Ye Xuan's operation caused a group of customers who thought they were wealthy, and suffered 10,000 points of critical damage in their hearts!


Isn't it?

A salesperson, a disagreement, and in a fit of anger, bought all the new houses in our favorite [Shangpin, Yichen]? Has it become his second-hand house?


Children, do you have many questions?

The arrogant and arrogant young man before had such a big mouth that he could swallow an egg!

Ye Xuan walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously:"Young man, don't waste your time, because there will always be someone younger than you! You still have the strength, so it's not your turn to waste time."···" young people:"···"


What kind of family conditions are these?

After a disagreement, they directly bought more than 700 sets of [Shangpin, Yichen]?

This community, which had just opened for business not long ago, was so directly surrounded by him?

If you are so rich, why do you need to do real estate sales?

This wave of funds alone will cost more than 30 billion!

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━!

At this time, the sales director of [Shangpin Yichen] heard about this matter···

"What? There is a customer who wants to buy our [Shangpin, Yichen], there are more than 700 units left, all the houses?"

"Can he get 35 billion?"

"What the hell~~"

The sales director’s jaw dropped in surprise!

He put down the phone, sat in his seat in a daze for three minutes, and then jumped up!

Panting, I ran over.

"Where is Mr. 35 billion Shenhao?"

The sales director ran over, but he didn't see the"shenhao" he imagined in his mind. He only saw Ye Xuan and other salesmen in uniforms. He skipped it and asked the sales lady hurriedly. The sales lady pointed at Ye Xuan:" The director, this gentleman, wants to purchase all the properties of our company and liquidate them!"

The sales director was startled!

His eyes almost bulged out!

Boss, a real boss.

He held Ye Xuan's hand, nodded and bowed 90 degrees, and said quickly:"Boss, disrespectful! Since you are so generous, I won’t beat around the bush and tell the truth. The real estate company of [Shangpin, Yichen] hopes to receive timely payment, and has specially set up preferential terms for powerful VIP customers. All customers who purchase in full will receive a 93% discount! And you, because you purchased all the properties at once and liquidated them directly, I will consider you a super platinum VVIP customer! After applying directly to the chairman, I will give you a 5% discount! You can save 1.8 billion in funds! How about it? Before Ye

Xuan could say anything, Abigail on the side was already beaming with excitement:"Wow!" master! I admire you so much. Are you very good at doing business? As soon as I sold it today, I saved 1.8 billion compared to the market price! [Shangpin, Yichen] houses are very easy to sell in the second-hand housing market. Doesn’t this mean that you will make 1.8 billion by flipping the house?"

Abigail's words made everyone around them petrified!

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━~

That's right...that's right!

Ye Xuan said calmly:"Yes, apprentice. Study hard. This is your master. At a young age, he can accumulate experience that can rival a country's wealth - a lot of money is lying there, as long as you go and get it.! What your master has is a smarter mind and stronger insight than others!"

Everyone fell into silence when they heard what Ye Xuan said.··


Is your sister smart? Is your sister insightful?

You obviously just have money!

Don’t we know that real estate developers offer the greatest discounts when purchasing in full?

Don’t we know that as long as we have money to buy this luxury house [Shangpin, Yichen], we can sell it and make money?

But do we have 35 billion yuan in funds? not at all!

So, you are not smarter than us at all?

You are obviously very wealthy and rely on capital to crush me!

Do you have the nerve to teach this blonde beauty this kind of"experience in getting rich"?

What is the use of this"experience"?

Does her family have so much money?

Who knows~~ the next second.

Abigail was thoughtful, nodded repeatedly, and said sincerely:"Well said, master! I have learned from my apprentice. In the future, when I inherit my father's tens of billions of dollars, I will also try to follow the master's tips for making a fortune. , go to hype, go to stir up trouble, you will definitely make money!"


A group of people fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching their limbs!

Ma Dan···

This blonde female apprentice really wants to inherit a family fortune worth tens of billions of dollars!

Ye Xuan’s"Tips for Getting Rich" really come in handy!

We are different, different~~ weeping in our arms!

It turns out that it’s not that people’s conditions are not enough, but that we are too poor!

Poverty limits our imagination.

Under the spotlight, with thousands of faces confused and dumbfounded, several companies under Ye Xuanrang's name paid for the house separately, totaling 33.3 billion!

In less than ten minutes, the entire 33.3 billion house payment was received and transferred to the account of the developer [Shangpin Yichen].

The developers were all shocked!

One phone call, one order.

There are more than 700 [Shangpin, Yichen] house books and house purchase contracts, which are enough to fill 4 cardboard boxes.

It was carried over by more than 20 sales ladies and boys.

The sales ladies were so tired that they were panting.··· puff!

The customers who had been waiting in line for several days to buy [Shangpin, Yichen] hugged their heads and cried... but Ye Xuan even took the pot!

Tragic ~

Ye Xuan turned around and waved to the female manager!

"Okay, manager, mission accomplished! Our store can slowly sell these 700 [Shangpin, Yichen] houses! Now in this community, I basically have a monopoly on the housing supply. I only sell 10 houses a month! Other houses are inhabited! In the first month, each house given to me will increase by 15% based on the original price! Then the price will slowly increase month by month."

The female manager was stunned and nodded dumbly.

The whole audience was shocked.···

Damn it, he is indeed a boss!

Extraordinary shot!

It's so cruel!

With more than 30 billion, he took over the famous property [Shangpin, Yichen] in one fell swoop. After monopolizing the housing supply, it immediately increased by 15%?


How cruel!

Ye Xuan continued to say calmly:"After a house is sold, there should be a 1% sales commission for me, right?"

The female manager nodded desperately:"That's right!"

Ye Xuan smiled:"Okay! Try to sell them all by myself, and I can earn back the 1% commission!"


Everyone present fell down!

Boss, if you have money, you are so willful!

Abigail was shocked:"Master, if you do this, the profits are so high!"

Ye Xuan said lightly:"Apprentice, you have learned. Yes, the master is so willful!"

The young man who had ridiculed Ye Xuan, At this moment, I was dumbfounded...

I looked down on Ye Xuan before, but now···

He was slapped in the face by Ye Xuan and forced hard.

Ye Xuan took Su Qianqian to an internet celebrity pastry shop

"I want to eat this Master Bao!"

Su Qianqian pointed to the pastry shop in front and shouted.

This pastry shop is very famous in the capital. It has been on many food programs and is considered an Internet celebrity shop. There are many people queuing up every day, even if the weather is very hot. This is the case, everyone is still enjoying it.

Ye Xuan nodded and started to line up.

The line was really long.

Fortunately, the sales were also very fast.

Seeing that there were still three people, it was Ye Xuan and Su Qianqian's turn.

Suddenly... a woman walked out of the subway as if nothing had happened and stood directly in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan:"???"

Su Qianqian:"???"


Su Qianqian was not one to let others bully her, so she shouted:"Beauty, what are you doing?

The woman turned around and said angrily:"You are waiting in line to buy something. What's wrong?"

Su Qianqian was very angry:"What queue are you in?" We are obviously lining up in front, okay? You should get in line at the back!"

Behind Ye Xuan, there were several people lining up. They were all dissatisfied with the woman's bad behavior of jumping in line and protested:"That's right, that's right! You're the last one to arrive and should queue up at the back!"

"Which of your eyes saw me jumping in line?

The woman made excuses and sneered:"Is there any evidence?" ah? I walked over directly and queued up here?"

It turns out that this is an Internet celebrity store, and everyone has to queue for a long time to buy something. The longer the queue, the less willing people are to queue. The more time saved by jumping in line, the more people will jump out and jump in line.


Su Qianqian spoke uprightly:"I'm standing right here, you can just come over and jump in line." What qualities do you have?"

"What qualities? Can you say that again!"

The woman was furious. Her face was gloomy. She pointed at Su Qianqian and was about to explode.

"Put your hands down!

Ye Xuan spoke:"Are you trying to point your finger at my girlfriend again?""

Ye Xuan's words were low-pitched, but he was not angry and intimidating, and had the intimidating aura of a superior.

The woman flinched a little.

She also felt that Ye Xuan's eyes were really not something ordinary people could have.

But···Women are not willing to give in.

If you are not allowed to jump in line, the Stars will die!

Seeing that Ye Xuan and Su Qianqian were not easy to mess with, she backed away angrily and let Ye Xuan and Su Qianqian pass by.

Ran goose.

She turned her eyes and stood behind Ye Xuan again!

If one plan fails, another plan will be made!

This is equivalent to letting Ye Xuan and Su Qianqian, who are not easy to mess with, join the team behind them.

Naturally, the people behind her were not reconciled and scolded her.

"Hello! Didn’t you say that? Let you queue up at the back!"

"Will you die if you wait in line?"

"Sister, what qualities do you have? The woman got angry when she was scolded, and turned around and cursed:"I'm talking about you straight men, Luther!" Do you know what women first mean? Do you know how to behave like a gentleman? On such a hot day, you let me, a girl, stand in the sun for so long, can you bear it?"The people queuing up behind happened to be all boys. When boys quarrel with girls, they are already at a disadvantage. They are all clumsy and clumsy. Even if they are reasonable and want to appeal, it is difficult to say one, two or three.

What's more, this woman is arrogant and very powerful. , brought up the idea of ​​giving priority to ladies and scolding straight men, which really made the boys have nothing to say, and they were so depressed...

When they heard the quarrel, more and more people were watching.

At this time, Ye Xuan turned around.

He said calmly:"Don't make any noise! be quiet! What are you yelling about?

A boy behind him said unconvinced:"Sir, you drove her behind you." Your interests are not violated. But she jumped in line and affected my purchase. It's hot today and we've all been waiting in line for so long. Should this woman jump in line?"

The people behind were also very dissatisfied with Ye Xuan and yelled one after another.

The woman was quite surprised that Ye Xuan spoke for her. She was very helpful and nodded repeatedly:"What do you Luthers know? This is a polite and reasonable person!"

She actually praised Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said seriously:"That's right! Nowadays, everyone is polite and understands the rules. What's the matter that we can't discuss carefully but have to make a fuss about? You can do it, but you don’t need BB."

The boys behind them all thought that Ye Xuan was confused by this woman's beauty, stood up and talked without pain, and stood up for the woman, so they all shook their heads.

"Okay, brother, whatever you say, that’s what it is"

"Let's not talk, okay? Let her jump in line, okay?"

But the woman was unyielding and continued to chatter endlessly, scolding the people behind her for being straight men, Lutherans, and not understanding ladies first and social rules.

Su Qianqian next to Ye Xuan also felt that Ye Xuan's attitude was a bit abnormal. He whispered:"What's wrong with you? You don't usually get used to such a giant baby?"

Ye Xuan smiled:"You will know after a moment."

It's Ye Xuan's turn.

Ye Xuan walked to the counter and said in a deep voice:"Now, how many pastries are left?"

The clerk Ma Liu replied:"There are 8 portions of the signature popsicles left. There are also other pastries, totaling 14 portions."

Ye Xuan said lightly:"I want it all!"

Behind, the domineering woman:"???"

People in line behind:"???"

Hundreds of faces were stunned!

The arrogant woman shouted angrily:"YouDid you buy them all? Do you still have a sense of public morality? Did we queue for so long?

Ye Xuan turned around and said lightly:"What?" Aren't you the most disciplined? I'm in front of you. I can buy as much as I want. Are you in charge?"

The woman was stunned!

She never imagined that Ye Xuan would make such a move!

You know, this is an Internet celebrity pastry shop, and the price is very high. It is impossible for ordinary people to buy a lot.

The woman had already calculated it, Ye Xuan No matter how she bought it, it would be her turn.

I never expected...

Ye Xuan's move was astonishing!

"Hello, the total is 1100 yuan."

The clerk said politely.

Ye Xuan paid the money calmly, turned around and took the filled cakes, and said to the people in line behind him:"How many do you want?

The boys suddenly realized it and happily counted the numbers one after another:"I want one!""

"I'll take one!"

"I'll take 2 servings!

Ye Xuan:"Give me money!" Scan code!"

After a wave of operations...

Ye Xuan sold out all the pastries in his hands, leaving only the few portions she wanted for Su Qianqian.

The unruly woman was furious and pointed at Ye Xuan:"You, you, you, Are your feelings only for me? Everyone else bought it!

Ye Xuan smiled:"Madam, we don't give priority to ladies here!" Only everyone is equal! Social rules are rules, and I hope a giant baby like you can understand them!"

After he finished speaking, he took Su Qianqian, who was nibbling internet celebrity cakes and almost laughing, and left... leaving only the woman behind, messy in the wind...

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