"No need to go to the gate, just stop in front. Chu

Yanran pointed:"The security will not let the Didi car enter.""

Sure enough, there was a security guard in front of him waving his hand to signal Ye Xuan to stop.

"OK, here we are."

Ye Xuan stopped the car steadily.

This is a trail leading to the villa project, which is still some distance from the gate.

There are not many people around.

This project is in Xishan. The community must be very good, but the surrounding area is remote.

Chu Yanran left After getting off the car, I took out my mobile phone and wanted to pay Ye Xuan.~~~

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Ye Xuan saw a motorcycle approaching at an astonishing high speed!


Ye Xuan, with quick hands and quick eyes, grabbed Chu Yanran and pulled her into his arms!

Chu Yanran's small bag, wallet and mobile phone all fell to the ground.

The motorcyclist was a habitual criminal. With one slide, he had a handful of With a dagger, they picked up Chu Yanran's small bag, filled up the gas and ran away!

The security guards in the community were stunned!

When they realized what they were doing, they rushed out angrily, shouting and yelling to catch the snitch.

This Xishan Hetai Although the yard is located in a remote area, there are many security guards in the community, and there has never been a similar case of speeding up and snatching bags!


Chu Yanran was very frightened because of the sudden incident. In Ye Xuan's arms, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears and she was trembling with fear.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Ye Xuan looked calm and rubbed her head.

She was so anxious that tears came out:"It doesn't matter what money is in my bag, but the mobile phone is in it, and there are many contact information of international masters. I don’t have a backup!"

"Okay, you wait!"

Ye Xuan smiled and started the car!

"Let's chase!"

Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, and she said in disbelief:"Chasing?

The security captain on the side shook his head anxiously:"No!" I just took a look, and that man seems to be a wanted criminal across provinces. He is extremely vicious. He once knocked down 5 or 6 security guards and robbed a gold store. The police station is on the hunt for him online! He also has a knife! We security guards are no match! Even if you catch up, you will definitely not be able to defeat him."

Ye Xuan smiled~~

He said lightly to Chu Yanran:"Do you believe me?"

Chu Yanran bit her lower lip and couldn't help but nodded.


Ye Xuan was about to drive away.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yanran got into the passenger seat with a quick step.

"I am coming too!"

"What are you going to do?"

"snort! One more person, more power!"

Chu Yanran said seriously.

He didn't refuse. The two of them got on the car and the car sped after them!

It was so fast!

Although Ye Xuan drove a car worth 200,000 yuan, his driving skills were very good. No matter how fast the motorcycle was, he could catch up quickly. Got it~~~

"Great! Come on!"

Chu Yanran was excited at the side, waving her little fists

"Oh shit!"

The speeding car robber cursed loudly when he saw the Didi car actually chasing him.

However, he was a habitual speeding car robber and had been in any kind of pursuit. He didn't take the Didi car seriously at all.

"Eat my dirt!"

He was racing!

Ye Xuan was relaxed and natural, driving to catch up.~~~

Easily caught up!

Ye Xuan rolled down the window and shouted to the speeding thief:"You should hurry up!"

The speeding thief was so angry that he vomited blood!

Your sister, do you look down on me?

He put the pedal to the metal!

Boom boom boom!

Speeding and running!


On the mountain road of Xishan, a car and a motorcycle were running side by side, chasing each other.

This scene is simply more exciting than Fast and Furious! Even more awesome than GTO!

Ye Xuan urged the speedster all the way

"Can you still have fun?"

"You should hurry up!"

The speeding thief is so depressed that he wants to vomit blood!

Damn it, no matter how fast his motorcycle is on the highway, he can't really compete with the car?

At this time, Ye Xuan is completely teasing the robber.

He is not in a hurry at all. Arrests

"The bumper cars are here!"

Ye Xuan drove his car and suddenly hit the speeding thief!

The motorcycle staggered and almost fell into the forest nearby!


The snitch broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect Ye Xuan's driving skills to be so impressive, so he cursed:"Are you actually competing with me, the Qiu Ming Mountain Car God?"

Chu Yanran was greatly relieved.

She was almost knocked down by this speeding car thief just now!

Money comes second. If she was really hit, she would not die or be disabled.

Thinking about it, Chu Yanran was scared.

Ye Xuan, it's really good. Brave!

Fight against the gangsters! It’s so refreshing!

Chu Yanran excitedly waved her little fists to cheer up Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan didn’t answer and hit him again!

The best way is to knock over this"Qiu Ming Mountain Car God"!

But the speedster can get away with it, but it’s not because he has no ability.

"Damn it, I can’t do it without a trick!"

He spotted a fork in the road, a rugged road that a car couldn't pass. He turned a corner!

The motorcycle went straight up the mountain road and ran away!


Chu Yanran was very depressed:"The snitch ran away! He also has the mountain pass trick, and we can't catch up."

This beautiful musician is about to cry.

Ye Xuan said lightly:"This is not necessarily the case."

From a high place, I could hear the snitch riding a motorcycle and running to a big rock on the road. He looked down at Ye Xuan and laughed wildly:

"You're the only one who drives Didi, a dog is like a mouse, so you're nosy! Now if you have the ability, come up and arrest me! Ye

Xuan said calmly:"Don't be so arrogant. Believe it or not, just one phone call from me will leave you with nowhere to cry?""

"A phone call from you?"

"Hahaha! The snitch also relied on his skill to be bold and laughed wildly on the cliff:"I want to see more. How can you deal with me with just a phone call?""

"Even the police can't get in on this mountainous road!"

"Who can do anything to me?"

Chu Yanran pouted and stamped her feet angrily when she saw how crazy he was.

Isn't this snitch too lawless?

Ye Xuan sighed:"It's true that I drive Didi, but why do you have to rob my passengers?"

"It is the responsibility of our Didi drivers to wholeheartedly provide safe travel for passengers!"

Ye Xuan said seriously and sincerely.

Chu Yanran was speechless:"···"

At this critical moment, why are you still reciting the company's creed?

"Travel safely? Ha ha! You are really a good Didi driver!

The snitch laughed wildly:"Are you going to bite me?""

Ye Xuan took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said a few words.

Chu Yanran was so anxious that he didn't pay attention.

It only took a few minutes.

Only a loud sound was heard in the air.


The deafening roar of the motor!

An armed helicopter appears in the sky··· military helicopter!

It also carries five powerful bodyguards who are fully armed!

Come straight here!

The snitch turned green on the spot!!

Ye Xuan curled his lips

"My helicopter is coming, tease the robbers for action...continue!!"

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