The little girl panicked and fell to the ground. Seeing that the sharp stone attack was about to hit, the top of her head The water ball also lost control. This is an extremely effective damage to the fire attribute!

"Long tailed fox!"Salina didn't have time to react, all she could do was exclaim.

"Pickup! Xiaozhi on the side quickly asked Pikachu and Eevee to come to the rescue. The two partner Pokémon used lightning flash and rushed over.

Pikachu smashed the spreading stone pillar with an iron tail, and Ievee used living bubbles. , and regained control of the water ball in the air.

The crisis was resolved instantly. Serena didn't have time to thank Xiaozhi, and hurriedly ran to the Long-tailed Firefox,"Long-tailed Firefox, are you okay?"

The long-tailed fire fox only fell down and was not injured. She was helped up by Serina, but she found that the branch in her hand was broken by herself when she fell. It was a bolt from the blue!

Tears immediately filled the little girl's eyes and she expressed pain. cry

"Oh no!"Salina also knew the importance of this branch to the Long-tailed Firefox. She obviously mustered up the energy to practice hard, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

She didn't know how to comfort the Long-tailed Firefox,"Long-tailed Firefox, None of us want this to happen, and Naughty Panda didn’t mean it either."

Seeing its depressed look made the naughty panda feel uncomfortable, but it was indeed his mistake that caused this situation.

It ran into the woods and looked around. After a while, it found a branch of suitable length and shape, and handed it to the long-tailed fox.

"Naughty Panda, did you run to find this?"Salina looked at the branch. This seemed to be a good idea.

However, the long-tailed firefox didn't even look at it and was unwilling to accept this new branch.

In fact, the long-tailed firefox's branches are ordinary branches with suitable shape and length. But Xiaozhi could probably understand its meaning.

He sat next to Serena and looked at the long-tailed fire fox,"Little guy, the bond is indeed the most precious thing. This branch entrusts you and Serina to become Queen Carlos' oath, right?"

Hearing this, Serena was stunned.

Just like Xiaozhi said, she now understood the reason why the long-tailed fire fox was so depressed and why he was so attached to the branch in his hand.

"Xiaozhi, is there any way you can repair this branch?"Salina asked for help. She knew that Xiaozhi had powers beyond imagination, and there were many legendary Pokémon.

For example, Celebi could make grass and trees sprout, flowers bloom, and flowers fall and bear fruit.

But Xiaozhi shook it. Shaking his head,"Are the branches that grow back still the same branches? He squatted down in front of the long-tailed fire fox and gently took the broken branch it held tightly in his hand."Little guy, the bond is very important and worth cherishing, but what is really important should be you and Sally." The bond between Na and Na is right?"


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