Ye Xuan received a call from Uncle Yang Shuai.

Uncle Yang Shuai respectfully apologized to Ye Xuan~~!

That's right, it's an apology.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, it was our negligence in discipline that made Yang Shuai lawless and even offended you.~~~"

Ye Xuan said lightly:"It's nothing to offend me. It's just that he tried to go to the brothel to deal with a girl, and then I met him.""


On the other end of the phone, Uncle Yang Shuai sweated fiercely, and he was even more angry at Yang Shuai.

Damn it, kid, you lied to me!

"His dad and I have already broken his legs!"Uncle Yang Shuai said respectfully:"This time, our Yang family is really sorry for you! The Yang family owes you a big favor! I also implore you to spare him once~~"

"All right."

Ye Xuan smiled faintly:"For now, that's it."

"Yang Shuai will never trouble you again in the future."

Uncle Yang Shuai said respectfully:"Wherever my Yang family is useful, we will never frown if you say a word."

On the other end of the phone, Yang Shuai's screams and begging for mercy came from

"Mr. Ye, Boss Ye! Every mistake is my fault. Please spare my life! I, Yang Shuai, will never have the slightest intention to deal with you again."

"Forget it, let's spare his life this time."

Ye Xuan ordered


Uncle Yang Shuai breathed a sigh of relief:"Everyone in my Yang family is grateful. If there is any need for my Yang family in the future, please feel free to ask."

The phone hung up.

Ye Xuan knew that Yang Shuai should have completely stopped.

After provoking him once, his legs were broken, and the younger brothers were all disgraced. He should not dare to come again.

The Yang family owed him an adult. Love.


Should Yang Shuai's evidence be sent to Yao Xuan?

Ye Xuan smiled.

Ye Xuan did not forget the disdain in Yao Xuan's eyes before she left.

What would her expression be like if she knew that she had easily defeated Yang Shuai, whom she wanted to take revenge on but was still unable to do so?

Ye Xuan thought for a while, but still didn't send the video to Yao Xuan.

Find an opportunity to tease the arrogant star Yao Xuan. Who told her to look down on herself as a Didi driver?

Wanting to be responsible for her, everyone would say,"You are a Didi driver, how can you be responsible for me?"

Ye Xuan: I'm looking forward to Yao Xuan's expression!


Finished after two hours of rest!

Ye Xuan drove Zhongtai out to pick up Didi again.

At this time, a well-dressed male passenger wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a girlfriend got on Ye Xuan's Didi together.

Ye Xuan drove in the front, and the two of them chatted in the back.

When driving Didi, the male passenger probably thought that Ye Xuan, a Didi driver, would not reveal any secrets, so he started bragging to his girlfriend whom he had just met not long ago.

"You always say that you are very rich and rich, but what do you do?"

Girlfriend coquettishly

"Haha, I am the executive of Liyuan Restaurant on Jinbao Street, responsible for purchasing!"

The man smiled casually.

Inadvertent pretense is the most fatal!

Ye Xuan, who was driving, had a surprised look on his face:"??"

Liyuan Restaurant?

Isn’t it a restaurant under my Liyuan Restaurant Group?

The world is so small.

His girlfriend asked curiously:"I don't understand very well. A restaurant purchase? Doesn't it mean there is no future? Doesn't it sound like it is very powerful and profitable?"

When the man heard this, his girlfriend despised him?

How can that work?

Start showing off!

"No no, you don’t understand!"

"Purchasing may not sound fancy, but it’s actually very lucrative! The man was extremely proud and began to brag:"Although there are many gold-collar workers and high wages at work, compared to me, they are all a bunch of poor people!" I can crush them no matter what I do!"

"Don't believe it. My girlfriend was also a scheming bitch, deliberately using aggressive tactics, shaking her head to express disbelief:"I don't study well, so you are lying to me.""

"cut! When the man heard this, he became anxious and said impatiently:"My brother-in-law is the sixth shareholder of Liyuan Catering Group!" He is a senior executive of the group. That’s why I can sit in such a lucrative position and earn a lot every month"

"How much is a lot?"

The scheming girl started to play tricks again, testing


The man sneered:"Say it and I'll scare you to death! I can earn 1 million every month!"


The scheming girl exclaimed, with a face of admiration and eyes shining:"One million! You are awesome!"


"Ha ha! The man's vanity was finally satisfied, and he said proudly:"This is a normal operation for me.""

"But I still don’t believe it."The scheming girl could tell that this guy was a coward and loved to show off, so she simply seduced him and continued to talk, pretending to be more coquettish about herself so that she could take the opportunity to get more information from him, and even handles, so as to gain benefits in the future:"What are you doing? Can you earn that much? No store manager can make that much money"

"Haha, I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. The man shook his head, sneered, and said pretentiously:"I'll tell you a routine. When I purchase, I follow the group's regulations and buy the best ingredients!" Very expensive!"

"oh? This is good."

The scheming girl nodded fiercely.

"For example, when I sell sea cucumbers, I always purchase the freshest Liao cucumbers, which cost more than 5,000 per kilogram.

The man said proudly:"I will buy the best ones, even the most expensive ones in the world.""

"So how do you make money?"

"I buy good stuff first and then sell it. Then use those very ordinary defective goods to fill in the goods and pass them off as good ones. The man couldn't help but laugh and said:"The highest-grade Liao ginseng costs 5,000 yuan per kilogram, but the average Liao ginseng purchased online only costs a few hundred yuan." The price difference here goes into my pocket. Do you think I can't make a fortune? My girlfriend was very envious and said with stars in her eyes:"Oh, so you are so oily?" No wonder you can make millions in a month!"

"Hehe, I still have many tricks up my sleeve."

The man was so pretentious that he glanced proudly at Ye Xuan who was driving in front of him, and suddenly felt a little displeased!

Because Ye Xuan was so handsome.

So handsome that the girlfriend he always wanted to get couldn't help but look at Ye Xuan often!

MMP in the hearts of men!


Humph, why is my girlfriend just looking at this Didi driver?

How could someone who broke Didi deserve to be compared with me?

No matter how handsome you are, is it useful if you have no money?

He was feeling unhappy and was about to make Ye Xuan feel bad. He deliberately pointed at Ye Xuan and said,"Brother, how much can you earn by opening Didi in a month?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while:"It's not much money, maybe a few thousand yuan.""

"Ha ha! The man raised his eyebrows proudly at his girlfriend:"With all the effort I've put into what I just said, my embezzlement income will be thousands more!" Look, what’s the use of being so handsome? My girlfriend looked envious:"

Of course you are awesome!" You are the most powerful man. whee~~"

Ye Xuan saw the man pretending to be crazy about him, but he remained calm and just smiled.

Just then, a phone call came.

The man lowered his head to check his phone, but found that it belonged to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was driving and it was inconvenient to answer the phone directly, so he clicked on the call. The audio in his car is connected to the Bluetooth of his mobile phone and can be played directly in the car.

"Hello? Which one?"

"Hello Mr. Ye!"

An enthusiastic voice sounded:"I am Du Meng, director of the Board of Directors Office of Liyuan Restaurant Group. I am honored to inform you that the 30th anniversary of Liyuan Restaurant will be held in one week later, on November 20, at the Liyuan Hotel in the Imperial Capital. , you are the third largest shareholder of our group, and the board of directors of the group sincerely invites you to participate."

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became awkward.

My girlfriend's eyes widened in surprise~~

Especially the man Wang Wenbo, his eyes were dull!

How could it be possible?

He was crazily showing off how he took advantage of his position to"embezzle" Liyuan Restaurant's public funds for purchasing. Making millions a month, and just to show off in front of his girlfriend, he wildly mocked his Didi driver. As a result~~~

Didi driver is actually the third largest shareholder of Liyuan Catering Group?

Is he more powerful than his brother-in-law?

The atmosphere in the car was very embarrassing for a while!

The girlfriend even covered her mouth and looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan hurriedly said to the phone:"I'm driving now. I'll call you later."

Then, Ye Xuan turned around and raised his head and said haha:"Hahaha, he is a friend of mine. He likes to joke and has a great sense of humor. He They always make such inexplicable prank calls to me to make me happy and scare passengers. They are all fake, fake. How can I be a shareholder of Liyuan Restaurant when I drive Zotye?"

"Haha, hahaha!"

After Ye Xuan explained this, the men and women in the back seat were instantly relieved.

The man Wang Wenbo breathed a sigh of relief, laughed and said:"I said so! How could such a coincidence happen? Haha, besides, if you are really one of the major shareholders of Liyuan Catering Group, why do you need to open Didi?"


The female passenger also breathed a sigh of relief and thought it made sense.

She still glanced at Ye Xuan twice.In the heart.

The female passenger was so impressed by Ye Xuan.

No way, handsome, he can do whatever he wants



A week later, at 8 pm, the 30th anniversary celebration of Liyuan Catering Group was held at the Royal Capital Liyuan Hotel.

Countless beauties and dignitaries gathered here.

Ye Xuan drove Cullinan and parked at the hotel.

He came by invitation, so Du Meng, director of the Liyuan Catering Group's board of directors' office, must warmly invite him and say that the chairman must pay him a visit.

Ye Xuan had no choice but to come.

This doesn't fit in with my low-key life style, but I was pushed so hard that I couldn't help it.

With our strength, it is very difficult to keep a low profile. well!

Ye Xuan parked the car, but saw another car parked aside.

In the car, a well-dressed man got out first.

When the man saw Ye Xuan, he had a warm look on his face, walked up to him with a vigorous step, and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Ye Xuan? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!"

The man was very polite. He held Ye Xuan's hand and shook it vigorously.

"you are?"

Ye Xuan is a little confused.

He has too many companies and industries. He doesn't pay much attention to Liyuan Catering Group and knows very few people. If he hadn't been urged by Du Meng, he wouldn't have come to participate in this 30-year meeting. Anniversary celebration

"To introduce myself, my name is Zhang Xiaodong, and I am the second shareholder of Liyuan Catering Group. Zhang

Xiaodong said enthusiastically:"I am a South Asian Chinese. About 15 years ago, after meeting the chairman, I invested in Liyuan Catering Group. I just found out recently that you have become the third largest shareholder. I'm so young and promising, I'm so lucky to meet you."

Zhang Xiaodong shook hands vigorously, and Ye Xuan also extended his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person. He smiled and considered it acquaintance.

The two walked together and chatted all the way.

At this time, the passenger who brought his girlfriend to show off a week ago, Wang Wenbo, was talking to his brother-in-law and Li Zhang Guiming, the vice president of Yuan Catering Group, was chatting.

Both of them were well-dressed, standing in the center of the celebration reception, chatting and laughing. Many people gathered around, praising Zhang Guiming.

Wang Wenbo tried his best to please his brother-in-law, chatting here and there, and suddenly remembered that he was there a week ago What happened in Ye Xuan's car was decided to be a joke and told to his brother-in-law to make him happy.

"Brother-in-law, let me tell you something very funny."

Wang Wenbo chuckled and told him about his encounter with Ye Xuan on Didi.

Of course, he must have concealed the fact that he was bragging to his girlfriend that he could embezzle more than 1 million yuan a month. He only talked about doing it on Didi While driving, the driver actually received a call, saying that he was invited to attend the 30th anniversary celebration of Liyuan Catering Group. There was someone there, saying that Du Meng personally invited him.

Zhang Guiming couldn't stop laughing!

"What? Didi driver actually received an invitation? Want to come to our celebration? Or the third largest shareholder?"

"Damn it, I was amused by you!"

Zhang Guiming spilled the wine in his hand with laughter.

The people surrounding him also burst into laughter with him.

Zhang Guiming laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight:"Oh, you've made me laugh to death! These low-level people like to show off. This Didi driver’s pretentiousness is quite similar.···As far as I know, the director of our board of directors’ office is really named Du Meng. hehe~~"

Smiling, Zhang Guiming's smile gradually solidified.~~

"Well, this Didi driver, let’s pretend to be cool, but how does he know the name of our office director?"

The smile on Wang Wenbo's face gradually stiffened~~

Yes, it's not difficult to pretend, but it's a bit difficult to pretend to be so similar.

The smiles of the people around him also gradually disappeared~~

At this moment... a handsome boy, from two people Flashed in front of me~~~

Ye Xuan!

Next to him is Zhang Xiaodong, the second shareholder

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