"Oh shit!"

Hansen gasped, veins popping up on his forehead!

He was so angry.

Lu Chichi, when did you become so shrewd?

I have been crushed by Lu Chichi in terms of IQ!

Even I ignored him Many of the details that were left out have been kicked out by Lu Chichi.

In the class group, the personality has completely collapsed!

How can you keep your head up and be a good person after being ruined again and again?

"no! I can't give up!"

Hansen's eyes were red, like red bulls.

"Character! What should I do with my next persona?"

"I'm going to make a killing move!"


Hansen dug out"360 Tips for Pretending to Seduce Girls on WeChat" and found out the latest character!

The name of this character is~~

【Equipped with girlfriend character! ]

Or called [play hard to get]!

The core of this trick is~~

Originally, you are single!

Yes, it hurts, right?

However, singles should pretend that they have a girlfriend!

In this way, the goddess who wants to attract attention may originally be dismissive of herself, but seeing that she suddenly became single and found a girlfriend may actually arouse the goddess's curiosity and competitiveness!

Women are all jealous animals.

The more goddess she is, the more competitive she is.

The more affectionate you show to your girlfriend, the more jealous she may be.

In this way, maybe it will have the magical effect of turning decay into magic and reversing the situation.

The key to this is that singles must pretend to have a girlfriend!

Hansen smiled coldly.

Is it a problem for someone who pretends to be a girlfriend to him who pretends to be cool? of course not!

He took a deep breath.

It's time to take risks!

Let’s have a killing blow!

He changed his vest number again.

One day passed.

Hansen posted a message on Moments

"A weekend with someone."

In the photo, there are two cups of coffee that is very popular on the Internet - Jeff Coffee, which was just opened in Xidan Lafayette. It is said that it is difficult to queue up in this coffee shop, and it takes a long time. Even if you are not an avid couple, you will not go.

A big cup Yes, a medium cup.

Just such a simple photo, put it up, creates a"misunderstanding""——Not only does he have a girlfriend, but he is also very affectionate.

Create the illusion that"he is dating his girlfriend over the weekend."

Of course, since the queue for these two cups of coffee really took a long time, Hansen was impatient to wait in line for so long, so he found a photo from the website and posted it on Moments.

He looked carefully for a long time and found nothing unusual.

Then, show off.

A group of licking dogs started to appear again!

"Brother Hansen, are you giving out candy?"

"Unexpectedly, Hansen would be single so soon?"

"Damn it, Brother Hansen, are you going to make me full with this wave of dog food?"

"Hansen, a winner in life, makes me jealous. Of course, the girls in the class expressed their dissatisfaction with Hansen's confusing behavior of"immediately forwarding the sugar dog after the love affair collapsed"

"Haha, scumbag!"

"Last week, who was posting on WeChat Moments, saying that they were in love with each other? And cook for a certain goddess? Also @ others?"

"After being directly exposed by Goddess Lu, he became angry and became a scumbag?"

"Send sugar directly? How long have you been talking for? Are you still pursuing Lu Chichi? Do you want Bilian?"

As for the girls' angry rebuke, Hansen couldn't care anymore. He

's so angry at pretending to be cool!

If he doesn't let him pretend to be cool and take revenge on Lu Chichi, he will definitely die.

This time, Hansen won't @Lu Chichi. Chichi. Lu

Chichi exposed his circle of friends again and again before, which made him completely angry.

He directly launched the licking dogs to stimulate Lu Chichi and provoke him.

Licking Dog A:"Goddess Lu! Just asking do you regret it?"

Licking Dog B:"Goddess Lu, if you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Licking Dog C:"I gave you countless opportunities before, but you missed them perfectly!"

Lu Chichi was very angry after being licked by Hansen.

"Who are these people? These people are so annoying!"

Lu Chichi was ashamed and angry.

Ye Xuan snorted coldly.

This time, thanks to him always being by Lu Chichi's side.

If Lu Chichi faced that scheming boy Hansen, he would definitely be tricked, or at least suffer a loss. , was tricked by Hansen and couldn’t argue.

However, Hansen’s so-called tricks were all laughable in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan carefully looked at the photo of"two cups of coffee" for a long time, picked up his phone, and quickly replied

"2018/07/25? Internet celebrity coffee has such a long shelf life? You and your girlfriend were still drinking coffee two years ago?"

The class group was silent for a while, then burst into laughter again!

"Goddess Lu never lets me down!"

"This line of small characters is really small, but after enlarging it, you can still see it clearly if you look closely!"

"Hansen is still awesome! I still drink the same coffee I had 2 years ago!"

"Hansen is so cool that he even scares himself!"

"I suddenly had a bold idea - Hansen, you are not single, are you?"

"Hansen said, Wrong! I have been solo for more than 20 years!"




Please don't be so smart, okay?

Don’t I want to save face?

You are so awesome, you exposed my pretense one by one~~

My character has completely collapsed.


He was not convinced and directly sent a picture to the class group!

This time, he is no longer secretive!

He wants to be positive and tough!

"This is my girlfriend! Just look at it with envy, hum! What kind of vulgar fan dares to compete with my girlfriend?"

Hansen was so angry that he no longer cared about his character.

He simply made his words clear.

In this picture~~ there is a pair of long, white legs, wearing high heels!

It makes people daydream.

At first glance, they are white. Rich and beautiful.

The licking dogs started to praise it one after another.

"This, Brother Hansen! You accidentally exposed your strength"

"Isn't it so beautiful? Isn't it good for Brother Hansen to covet us so unscrupulously?"

"It’s so beautiful that it’s a foul. It’s totally unreasonable."

"I'm sore with lemons! I'm sore."

The girls were very disdainful of Hansen, who was previously"affectionate" and then turned into a scumbag who showed off his party after being rejected, and cursed him in all kinds of ways.

But no matter how he was scolded, Hansen was very arrogant and arrogant. Infinite.


You ugly girls, no matter what you say, it’s useless.

I have a girlfriend!

Such a beautiful girlfriend!

What can you do?

The girls in the class all cast their expectant eyes on... luchichi

"Chichi, teach him a lesson!"

"Yes, you are so smart and have a high IQ, deal with him!"

"Hansen, I misjudged you, you scumbag!"

"Big pig hoof, suffer death!"

Ye Xuan chuckled, picked up the phone, and entered a wave of

"Your girlfriend, looks nice?

Hansen sneered and replied:"Thank you!" He must be a little bit stronger than you. Hansen became so angry that he couldn't eat the grapes and began to damage the road.

Ye Xuan laughed and replied:"There is just one shortcoming.""


Ye Xuan entered:"Enlarge the picture 100 times so that you can see clearly. There is an air inlet on your girlfriend's heel. Your girlfriend has a little air leakage!"

Hansen Falls sweat!



Licking dogs:"··"


They enlarged the pictures one after another.

In the picture~~ it’s true!

There is indeed a very hidden air hole on the heel of Hansen’s"girlfriend"!

This girlfriend is actually an inflatable!


A group of classmates all burst out laughing

"Hansen, you are awesome!"

"Inflatable girlfriend?"

"A wave of operations is as fierce as a tiger, and the monthly salary is 2,500?"

"This girlfriend is really nice. I just want to ask, where did you buy it? I want the same style!"

Hansen, you fainted in the bathroom crying!


Lu Chichi, why is your IQ so high?

I just want to ask you, why are you so powerful?

No matter what posture I pretend to be, you have discovered it!

Hansen : Cry! o(╥﹏╥)o!

Pretending to be cool was a complete failure.

Lu Chichi was already laughing so hard.


"Ye Xuan, why are you so intelligent? Why does Hansen die tragically under your words every time he shows off?"

Lu Chichi admired Ye Xuan to the core.

Ye Xuan smiled.

In the group, Hansen became angry and cursed

"Lu Chichi, just wait for me!"

"Aren't you just an ordinary employee?"

"I'm a fund manager now!"

"I can make hundreds of thousands a year!"

Hansen cursed without restraint, and Ye Xuan's face turned cold.

This arrogant pretender.

How could Ye Xuan sit back and watch him curse his girlfriend?

Ye Xuan called Jindun Security:"Check this Hansen.

Ten minutes later, Jindun Security Company replied:"It's been checked." The information has been transferred to your mobile phone."

Ye Xuan looked at his cell phone.

Hansen's information was clear in his mind.

He was indeed from a financial company.

It happened to be the financial company of Zhou Lingling and Xie Yingying.

Ye Xuan called the chairman of that company. Send the screenshot of Hansen showing off.

"Mr. Ye Xuanye? Screenshot received! I never imagined that there are such morally corrupt employees in my company who show off every day!

The chairman was very angry and said angrily:"That's outrageous!" You can do so many tricks and tricks to your high school classmates, how can you be loyal to the company? I have great doubts about his quality! Fired!"

Hansen was in the group of classmates, talking nonstop and showing off.

Suddenly his phone rang.

When he saw it, it was the company's human resources director.

His liver trembled!

He was trembling with fear.

It was so scary.

He could only answer it with a flattering look on his face. :"Mr. Wang, what's wrong? Director Wang said expressionlessly:"I just received an order from the chairman, asking me to convey it to you - you are fired!" Go to the company tomorrow and go through the resignation procedures!"


Hansen was shocked and frightened, saying,"What's wrong with me?" What did you do wrong? Where did you offend the chairman?"

"I don't know about this, but the chairman said that you harassed a female high school classmate in your high school classmate group, showing moral corruption, which is very inconsistent with our company's moral values!"

"A certain big shot that the chairman knew told the chairman. Of course, the big guys at this level are out of your reach. You have no way of knowing who it is?"

"You, go through the procedures quickly. Get lost!"

Director Wang hung up the phone directly.




Pretend to be cool, pretend to be unemployed!

Pretend to be cool, pretend to have nothing!

—————————— ps: 8 more completed.

Today I went to remove the gauze for a review and clean the wound, and then the doctor scolded me because the wound was cracked.

Let me stop moving my thumb and index finger.

I was thinking in my heart: Humph, how can I, a great literary figure of a generation, live up to my parents, book lovers, and readers? (Afraid of losing subscription, miserable~~)

Chapter 8 today is a tribute!!!

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