"President, what on earth are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Why are you so nice to me today?"

Jessica said to the president.

The president winked and said with a smile:"You don't know yet? A great thing has fallen from the sky. You are so lucky and blessed! You won’t find out until later, though."


Why are the two of them so mysterious?

Huh, just pretending to be a ghost.

Jessica went to work and ignored the people. but!

After a while, she received a huge bouquet of flowers!

999 blue enchantress flowers!

Blue Enchantress is actually a rose painted blue with gold powder in the middle.

The cost of this kind of flower is very high, one flower costs 99 outside!

These are 999 blue enchantress flowers!

Suddenly, the office area of ​​First Pacific Financial exploded!

Countless financial beauties stared at the huge blue enchantress bouquet with astonishment and envy, and all kinds of discussions started

"Who is this? So arrogant?"

"For Jessica!"

"Doesn’t Jessica have a boyfriend? I remember her boyfriend was so handsome!"

"Haha, this bouquet is not something that ordinary people can afford. At least 100,000 yuan"

"If anyone can give me 100,000 yuan and a bouquet of flowers, I will marry him immediately"

"Haha, why don’t you look in the mirror and see if you have the temperament of a mixed-race beauty like Jessica?"

(They didn't know Princess Jessica's identity, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing)

Jessica frowned.

She finally realized that things were not that simple.

She looked at the name of the person who sent the bouquet.

"Prince of Shady River?"

"What the hell is this?"

"I don't know him. Jessica shook her head to the person who sent the bouquet and said,"I'm sorry, I can't accept this bouquet of flowers." Because he is not my boyfriend, I already have a boyfriend! The person who sent the bouquet was also very embarrassed:"

Miss, do you think you can accept it temporarily?" Otherwise it will be difficult for us to do it. Before Jessica could say anything, the CEO on the side rushed in and said with a smile on his face:"Jessica, as the saying goes, if you don't reach out to hit someone with a smile, just try to hold it back.""


The director also ran in and vented his anger through one nostril:"Just treat it as a good deed and accept it. Accepting a bouquet of flowers doesn't mean anything."~~"

After he finished speaking, he enthusiastically put the bouquet in the water bottle for Jessica:"I'll put it in for you."

Jessica's face darkened:"Do you know something? Are you working together to deceive me? Um? What if? If you hide something from me and refuse to tell me, I'm going to lose my temper!"

Princess Jessica is usually gentle and has a nice smile, but once she loses her temper, it will be stormy. Welcome the strong wind!

The CEO pretended to be mysterious:"You'll find out later. Hey, he's here!"


Jessica looked at the door.

In the elevator hall, she saw a gleaming pure gold elevator rising slowly!

It was a pure gold elevator that had been specially installed in the morning!

Facing the morning sun, The pure gold elevator is sparkling and shining! It's so bright!

It's dazzling just looking at it!

Are you afraid?


The president and director walked up quickly. Their attitudes were similar to those of pugs, except that they had a tail behind their butts, which was flattering and wagging.

"Prince of Shady River!"

"prince! Fund owner dad!"

The two of them, along with many senior executives, bowed respectfully to the elevator.

Bowed to the boss!

Under the intense light, the pure gold elevator slowly opened.

First came down a team of black coffin bearers!

That's right.

It's you. The kind I saw online, a professional team of black coffin bearers.

However, they were not carrying a coffin, but a pure gold throne!

Every detail was made of pure gold and studded with various diamonds. , agate, emerald, emerald, ruby, sapphire~~ all kinds of light are shining, belingbeling.

Behind, there is a professional sound engineer, holding a big speaker.

The brainwashing divine song BMG starts to play automatically~~

Dang Dang Dang Dang~~ ( Please make up your own mind)

A young man wearing a white robe and a golden crown, sitting high on the golden throne, was carried in by a black professional team with demonic steps and a brainwashing divine song.

This The scene was exactly the same as the famous scene on Douyin!

Everyone in the office area of ​​the financial company was stunned.

"Wow! Isn't that too arrogant?"

"What is this for? Douyin online?"

"Black professional coffin-carrying team, appearing offline?"

"Oh my God, I always talk about the wealthy people in the Middle East, now I know what tyranny is!"

Jessica was confused at the time!

What is going on?

Is he a fool?

The young man was carrying the coffin, ah, it was a solid gold throne, and he walked in with a kingly momentum.

He saw Jessica stunned. With an expression of satisfaction, he snapped his fingers.

The music stopped.

The throne was put down.

Shadihe stepped off the throne and walked towards Jessica, asking for a kiss on the hand.

Jessica kicked her over and said:"Get out of here! What do you do? Shadihe was kicked by Jessica, and said with a sullen face:"My dear princess, I am Prince Shadihe, and I am your most suitable partner. I come from the great and rich Baidi Kingdom!" My wealth is at the top of the world. I am the richest person in the world! Even the rich people in the Lighthouse Country cannot compare with me."

He didn't say a few words before he started bragging about himself in business!

He looked proud!

He was awesome!

The president of First Pacific said flatteringly:"I can testify! These are all true! because···This morning, Prince Shady River has spent US$1 billion to buy all the shares of our First Pacific Company. Now, he is the sole shareholder of our company! Everyone is warmly welcome!"

First Pacific staff were collectively shocked!

"Damn it, you are so arrogant!"

"If you don't agree with each other, just buy the company directly?"

"One billion dollars? Buy the company outright?"

"Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen this way of picking up girls with money."

All kinds of flattery, all kinds of applause, all kinds of welcome.

Who doesn't love money?

Financial companies love money the most.

The rich boss is dad!

The whole audience burst into applause.

Jessica rolled her eyes.

She is as smart as She had already guessed the development of the matter.

Sure enough,

Prince Shadi River looked triumphant, waved his hands and said:"This, it's trivial! 1 billion US dollars, drizzle! It’s just my pocket money for the day! In order to pursue the goddess in my heart, my favorite princess, I can spend even 10 billion US dollars!"


Ignorant and vulgar!

Prince Shadi River thought that after a few waves of pretense, the time had come. This beautiful mixed-race princess should have been almost defeated by his own wealth. Her heart was shaken. He struck while the iron was hot, knelt down on one knee and said:"Beautiful princess, Can you feel my sincerity? In order to pursue you, I traveled thousands of miles from the distant country of Baidu. In order to pursue you, I bought your company!" He waved his hand:"From now on , this company belongs to you! You can do whatever you want! No one can stop you. Do you want to be promoted? You are now the president of the company! Do you want revenge? Those who have offended will be Fired!"

Prince Shadihe looked arrogant and overbearing.

Listening to the words of this tyrannical Middle Eastern prince, many people in First Pacific Company were trembling!

"Oh my god, this Jessica is lucky!"

"She suddenly became the boss of the company?"

"Why am I not attracted by the wealthy prince from the Middle East?"

"Jessica, I lent you 1,000 yuan last week, this is 10,000 yuan, I will give it back to you! Don't fire me."

All kinds of flattery came to Jessica.

Jessica rolled her eyes and said to Shadi He who felt good about herself:"Who told you to make your own decision and like me? Do I know you?"

"You didn’t know me before, but now you know me, don’t you?"

Shadihe was self-righteous and spread his hands and said:"Did my opening remarks leave a deep impression on you?"

"Really impressed! Jessica was not angry and said coldly:"Because I have never seen anyone stupider than you!""

The whole place was silent.

No one expected that in the face of such a tyrannical, wealthy and domineering Prince Shadihe, Jessica would speak so forcefully. She even looked disgusted!

Shadihe finally panicked.

"What? my princess? Don't you like my way of courting?"

"My impression of you is that you are vulgar, ignorant, and arrogant!"

Jessica said coldly:"I don't like you at all. Besides, I already have someone I love deeply, and I have my own boyfriend! you understood? Please take your money, your flowers, and your solid gold elevator and disappear from me immediately!"

"No no no!"

Shadihe thought that Jessica was shy and embarrassed to betray her boyfriend, so she said that. Women always say what they mean.

He said carelessly:"Isn't he just a boyfriend from Xia Guo? I know! Before I came here, I knew you had a boyfriend! But it doesn’t matter! I have plenty of money! Wouldn't it be fine if we just gave him enough money to compensate him for this kind of thing?"

Besides, the president of First Pacific also flattered:"That's it, Jessica. You should know that this kind of opportunity is really rare. Prince Shady River is one of the top ten richest people in the world according to Forbes. He is the only heir to the throne of King Baidi. The wealth he controls exceeds 200 billion US dollars! If you choose him, you will never have to worry about money in this life, the next life, and the next life."

Various voices sounded one after another

"Yes, Jessica actually gave up a Middle Eastern prince for her boyfriend? How silly!"

"If it were me, would I still have to think about it?"

"Nowadays, I don’t even want the men of Xia Kingdom for free!"

"Come on, how can a man from the Xia Kingdom compare with a Middle Eastern prince? Comparable?"

"These days, do women in Xia still believe in love? Stupid or not?"

Faced with various voices, Jessica smiled.

How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan?

How can a group of short-sighted and money-worshiping people understand the importance of true love?

She said lightly:"I don't want to explain to people like you what is Love. You don't understand even if I tell you, it's a waste of my time. I just want to tell you that my boyfriend is very good, ten thousand times better than you!"

Prince Shadi River was shocked!


Are there any girls in this world who don't love money so much?

"Can he be as handsome as me?"

Prince Shadihe spread his hands and shouted.

The Middle Eastern prince who thinks he is handsome is very wronged!

Jessica was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly threw out a photo of Ye Xuan and threw it on Shadihe's face.

Shadihe looked at it twice Eye:"··"

People around:"···"

Damn it!

This seems to be incomparable!

Although Shadihe is also a world-famous handsome guy and is even known as the most handsome guy in the Middle East, compared with Ye Xuan···

It's just a big piece of shit.

Shadihe decisively changed his mind:"Can he be as rich as me?"


The whole crowd went crazy.

This shows that

Shadihe already knows the answer to the first question!

More handsome, rush to the street!

The president also said cowardly:"That's right! These days, it doesn't matter whether he is handsome or not. No matter how handsome a man is, can he be used as food? Money is the most important thing!"

Jessica said lightly:"Rich? I think you should still follow Let's compare him to handsomeness! Because, if we compare wealth, the gap between you and him is bigger than the gap in appearance!"

The whole audience was shocked!

You can hear a pin drop!

Prince Shady River's mouth is so long that he can fit an egg in it!

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