The next morning, Jiang Hao woke up from his sleep again.

"Sensing that the host is awake, please sign in"

"The system finally came and asked me to sign in. I have been really missing you for the past three days."

"Does the host check in?"


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the construction skill"

"Construction, what is this?"

"From now on, Suzhou will have the most powerful construction capabilities in the world. Ordinary builders can only draw drawings, but the host can directly turn the things on the drawings into reality and turn them into living things."

"So what you're saying is that when I want to get something, I just need to draw them, and then I can make them real."

"Yes host"

"Then this function is really too powerful. In this case, what you want will be available, just like Ma Liang's pen."

After Jiang Hao signed in, he finally realized why the system was upgraded. It seems that after the upgrade, the things it brings to him every time are really too powerful.

Jiang Hao got up and washed himself. Then they started busy in the kitchen again, preparing breakfast this morning.

Someone brought the freshest ingredients here early in the morning for them to enjoy.

Jiang Yue, Ye Qingxue and He Yuchen slept until ten o'clock , then slowly woke up and saw that the three of them were really tired from playing yesterday night.

Just when the four of them were sitting together to eat, they suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Hao then got up Went and opened the door

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you want to see me."

Jiang Hao just remembered at this time that he had a request yesterday. He wanted to see what kind of person the owner of this manor was, who could build such a powerful manor.

"It turns out to be the boss, come in quickly"

"Mr. Jiang, I am Xiang Chuantian, the owner of this manor."

"Boss Xiang, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful and build this manor so perfectly."

"I also did such a thing because I liked Li very much."

"What's even more rare is that in this era where interests are paramount, you can actually make a lot of sacrifices because of the ecological environment here. I really admire you for this."

"It is because of the ecological environment here that I want to buy it at all costs as my own property. Otherwise, if someone else gets it, I don’t know what will happen."

"The decision I made to my boss was really the right one. If it were me, I would make the same choice as you. However, there are not many such opportunities left."

"Does Mr. Jiang really have such a plan?"

"Of course, does Boss Xiang have any resources here?"

"To be honest, Mr. Jiang, I have been investing in this manor for so long and have not recovered its cost until now. I have never had such plans, nor have I wanted to find a joint venturer. Xiang

Chuantian looked at Jiang Hao, paused, and continued:

"I don't believe that they love the environment here as much as I do, so I'm afraid that if they cooperate with me, they will cause damage to the ecological environment here, so I have never made such a decision. Hearing this, Jiang

Hao raised his eyebrows slightly,"What Boss Xiang means is to find someone to jointly jointly develop this mountainous area.""

"I do have such a plan, which is why I told them at the front desk that if anyone wants to find me, I will come to receive them personally."

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll cooperate with Boss Xiang"

"Mr. Jiang is so happy, shouldn't he stop thinking carefully before making a decision? After all, this is not a small sum of money"

"If I can have such a beautiful project and work with people, what else should I think about? What's more, Boss Xiang is not doing these things to make money, so I also intend to help you complete this matter."

"Mr. Jiang has such courage and ambition at such a young age. It is really an honor for me to be able to work with Mr. Jiang."

"We will draw up a contract right away and then complete this matter"

"OK, may I ask what Mr. Jiang’s surname is? I still don't know what your name is? Really confused"

"Jiang Hao"

"Jiang Hao, could it be that Mr. Jiang is Jiang Hao from Xiamen City?"


"No wonder you have such pride and courage. It turns out to be the famous Mr. Jiang. It is really an honor for me to be able to work with you!"

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

Xiang Chuantian is also a very powerful character in Jiangcheng. His industry here and everything he covers are among the best in this industry. It is a lot to be able to take over such a large scenic spot. What is impossible for people to do, if they do not have a certain level of strength, it is simply impossible for them to do it._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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