He glanced at his phone and saw it was the company secretary's number.

I didn't want to answer it at first, but the secretary's phone was very persistent and kept ringing.

The chairman was angry.

He answered the phone with a gloomy face:"Xiao Liu, you know that I am in a board meeting to discuss important matters, but you still keep calling me! You'd better give me a good reason"

"Chairman! Secretary

Xiao Liu panicked and said,"That's right. Mr. Ye Xuan suddenly contacted our company just now!""


The chairman suddenly stood up from his seat:"Mr. Ye Xuan?""

"right. It’s the new owner of the building, Mr. Ye Xuan! Xiao

Liu's tone trembled slightly:"I have confirmed with the original owner. It is indeed the new owner Mr. Ye's phone number." Shall I transfer the call right away?"

"Oh oh oh! The chairman coughed and said with a smile:"Okay, okay, quick, quick, quick!""

Several directors exchanged glances.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao arrived.

The company's board of directors was discussing how to attack Ye Xuan so as to continue to maintain business. Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan took the initiative to call.

But is it a blessing or a curse

? What a disaster.

What if Ye Xuan called and just said,"Stop doing this", wouldn't the company be doomed?

The atmosphere in the board of directors was depressed and uneasy.

The call was connected.

The chairman didn't wait for Ye Xuan to speak. Stand up respectfully first.

Yes, although Ye Xuan is not here, the chairman still stood up. He said in a humble tone:"Mr. Ye Xuan, I am Tang Jun, the chairman of the property company. I will give you the International Financial Center Building specifically for you." Waiter, what are your orders?"

This is the sophistication of the chairman.

As soon as he came up, he put on a very low profile and made it clear that he was serving Ye Xuan. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. It is always right to please Ye Xuan.

"Tang Jun? Chairman? Ye

Xuan looked at the phone, glanced at the arrogant Zhang Wu opposite him, and said calmly:"Do you have a brother-in-law who is also the vice president of the company, named Zhang Wu?""

Zhang Wu, who was opposite him, was shocked!

Didn't this Ye Xuan call his company?

The company's secretary should have dismissed him easily?

How could he transfer the call to his brother-in-law, the director ? Chang Tangjun?

It must be a lie!

It must be a lie to yourself!

"Hahaha! Zhang

Wu thought he had seen through Ye Xuan's"pretending" and sneered:"Pretending?" interesting? How can my brother-in-law answer your call so casually? Haha, kidding me!"

In the board meeting, Tang Jun suddenly broke down in cold sweat.

From the tone of Ye Xuan's voice, he could already tell that mentioning Zhang Wu was probably up to no good!


Tang Jun glanced at the directors in a panic.

The directors were all talented people, and they began to look at him, the chairman, with awe.

The board of directors is also a battleground for power struggles.

Who among the directors doesn’t want to be the chairman?

Everyone knows the special relationship between Zhang Wu and Tang Jun.

A director spoke sharply and said in a deep voice:"Chairman Tang, Mr. Ye Xuan is waiting for your answer."

Tang Jun swallowed hard and said with a smile:"Yes, he is the vice president of our company, may I ask him···"

In the Summer Palace, Ye Xuan said calmly:"He is very good. You can ask himself what he did. I think if this matter does not get a result that I approve of, there is no need for your property company to continue doing it. Done!"

After saying that, Ye Xuan hung up the phone directly.

The board of directors was completely silent!

The directors all stared at Tang Jun with cannibalistic eyes.

Tang Jun was sitting on pins and needles, sweating profusely, and cursing:"Zhang Wu, what the hell did that bastard Zhang Wu do? How did he offend Mr. Ye Xuan?"

A director said coldly:"Tang Jun, I have said before, Zhang Wu That kind of villain cannot be entrusted with important responsibilities. But you relied on the power of the chairman to force a resolution and appointed him as vice president. How are you now?"

Another director stood up suddenly, with fire in his eyes:"Tang Jun! Don't blame me. I didn't warn you. If this time because Zhang Wu offends Mr. Ye Xuan, our company loses the core business of the International Financial Center! We will unite and remove you as chairman immediately! You must bear all responsibilities!" Seeing the directors Everyone wanted to eat themselves. Tang Jun could only make up his mind and said immediately:"Everyone, give me a chance. I'll call Zhang Wu, that bastard right away." In the Summer Palace, Zhang Wu looked proud and looked at Ye Xuan hanging He picked up the phone and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he and Tang Jun's brother-in-law only said one thing.

But why did he look at himself as if he were a dead person?

"Hahaha! Did you call to complain? Complain next?

Zhang Wu laughed loudly and said,"As promised, what about more than one slap?" It seems to me now that no one is asking me to slap myself?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard his cell phone suddenly ringing like crazy.

His pretense was interrupted, and he was unhappy!

He stared!

Zhang Wu picked up the cell phone and felt a slight shock!

The caller ID read:"Brother-in-law"!

I wiped it.

Zhang Wu immediately became After seeing his grandson, he carefully picked up the phone and said with an apologetic smile:"Brother-in-law?"

On the phone, there was a roaring and violent curse.

"I'll numb you! Zhang Wu, you bastard! What good things did you do outside?"

"What a good thing? Zhang

Wu, who was scolded bloody by Tang Jun, couldn't figure it out. He spread his hands and said aggrievedly:"What didn't I do?" Just walking around the Summer Palace?"

"You pig! Who did you just meet? Who was offended?"

Tang Jun was furious.

"who? No one? Zhang

Wu looked innocent:"There are really no big shots. I'm very careful.""


Tang Jun could not wait to crawl over according to the signal, cut the cheating brother-in-law into a knife, and cursed:"Did you offend a young man?"

"young people···"

Zhang Wu's heart skipped a beat!

I wipe···

Isn't Ye Xuan just a young man across from him?

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