"Ding, don’t worry, host. The host can easily complete the internal energy skills rewarded by the system just by practicing them once according to the instructions."

"That's not bad." After hearing the system's response, Jiang Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Then, with a slight movement of thought, Jiang Hao took out a shabby-looking book from the system warehouse.

On the cover of the book, There were three big characters"Zhenwu Jue" printed on it.

Jiang Hao immediately opened the book and started reading.

After reading for a while, the original worry in Jiang Hao's heart suddenly disappeared.

Because Jiang Hao discovered that the internal skills mentioned in this system, He only needed to read it once and he could easily understand it thoroughly.

This was much simpler than the reading comprehension questions for primary school students.

Moreover, Jiang Hao found that these exercise routes were connected to the knowledge of meridians and acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine.

Jiang Hao has previously mastered god-level medical skills and is very clear about the meridians and acupuncture points in Chinese medicine, so if he wants to practice Qigong, it will be easier.

""Not bad, not bad, it seems that the system did not lie to me." After flipping through a few pages, Jiang Hao nodded with satisfaction, temporarily returned the book to the system warehouse, and then got dressed and got up. After washing, he saw Ye Qingxue Before he woke up, Jiang Hao left the room directly and went to the villa garden. Then he took out the book"Zhenwu Jue" and started practicing according to the content recorded in the book.

Jiang Hao used to be a martial arts fan, but now he has the opportunity It was time to practice internal skills, and Jiang Hao certainly wouldn't miss it.

As the skills were running, Jiang Hao felt that there seemed to be an invisible flow of heat surging in his body, and his body also became warm.

Feeling When this happened, Jiang Hao immediately started practicing even more vigorously. He directly followed the movement routes recorded in"Zhenwu Jue" and started practicing carefully.

In half an hour, Jiang Hao had already mastered the content in this book. One-ninth.

Jiang Hao also discovered that this was the completion of the first level of"Zhenwu Jue".

When browsing the content of"Zhenwu Jue" before, Jiang Hao had already discovered that this set of internal skills and mental methods has nine levels in total. Now he had just finished the first level of practice.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hao temporarily stopped practicing and punched the lawn next to him.


The next second, Jiang Hao punched a deep pit on the ground.

"Not bad, it looks a bit like those martial arts masters in movies and TV series." Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao nodded with satisfaction and whispered in his mouth.

""Jiang Hao, why did you come out so early in the morning? It's time to have breakfast. After breakfast, I'm going to go to the beauty company again." At this moment, Ye Qingxue walked over to this side with a scolding tone..

However, after Ye Qingxue got up and washed up, she found that Jiang Hao was not at home. She asked the smart robot maid Jiang Pei and found out that Jiang Hao was in the garden, so she came too.

Jiang Hao smiled and said:" I came out to exercise and then went back to have breakfast. Ye

Qingxue glanced at Jiang Hao suspiciously and said,"Why did you suddenly think of going out to exercise?"

Jiang Hao smiled and said,"I just suddenly got interested.""

Ye Qingxue nodded and said nothing more.

Immediately, the two returned home together and started eating breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Ye Qingxue said:"I will go to the beauty company first, and you will go to other places as well. Visit several companies, otherwise no one will know that you are the boss of the company. Jiang

Hao nodded slightly and said,"Okay, I understand. Please pay attention to safety on the road.""

""Yeah, okay, I have Xuewei accompanying me, so there is no need to worry, and I also have a steel suit to protect me." Ye Qingxue nodded and smiled.

Jiang Hao smiled and said nothing more. He sent Ye Qingxue to the car, kissed Ye Qingxue on the forehead, and watched Ye Qingxue's car slowly leave.

Afterwards, Jiang Hao returned to the garden again and began to practice"Zhenwu Jue".

One When he was a child, Jiang Hao had already practiced the"True Martial Arts" to the second level.

Two hours later, Jiang Hao had practiced the"True Martial Art" to the third level.

But at this moment, the mobile phone in Jiang Hao's pocket rang..

Jiang Hao put away the"Zhenwu Jue" book and took out his mobile phone.

Looking at the name displayed on the mobile phone, Jiang Hao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and at the same time he answered the phone,"Hey, Churan, what's wrong?"

On the other end of the phone was Ye Fan's girlfriend Lin Churan.

Hearing Jiang Hao's voice, Lin Churan said with a hint of tears:"Brother Jiang, come to school quickly. Something happened to Ye Fan."."

Hearing Lin Churan's words, Jiang Hao frowned slightly. How come his brother-in-law always gets into trouble?

Thinking in his mind, Jiang Hao said:"Don't worry, I will go to your school right away. Where are you in school now?"

Lin Churan said:"We are at the training ground of the school martial arts association."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao agreed lightly and immediately hung up the phone._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel

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