Ash sent out Crocodile to deal with Miss Tsubaki's Gyarados!

Speaking of which, the Crocodile and the Gyarados are really destined. When they were on the Whirlpool Islands, the Crocodile completed its evolution in a confrontation with a Gyarados.

"It's a crocodile!"Xiaoxia suddenly exclaimed, this is Xiaozhi's second water-type Yusanjia. Does Xiaozhi plan to use his own water-type team to fight against Miss Xiaochun's dragon-type team?

Miss Xiaochun's strength is worthy of Xiaozhi. Such attention!

"So, Gyarados versus Crocodile, the battle begins!"Mr. Kabu announced the start of the second game, and Xiaozhi took the lead in giving the order.

"Powerful crocodile, water cannon!"Let's say hello with water-based skills first!

Not to be outdone, Xiaochun also ordered Gyarados to fight back with water cannons. After the two water cannons collided in the sky, water sprayed all over the sky, and the battle began!

Gyarados exploded With a roar, his long tail poked out of the water, entwined with water, and swung it towards the crocodile.

Even if they are all Gyarados, their fighting methods will be different if they are bred by different trainers. This is Pokémon battles are a fascinating place.

Ms. Tsubaki is an expert on dragon Pokémon. The Gyarados she bred has a fighting style that is more like a dragon!

"Next up! Brute force!"

The muscles of the crocodile's body expanded crazily, and the violent power was awakening in its body. Facing the water tail, it showed no fear!


The astonishing momentum on the huge fish tail stopped abruptly, and the crocodile blocked the tail forcefully. came down. Then with a strong force, he actually pulled Gyarados out of the water!

After the Pokémon have completed their evolution and become very huge, the fighting style adopted by Xiaozhi when commanding has become even more wild. too much

"Gyarados, don't lose, use Tornado!"

Sure enough, it can also use dragon-type skills. The tornado instantly swept through the crocodile, forcing it to let go of Gyarados's tail! The huge body of the crocodile was brought to a height of more than one meter, and the violent tornado tore it apart. The power kept causing harm to it!

However, Xiaozhi never panicked at all,"Bite it into pieces!"

What the hell kind of tactic is this?

After hearing this order, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Miss Xiaochun behind them were all confused. In this tornado, the powerful crocodile couldn't move at all, so how could he use his crushing skills? What about meritorious deeds?

However, the powerful crocodile trapped in the tornado suddenly opened his eyes, and evil energy poured into the bloody mouth!

As a crocodile, the most reliable thing in any situation is always its terrifying power. Bite force, this is its most powerful weapon!

No brute force or water cannon is as reliable as the crushing skill!


The evil energy formed huge fangs, which even extended out of the tornado. It bit down and even tore the tornado into pieces!

"How can it be?"Xiao Chun couldn't believe this at all. And she clearly noticed that when Dali escaped from the tornado, strange streams of water appeared!

Xiao Zhi smiled softly,"Let's decide the winner! Bite into pieces!"

It's still the crushing skill!

The Crocodile jumped into the water and approached the Gyarados at a fast speed. The evil big mouth bit hard on the scales of the Gyarados!


Gyarados couldn't help shouting in pain, and Xiaochun frowned,"Gyarados, use reverse scale!"

Sure enough, it is another dragon-type skill, and it is also the reverse-scale skill that unleashes the powerful destructive power of the dragon-type. Gyarados's eyes were dyed bright red amidst the reverse scales and severe pain. The dragon shook its tail and got rid of the powerful crocodile. fangs, throwing it to the ground, and then the destructive death light was already aimed at it!

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoxia Xiaogang exclaimed, but Xiaozhi never panicked at all.

"Water cannon!"

This is the final evolutionary type exclusive to the three water-type royal families. It can be taught and learned as a super sure-kill move! Like the Destruction Death Ray, it will cause stiffness when used. The advantage is that, as a water-attributed crocodile, the use of water cannons is more powerful. It has attribute bonuses!

The Cannon Water Cannon, which was much more violent than the Water Cannon skill, shattered Gyarados's destruction and death ray and hit it hard on the head!

"Gyarados loses its ability to fight and Crocodile wins!"In this battle, even Kabu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He didn't look at Miss Xiaochun until he instinctively announced Xiaozhi's victory.

"Miss, Xiaozhi’s strength has exceeded our imagination! The bond between him and Pokémon is so deep that it allows him to do any fighting method that is beyond our imagination!"

Yes, Mr. Kabu saw it. If Xiaozhi and Pokmon didn't have a bond that was so strong that it's hard to believe, he would never be able to do this kind of battle. He trusts his Pokmon too much. And his Pokémon can also respond to his trust.

Miss Xiaochun nodded,"Xiao Zhi, your bond with Pokémon almost makes me jealous. I think you have guessed the last Pokémon!"

That's right, Ms. Chun's last Pokmon is the Huckron that just completed its evolution!

Xiaozhi also took back the exhausted Crocodile and replaced it with another Poke Ball!

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia both His eyes lit up, it was clearly a healing ball!

"The decision is yours, Gyarados!"

Crimson red like a devil coming to the world, Gyarados directly hit the opponent's battlefield from mid-air, and its huge tail fell into the pool, causing waves more than two meters high!

"Is this the Gyarados that caused trouble in Kaji Town?"Seeing this terrifying figure, Xiao Chun's pupils shrank,"What a powerful courage, how can he be so strong!"

"Hackron, be careful!"Miss Xiao Chun knew very well that in this way, she would have lost half of the battle before it started, but she subconsciously reminded Hackron!

Fortunately, Hackron's momentum did not drop at all. The blue crystal bead flashed with light, and a thundercloud suddenly enveloped the battlefield!

Hackron's ability to control the weather is really powerful!


Miss Xiaochun was the first to attack. In rainy weather, the hit rate of this lightning skill was increased to the limit, and the electric skill was extremely effective against Gyarados! The lightning falling from the sky swallowed up Gyarados, and the huge damage caused it to Roaring continuously.

However, in the lightning, no one noticed that Gyarados was also releasing golden light! The

Gyarados that was involved in evolution had the attributes of water and dragon, completely Correct its weakness to the Electric type!


The roar turned from pain to anger. Gyarados was wrapped with thunder and lightning and suddenly rushed to the side of Hackron. Its ferocious appearance seemed to swallow up a small dragon like Hackron, with a cold and bloody mouth. It bit the Harker Dragon hard!

The Harker Dragon was frozen almost instantly. The damage caused by such a skill was also terrible to it!


Xiao Chun exclaimed, but watched helplessly as Hackron was instantly killed by the demon-like Gyarados in front of him!

"Hackron loses the ability to fight and Gyarados wins, so the winner is Ash from Zhenxin Town!"


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