A large group of big guys and EMBA students shouted in unison when they saw Ye Xuan

"Mr. Ye?"Lu Yuanbo, Chairman of Yuanbo Trading

"Brother Ye?"Medical device giant Jiang Haiya

"Chairman Ye?"Liu Mingcai, General Manager of SKP

"Brother Ye?"Yang Shuai, the eldest son of Beijing and chairman of the family group

"Boss Ye?"Niu Qiang, Chairman of Huasheng Financial.

A group of big guys immediately rushed up, surrounded Ye Xuan, and watched with force

"But I caught you!"

"That is, you haven’t come to work for many days! I've been keeping the vice chairman's office for you!"

"Mr. Ye, when will you come to be the chairman?"

"Chairman Ye, I happen to have something important to report to you."

Ye Xuan:"···"

Principal of Imperial Capital University:"··"

David and Dai Jun's eyes are about to fall off!

A group of proud men from the imperial capital:"···"

I wipe it! ~

The dog is blind.

What's happening here?

Why do a group of such awesome bosses feel so humble when they see this little security guard? Do you still need to ask for instructions or discuss things?

What is the condition of this little security guard? What's the origin?

At this time, a low-key luxury car, a Mercedes-Benz, arrived in front of the principal.

Several white bodyguards got out of the car and escorted out an old man.

Mr. Butterfly! turn out to be!

Today is the day when EMBA classes start.

As for the most awesome visiting professor at the Imperial University EMBA School, Mr. Butterfly!

Stock god!

The God of Investment!

He came to Imperial University and wanted to give a lecture to the professors and bosses!

There is only one class in one semester.

But his status and qualifications are that of a stable visiting professor!

The principal and the students went to the school gate just to greet Mr. Butterfield.

Bart flew out of the car and saw Ye Xuan wearing a security uniform.

Rush up with excitement immediately

"Haha, brother Ye Xuan! Did you come specially to greet me? I'm so happy!"

Bat Fei hugged Ye Xuan and tried to get close to him in various ways.

Ye Xuan looked impatient.

"Go, go, go, how can I have time to greet you? Didn't you see I'm wearing a security uniform? I'm working as a security guard in this imperial capital!"

Butt flew, his jaw dropped to the ground!


The principals, professors, students and EMBA bosses around were all confused.

David, Dai Jun, and the whole family were petrified!

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━!

They all stood stunned on the spot, unable to say anything.

This, this, this is so shocking!


The majestic Mr. Butterfield, a visiting professor at Imperial University, a celebrity who shocked the world, actually became brothers with a small security guard!

What's happening here?

And this little security guard was actually very impatient with Butterfly's attitude.

A posture of"you are bothering me again".

In the minds of David and Dai Jun, ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past.

His face turned livid instantly!

What business card kills?

What status is above others?


To be honest, David’s status is, at best, that of an ordinary EMBA student!

Not even the big guys in EMBA can compare!

But Ye Xuan could easily accept the admiration, onlookers, and requests from more than a dozen big names in EMBA.

He could even sit on an equal footing with a giant like Mr. Butterfly, chatting and laughing happily. this!

What a slap in the face!

Before Ye Xuan could speak, Zhang Chengcheng squeezed out from the crowd.

"Dai Jun, what are you doing? Do you want to bully my brother Ye again?"

She rushed to Ye Xuan with an angry face.

Ever since she heard that Ye Xuan was being harassed by David and his son, she ran over non-stop.

Like an angry kitten, she was protecting her brother.

Ye Xuan coughed:"It's okay, Cheng Cheng. they didn't do anything"


The principal is worthy of being a principal. He is an outstanding person, and he quickly reacted!

This little security guard is not an ordinary person!

Definitely not an ordinary person!

He made some inquiries, and from the mouths of Huang Guangye, Jiang Haiya, Niu Qiang and others, he probably Already know what is going on with Ye Xuan! Principal, I was shocked at that time. Damn it. This young, handsome, and more importantly, wealthy boss, Ye Xuan, is so low-key? He can obviously rely on his looks. , ah, you have a high status in our imperial capital and are a visiting professor, but you are so creative that you come to our school to work as a security guard? This

···A wave of saucy operations caught people off guard.

When the principal understood Ye Xuan's status and saw Mr. Butterfly's attitude towards Ye Xuan, his position in Ye Xuan's heart immediately improved several notches!

He knew that Mr. Butterfield was someone who would never let a rabbit out of sight.

The reason why he values ​​Ye Xuan so much is definitely not because Ye Xuan is handsome!

But~~Ye Xuan's strength can be valued by him, and he can even be on an equal footing with him!

The principal understood the situation instantly, and through Zhang Chengcheng's words, he captured what unpleasant things seemed to have happened just now.

"what happened?"

The principal looked majestically at Dai Jun, who was bowing his head and not daring to breathe.

On the side, the students talked about the outcome of the matter.

"What? The principal was furious:"

In our school, it actually happened that the freshmen looked down on the security guards and discriminated against them?"

He glared at Dai Jun majestically:"Really?""

Dai Jun was sweating like rain.

Being rich is great! I just look down on the security guard!

He usually says this very righteously, but in front of the principal and professors, does he dare to say this?

He also wants to be the student council president. When

David saw that the situation was not good, he hurriedly came out to smooth things over:"Haha, Principal Qi! I'm David. I called you before. My child is not doing well today and he wants to apologize to this little brother. Ha ha~~"

"Oh, this kid is the one you asked someone to intercede with me to make him the student council president?

The principal was reluctant and snorted coldly:"You still want to be the student council president with this kind of virtue?" is it possible? What kind of school do you think our Imperial Capital University is? Can we find such a student with bad conduct to be the president? Apologize!"

Dai Jun said wow at that time and almost cried~~

He has been planning for a long time to become the student council president. Throughout the summer vacation, he and his father were looking for connections everywhere. They asked people to find the principal of Daqi, the capital, and wanted to Became the president of the freshman student union.

This time, because of Ye Xuan, he was completely disgraced!


Where can I reason?

Under the principal's order, Dai Jun was disgraced and could only lower his head and say to Ye Xuan:"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I judged people by their cover and I was totally wrong."

Ye Xuan said lightly:"Forget it. But~"

He smiled slightly and said to the principal:"Your school really needs to choose a student president so that it can uphold discipline and establish a good school spirit."

Principal Qi understood, and immediately smiled and said to Zhang Chengcheng:"This classmate, I think she is straight and elegant, and I just checked that her entrance examination scores are among the best in the school! I think so, nominate Zhang Chengcheng to be the head of the new student union of our Imperial University!"

A group of professors immediately nodded and applauded in welcome.

"Yes, this student is good!"

"Her performance just now has been very good."

The students also highly recognized Zhang Chengcheng, who has both talent and appearance and outstanding personality.


"Hello Zhang Shou!"

"Congratulations to Chief Zhang."

Zhang Chengcheng was instantly shocked by this huge surprise.

Of course she knew that she could get the position of head of the student union, a position that every freshman dreams of, all thanks to Ye Xuan!

If Ye Xuan hadn't inadvertently revealed it in front of the principal With huge strength and status, and hinting to the principal, how could the principal directly promote himself, who has no power and no background, to the head of the freshman student union?

"Brother Ye~~"

Zhang Chengcheng felt a little embarrassed and hid behind Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled:"Didn't you hear what the principal said? You deserve this. You have to work hard. Zhang Chengcheng, the leader of the Imperial University Student Union!"

Zhang Chengcheng smiled sweetly and happily, and stood up:"Thank you principal, thank you all! I I will definitely work hard~~"

Seeing Zhang Chengcheng, with the help of Ye Xuan, a little security guard, sitting on the position of student leader he dreamed of, enjoying the glory among thousands of people, Dai Jun cried~~

He hid aside and cried secretly ~~


His mother said angrily:"What kind of shabby school is this! Son, our family's conditions are so good, we can't go to school! Let's transfer to another school! Or repeat! We can't go to this kind of school!"

David couldn't help it and cursed:"What the hell do you know? Do you know how strong they are? You have no good effect at all! My son was taught this bad by you!"

"Isn't it you?"

The couple became more and more violent as they quarreled, and started fighting.

Imperial University student:"···"

Damn it!

What a shame!

Embarrass our school in front of Boss Butterfield!

Principal Qi couldn't help it anymore and ordered Captain Wang:"Go, go, drive them out. Why are these people so low-quality?"

Captain Wang greeted Silly Zhu.

Together, the two of them kicked out David, his wife, and Dai Jun.

"Get out, get out!"

Silly Zhuyi was arrogant and said loudly:"It's really embarrassing for our imperial capital! Don't stay here any longer!"

All the anger from being bullied by rich people before came out!

At this moment, Shazhu felt that he was so handsome!

He always pinched his temperament!


"Brother Ye, will you give a lecture with me later? Let’s go have dinner together in the evening?"

Bat Fei pulled Ye Xuan and got into the car directly. He ignored no one else and left without paying any attention to Principal Qi and the professors. He left~~ gone


Principal Qi and the professors:"···"



How come Mr. Butterfly only sees a security guard named Ye Xuan?

Our treatment seems to be different, different~~

Principal Qi, professors, and students had no choice but to follow Da Ben’s butt and chase~~

They were going to the Imperial Capital Auditorium to hold the EMBA opening class, and Bart flew to the University He talks about global stock markets and investment opportunities.

Ye Xuan was able to run away in a big car, but they could only go on their legs.


Ye Xuanyi complained sternly to Big Butterfly:"Next time, don't expose my identity again! Do you hear me? Otherwise I will never be able to do my job! My work will be affected!"

Big Butterfly was He was trained like a son and could only nod.

Wry smile·

Feeling aggrieved!

At my age, I don’t really understand you young people!

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